Sunday, October 12, 2008

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Seiten

humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God

In 69th anniversary of the grant aid fraternal by Stalin turned to Hitler, head of the Catholic Church with a request to consider certain issues.

Letter to Pope Benedict XVI has been sent to two addresses directly to the Roman Curia and the metropolitan archbishop of Warsaw. Letter and consigned to the Vatican (along with the Pope addressed postcard with the image rtm.Witolda Pilecki) was accompanied by a letter to Archbishop Angelo Amato - prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and Blessed. Letter to the Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz, have lived to see the answers. A separate letter also sent the hands of Archbishop Jozef Michalik, chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference.

Here are the details:

Letter to Pope Benedict XVI:

Letter to the Archbishop of Warsaw:

Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz Answer:

Until I spoke Rome, causa non est finite.

those who join the faith of the late Witold Pilecki, must not lose hope, that even in this world, not the last word will belong to the enemy Captain. There will be a member to his assassins and their bosses. It will not belong to those who figure of Captain effectively erased from public awareness. It will not belong to those who do not accept the truth about his biography, the forgery attempt.

must be emphasized that whether the struggle for the memory of Captain truth will triumph, not only depends on the Church, which for Witold Pilecki was a mother. Therefore, the difficulties of proof mentioned by summoned by HE Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz lawyers - canonists, should not distract our attention from the merits of the case. Formal identify the hero of holiness by the Church, although extremely valuable, is not a priority.

For us - the participants of the "recall of Captain, and this regardless of whether you believe, regardless of whether we believe in the way in which he believed himself Witold Pilecki, and so it remains a model. His holiness - zadekretowanej or not - because its actions. Left by Captain heritage - witness the virtues of war, humility, charity, and sacrifice family life for the common good, should inspire our conscience.

Everyone - agnostic or believers - may be involved in this awakening of conscience. Everyone, as I wrote many times (see previous text), can do just the smallest gesture. Everyone can help to ensure that that the Messenger of God - a man of flesh and blood, was excavated from the universal oblivion. To truly entered the modern consciousness.

not only a billion three hundred million Catholics.

before the forthcoming celebrations of All Saints and All Souls' Day I encourage you to read favorite book Captain:
"The Imitation of Christ"


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Restaurant In Dallas Where They Cut Off Your Tie

remember to remember about Captain Captain

.. not just in the European Parliament, in Krakow, at the college, at school ..

beginning of September resulted in important events. We found out who specifically Polish MEPs wished to accept the invitation to share "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"). On 1 September this year, thanks to an Mrs Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, the project on May 25 as the Day of Struggle Against Totalitarianism Heroes was on the agenda of the session European Parliament's plenary . In this situation, unless you have the hope of EU holidays on the calendar does not run out of space not only for the victims of totalitarianism, but also to the valiant defenders of our world. All those who fought in the twentieth century for our freedom and yours pay high, often the highest price.

early October a good time to the "Captain reminder" once again to encourage professors and students. Proceeding from this assumption in the first half of September cards with the image of Witold Pilecki, and an invitation to participate in the action I sent to the presidents and commanders of more than seventy colleges across the country. Earlier (ie in July and August) received a postcard bearing the name of the school principals ś.p.Rotmistrza.

Recalling the principal objectives of our initiative - 1) dissemination of the "Report Witold", 1945, 2) lobbying on superproduction tale fate "Volunteer to Auschwitz", 3) establish a May 25 public holidays in the European Union - Heroes Day Struggle Against Totalitarianism - have said that a member of the "recall of Captain" could be anyone. Just simply read - in Polish or English - "Report Witold" of 1945, and at least portions this document, and then encourage that at least one person. It should be noted that in the case of institutions (not just education) who wish to participate in our initiative, the declaration itself is sufficient authority and commitment to assist in the implementation of the first of the objectives of the action. "Report Witold" , like its author , remains unknown vast majority of his contemporaries. It seems that it is the environment universities have the potential to help change this shameful state of affairs. Encourage students to read the year of jubilee "Report Witold" is, after all the possibilities of Polish universities.

As mentioned, the cards with the slogan "Let us remember a Captain," I sent only to the more than 70 presidents and commanders of higher education. This does not mean that I did not follow the invitation to those who have cards with the captain did not receive. Objective reasons, the moment when I write these words, I personally was only able to send nearly 200 postcards. But I still have hope that the representatives of the institutions that have received the invitation in virtual form (the first few thousand e-mails sent in January and February this year), or orally, is also willing to accept them. I hope that the participants share and there are those who will pass the invitation not only to friends and individuals, but also the friendly institutional entities. Just as until now, available here is a list of the institutions - participants of the shares will be continuously updated.

I learned, at the end of September, the first edition of a postcard with an image of Captain was low. In three post offices - in Gorlice, Nowy Sacz and Zakopane - in which a card with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" / "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" is available at retail, the remaining traces of copies. And here another good news: due to the considerable interest in the coming days will appear in the second edition of "reminiscent of Captain" postcards. Designed by p.Leszka Zakrzewski only slightly (from the color) is different from first.

price sheet does not changed. This amounts to 30 cents apiece. Contracts with the annotation "Captain W. Pilecki, can be made at: Wieslaw Mochnacki, PO Box 131, PL-33-300 Nowy Sacz first

Incidentally text July 13, it falls to record the answer to a question I received at the local government of my city. Expressing hope that the Krakow City Council wishes to accept the invitation and officially join the campaign "Let us remember a Captain", I present a letter that I received from p.Bogusława Kośmider, Vice-President of the Council:

I trust that the representatives of local authorities of your town, would like to share with the invitation to take advantage. I believe that because of the aid which the MEPs asked the PiS and the PO, will see the response from the Office of the President and the Prime Minister's Office. The issues raised by me in correspondence with the winter and spring of this year (details can be read in previous texts) are still open.

the end of the jubilee year left more than 90 days. Contrary to appearances, is a long time. Those who, like the undersigned feel personal largest debtors of the Forgotten Heroes once again encourage you: Let's do our best to form and certificate of Witold Pilecki became a little less unknown. Let's do our utmost to modern Poles, Europeans, people of the global village have become a little closer.

Recall of Captain! Friends and relatives. Europe and the world.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cervical Change Menstruation

- our service continues

Will 2008 be the Year of Witold Pilecki's largest depends on ourselves.

From 25 May "report Witold" of 1945 is available online in English . At the end of May and June, an invitation to reading this document I sent to news agencies and the media in dozens of countries on almost all continents. In the second half of June, a list in English, written an address to non-Polish MEPs. By sending the link to "Report Witold", I turned to individual MPs and MEPs, as well as, among others. to Jose Manuel Baroso and Javier Solana, asking for support for the project to establish May 25 Day of the Heroes Struggle Against Totalitarianism. For the record, I repeat, that Polish MEPs have received invitations to share "remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" / "Напомним о Ротмистре") at the beginning of the year.

Given the goodwill towards the idea of \u200b\u200ba new EU holiday which has a few months ago, Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, welcomed the vote of support from prof. Jerzy Buzek. The future will tell whether his statement (see: Material Fri "The hero of choice," "Facts" 25.05.2008 TVN, the link under the text) can be considered an expression of intent of all Polish MEPs. From the information received in early July in Brussels that the representatives of 26 (except Polish) member countries, which extended invitations, with great interest the our efforts to restore the memory of the Heroes of the greatest Europeans Struggle Against Totalitarianism - Captain Pilecki.

Referring to the mail sent in January (details in texts from the previous month), 3 July, also written a letters to President Lech Kaczynski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk and marshals - Bogdan Borusewicz and Bronislaw Komorowski. To the representatives of the highest authorities of the Republic once again I asked for:

- support forum of the European Union project to establish May 25 as European Day of Struggle Against Totalitarianism Heroes,

- support efforts to propagate the "Report Witold" of 1945, in particular the introduction of that document on the school reading list, and also take account of it in educational work and education in the Polish Army,

- support the proposal to the Polish Post Office about the issue of postage stamps commemorating the Capt. form. Witold Pilecki.

Our share of the foundation is to the end of December. In summary it is still too early. However, if you make the late Captain no longer unknown to Europe's political elites, media editors and many of the world (not only Polish) Internet users might not be an exaggeration if we consider the 2008 Year of Witold Pilecki. Perhaps through the efforts of the participants of the "recall a Captain," even in our lifetimes will lead to a situation where the average of the Polish Army colonel, a student, farmer, businessman, lawyer, or doctor at the sound of the name "Volunteer to Auschwitz" will have any association. Most

, which resemble never enough, depends on the extent of each of us. Of whether or not during these twelve months we will find even a moment to familiarize yourself with at least portions of the Report Witold ", and to encourage that at least one of your friends. It may not be over-optimistic to think that such a gesture to become everybody.

but for those who want to get involved in our social action to a greater extent, I have another proposal. Through Mr. Wieslaw Mochnacki, Regional Mail Centre in Nowy Sacz ORJ issued a commemorative card. Residents and tourists visiting the Low Beskid and Sadecki and the Tatras can buy postcards with the slogan "Let us remember a Captain" in the post offices in Gorlice, Nowy Sacz and Zakopane. Others may come into their possession, by writing to: Wieslaw Mochnacki, PO Box 131, PL-33-300 Nowy Sacz 1, with the inscription: "Captain W. Pilecki. (The price for a single copy, which - beware - it is only 30 cents, do not include shipping charges).

Nothing prevents that "similar" to Captain treated as original card form holiday greetings. You can also use it to send requests, questions and requests directed at the authorities. These central and local government, or even supranational level. For example, to encourage question of local government authorities in the town where we live, which in the current year, our representatives have done or intend to do, to restore the memory of Witold Pilecki. I myself have a card with this question I sent to the address of the City of Krakow. Everyone Who identifies with the objectives of the "recall of Captain, may act similarly.

our "remembrance of Captain" did not end after all, May 25. Quite the contrary. As you noticed, General prof. Elizabeth Zawacka, cichociemna and courier Army: our service continues ...


"The hero of choice," "Facts" TVN 25.05.2008

See also:

Arkadiusz Juniper: May 25, celebrated the memory of Captain Pilecki

ADDED 09.01.2008: Artur Grabarczyk ("Poland. The Times"): "Pilecki can be a hero throughout Europe

ADDED 09/06/2008: Speeches Mrs Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka the European Parliament's plenary session on 1 September 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

How To Clean A Targus Mouse

"Recall of Captain" - a new opening

It is time that launched in January of the "recall a Captain" to give a new dimension.

Those who have witnessed this password the first time, I explain - the action is threefold: 1) widespread (worldwide), "Witold's Report", 2) lobbying for the blockbuster films in favor fate of the "volunteer to Auschwitz", 3) establishment of new public holidays on May 25 in the European Union - Heroes Day Struggle Against Totalitarianism.

reminder to volunteer to Auschwitz, all are invited. All of which somehow are close to the values \u200b\u200bthey embody the form of Witold Pilecki. Each of us can (and should) read the biography of the late Captain. Anyone can read the report Witold "of 1945 and to encourage the at least one of your friends. If we can not afford to read the full report, read at least parts of it. For example, those I have tried to bring the texts published since January. Part in the "recall of Captain" could also include the signature of proposals to the Polish Post Office about the issue of stamps commemorating Captain (see: open letter to the Polish Post )

60th Witold Pilecki's death anniversary is a special moment. For several months can be observed growing interest in a Captain. Many people and communities to restore his memory engages spontaneously. The internal need and without any orders from above. All this fills us with hope that 2008 is the year for many - and not just the Poles - the Year of Witold Pilecki.

idea of \u200b\u200bremembrance as a Captain by the establishment on May 25 - maybe as early as next year? - European Day of Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism also gaining more and more allies. Sympathetic interest in the EU top officials to the cause of Captain inspires optimism in this respect. Ideals, which are served Witold Pilecki, after all our common heritage.

Also for this reason that today internet has emerged in the long-awaited, the English translation of "Witold's Report". O were informed at that fact the world's media.

thanking the interpreters - the volunteers for their hard work, I realize, of course, that the results of their work arouse doubts. More important than all the controversy, however, is that from now on anyone - not knowing Polish - would like to know something more about Captain, can benefit from the English translation of "Witold's Report".

Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki! Recall of Captain ..

Witold's Report

Friday, May 23, 2008

What To Do With Tophi

Witold Pilecki - christianus miles, the patron of Heroes Struggle Against Totalitarianism

"Heaven crown, courageous homeland him eccentric,
And we worshiped him king, Sarmatowie.
God, the fatherland, so outsiders together, decorate it,
inszych That he does not need to praise the title. But we carcass
this mind fertile kożdej virtues, he That
nazowiem Father of this new homeland. "

... posted at the end of the sixteenth century, Nicholas Szarzyński vulture. The hero of epigrams - King Stefan Batory, like his later successor of age - that famous monarch, who gave the nickname enemies Lion Lechistanu signed up permanently in the consciousness of Europeans. The memory of the incomparable strategu, whose skill, two centuries later, he marveled at the Prussian military theorist Clausewitz, has survived over three centuries. Today the average citizen of Vienna, Ursynów, Nowa Huta and Grunwald, is able to answer correctly the question: "Who was John Sobieski?". The author's name Vienna Victory in ordinary bread eater produces a set of associations oscillating around such concepts as honor, courage, bravery, sacrifice, loyalty, love of country, courage. Known for its numerous portraits, powerful figure Sobieski, dressed in hussar karacenę armored regiment suitable companion to these terms of weight and splendor. This staffage Sarmatian, and moral, cultural and temporal distance, which we - today - split from King John, does not prevent the remembrance of his great achievements. Paradoxically, however, even if we touch a marble sarcophagus in the crypt of St. Leonard Castle, even though a close look at the Viennese trophies - the tents of Kara Mustafa, jataganom, kałkanom and horse rows, the inertia of our imagination makes it not only spiritual, but the material remains of past ages are inclined to be seen rather as an element of reality fairy tale than a witness of events that actually took place. In this way - and no small merit in the nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, the humanities - by falling into the trap of another delusion. Alleged unreality (or - exotics), older forms, living conditions, and even the dilemmas faced by people not familiar with television, email and esemesów, tells us to treat with suspicion the principles on which their world was founded. Post-, and perhaps even post-postmodernistycznemu homo ludens extremely difficult to accept that generations of his ancestors can treat it quite seriously everything that is hidden under the names of ancient virtues. A man brought up on commercials and game shows, ready guess that Iustitia, Fortitudo, and Sapientia Temperantia are the latest models of well-known car brands. And Fides, Spes Caritas and , in his eyes just in time to give signs of respectable insurance companies and pension funds.

need considerable effort of imagination to realize that even three or four generations ago, the cardinal and theological virtues - along with them the highest sankcjonującym References point - were clearly part of everyday life. People from the generation who grew up before World War II, the obligations to treat the common good as something quite ordinary. And regardless of the environment in which they grew up, or belief, which is professed. Neither wyrzuconemu in September 1939 on the Argentine bank of Witold Gombrowicz, or if staying in Stockholm Casimir Badeniemu or thousands of Polish workers and peasants did not pass by the thought that when the history of the rascals ignite our common home, reconciles shirk from his defense. Today, almost no trace of the people who - even if barely able to sign up - breathed air saturated horacjańskim "exegi monumentum .." . People who - even if you've never heard the name of Seneca - lived in the deep conviction that "commendable is to do what is right and what is not allowed" and that "issue is not whether Kato will be free but on whether he will live among the free. " day with a candle would have to find someone who could with conviction, repeat with St. Paul. Augustine: "True freedom advocates are taking only the eternal law." Even more difficult would be to find a man who honestly agree with Lord Acton, who claimed that "Freedom is the rule of conscience" .

Simone Weil - one of those who have the most penetrating explored the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Spirit - so here are identified to date (including today!) Sources of risk: "Where people are not familiar with other motives than coercion, money, and carefully maintained and driven enthusiasm, freedom can not be. " interesting that the French Jewish woman, who like St.. Edith Stein, a former rabbi of Rome, Eugenio Zolli - in a Crucified found the truth about God and the truth about man, a remedy to perceive the totalitarian enslavement in returning to the ideals of past ages. The author "Awareness of the supernatural" bombed by the Luftwaffe in London, has noted: "You would have to satisfy the public life of a great abundance of borrowings from the Middle Ages full of genuine beauty" . I think it is worth remembering that remark. Also due to the date when you saved it. It is worth to remember this thought - chronologically parallel the events described in the "Report Witold.

Delving into reading certificate from Auschwitz Captain, certificate, without which it is impossible to understand to what extremes - size and degradation - may be the man come to the conclusion that without the "Report Witold" also can not be meaningfully and fairly (sic) answer the question of what Auschwitz was. It is impossible to answer the question, what was done and what was not done, the devil experiment realized on Polish soil. It's probably good enough reason to "report Witold" spread. Reflections on a trampling of the most basic human rights could lead us in other areas. Prisoner No. P-4859, staying in the camp under the name Thomas Serafiński was - as he often declares, and as confirmed by his relatives - a man of deep faith. However, any mysticism was alien to him from the ground. Perhaps this is why so strong make an impression on the reader a clear reference to the Report of Divine Providence. Perhaps it is precisely the factual honesty of the military instrument in combination with sensitivity to the suffering of others and modesty of the author's self-esteem, can sharpen a metaphysical context for the events described.
Both the "Report Witold" and last chapters biography of Captain, in a very sharp show the incompatibility of two worlds. World demonic principles governing the master race and one that - like the whole European civilization - is based the Sermon on the Mount and Parable of the Good Samaritan . With bated breath we observe, as in the unequal battle are opposite each other: the lords of life and death - twentieth-century descendants of the barbarian kynoskefaloi and brought back to the level of subhuman defender of our world.

we ask the question at this point: unde bonum? Location in an ideal world of evil have taken up good? Where to beat its sources? A careful reading of the "Report Witold" brings to mind the libertarian tradition of the romantic and the Polish insurrectionist. But there is a deeper bottom. This Community foundations, which for centuries became known as the Christiana Europe. The guardian of this order is a Christian knight. Archetype of the earthly militia Christiani is the figure of St. George - God's warrior. While the biography of legendary conqueror of the dragon, unfortunately, did not survive (the church), the test of time, the pattern of the Christian knight, also marks another - this time as the most historic - character. This is it - what I think anyone in Poznan, you do not need to convince - Św.Marcin of Tours. According to the administration, that Roman legionary from the fourth century, faced with a half-naked in winter beggar drew his sword, cut in two, his precious cloak, and put him poor. The next night in a dream, Christ appeared to Martin dressed into this half of the mantle, which gave the soldier a beggar. Then Jesus said to the angels surrounding him: "In this robe clothed me catechumen Marcin" .
can not help but bring up a good knight - a personification of active mercy and brotherhood in the context of the activities of Witold Pilecki Auschwitz. How many witnesses testify - among others. Konstanty Piekarski and Joseph Garliński, One of the objectives of the Association of Military Organization, founded by Witold Pilecki secret organization was - in addition to intelligence gathering and preparation for armed resistance against the crew of the SS - to maintain prisoners on the spirit and assistance in obtaining food.

people today, even the best intentions przepełnionemu, and while not deprived of a sense of empathy is very difficult to understand the motivations, what motivated the heroes of the past. All those who, in spite of incredibly difficult circumstances, they could bring themselves to face the heroism and totalitarian monsters. 60. anniversary of the death of the Hero of Auschwitz confronts us back to the question about the sustainability of the noblest roots of our culture.

"The pursuit of fame and honor of chivalry is inextricably linked with the cult of heroes, which mingles medieval and Renaissance elements. Knight Life is the imitation of certain patterns. " - had already written a hundred years ago Johan Huizinga. "Report Witold" - this outstanding evidence of apparent in times of contempt - can and should become a modern, at least, the people of the Middle Ages Latin exempla were . How much stronger impression on us makes the text that is not confined to a dry description of the facts, confirmed by historians. The text, which the author not only uses an excellent style, but somehow at the margins to formulate proposals worthy of the greatest tragedians. In this way, the reality portrayed in the "Report Witold" acquires a symbolic dimension. The scenes in which the swashbuckling Captain describes the march of a column of prisoners to the Death Block, illegal Christmas Eve 1941, and after escaping the first break in the forest, urastają almost to the level of myth. Ethical universalism message "Report Witold "puts him one of the most important texts in Western culture.

From this perspective may also be tempted to try revaluation. The average citizen of the global village, who will take the trouble to reach for the "Report Witold" (which, of course, we have to allow it to), it can be concluded here that, apart from the finger wyssanych adventures of superheroes, there are - or rather his consciousness may occur - heroes of flesh and blood. Real Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism. People whose biographies are the loftiest odpowiedź na najtrudniejsze wyzwania. Być może takim wyeksploatowanym przez polityków i przemysł rozrywkowy, wielkim słowom, jak: poświęcenie, honor, ojczyzna, służba, uda się odzyskać choć część dawnego blasku. Być może i my sami z odrobiną pokory zechcemy spojrzeć na średniowieczne biografie rycerzy doskonałych. Ich bohaterami nie są przecież sami Don Kichoci . Jeśli to się uda, choćby w niewielkim stopniu, być może zdołamy w relacji średniowiecznego francuskiego kronikarza usłyszeć echo słów całkiem współczesnych. Autor piętnastowiecznej „Livre des faicts " devoted to the history of the Burgundian knight nicknamed Boucicaut, describes his character as a type of knight, a modest, pious, and educated dwornego literature. Recalling
essential characteristic of true knight, which according to medieval people's contempt for riches, or rather growing out of the Gospel know that you can not simultaneously serve God and Mammon, chronicler cites the following statement by a wealthy father, Mr. Boucicaut: "If my children are fair and brave - he says - it will have enough, and if they are worth nothing, it would be unfortunate to leave them so much. " Several hundred years later, though - one might say - yet in some sense in the same epoch - the words of a medieval scribe had an echo to bounce away from the eastern reaches of France sweet. They had to bounce resonance in particular, half-joking testament, under which Pilecki shortly before the outbreak of war, appointed his daughter, the heiress fresh air ...

"Bravery is a virtue (...) and respectable (...) commendable (...) So in fact, as the four evangelists and the twelve apostles were closer to our Lord, than others, so brave are honored more than others, it is very fair, because the purchase and earn name brave with great difficulty, toil, effort and effort, day and night without respite. And their noble deeds ... are recorded in the books and chronicles. The books in fact, the memory of the brave and honorable men of ancient times (...) " - posted fourteenth-century chronicler Jean Froissart. Let's try that no one who can answer the question Who was Jan Sobieski, had no trouble finding the certificates century totalitarianism and parallels to the passage quoted old French Chroniques .

do not waste our perspective, we have appointed predecessors, better than contemporaries aware of what is ultimately our survival soaring.


About our war that we lead with Satan, the world body and

Room - happiness, but the battle
Being our soaring. On grim darkness and light
Hetman greedy vanity
About our hurry to make zepsowanie.

not enough for this, of our mighty Lord! This
our house - Body for fugitive delight
inadvertently zajźrząc spiritual sovereignty,
Crashing the request will not stop forever.

What I did in that terrible battle,
is weak, imprudent, in divided against itself?
universal King, a true peace
my salvation, the hope is in you!

You me at the attitudes and przespiecznie
I will make war and win sedately.

You, Lord Captain, have received their reward. We, the poor trembling from the cold, forgive me that so clumsily trying to stand upright, raise his head. We watch them in the glare of archangels wings standing right next to the shadows of your ancestors: Gilgamesh Hector Roland.


Text presented at the scientific session "between the two totalitarian systems", 20 May 2008 at the Palace Działyńskis in.


1) miles christianus - Lat. the medieval ideal of a Christian soldier

2) in January 2008, the Foundation inaugurated Paradis Judaeorum social action "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"). One of its aims is to establish May 25 - the anniversary of the death of Witold Pilecki - European Day of Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism.

3) Nicholas Sarzyński Vulture (ok.1550 - ok.1581) next to the eminent poet Jan Kochanowski soup. Motto text - Vulture Szarzyński line "in the image of the Stefan Batory, Polish King"

4) Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) - Prussian theorist of war, general and writer.

5) Ursynow, Nowa Huta - districts of Warsaw and Krakow, Grunwald - the place of the Polish-Lithuanian zwycięstwa nad Zakonem Krzyżackim, a także nazwa jednej z dzielnic Poznania.

6) karacena – ozdobna zbroja husarska, wykonana z metalowych płytek nakładanych na skórzany kaftan.

7) jatagan – wschodnia broń biała, kałkan – turecka okrągła tarcza, koński rząd – uprząż.

8) homo ludens – człowiek bawiący się.

9) Iustitia (sprawiedliwość), Fortitudo (męstwo), Sapientia (roztropność), Temperantia (umiarkowanie) – cnoty kardynalne

10) Fides (wiara), Spes (nadzieja), Caritas (miłość) – theological virtues.

11) Point of Reference for the highest virtues (the cardinal and theological) is the source of being, namely God.

12) Witold Gombrowicz (1904-1969) - writer, Kazimierz Baden (b. 1912) - o.Joachim, senior Polish Dominicans.

13) rascals from history - see row Z. Herbert, "The Lord of Nature."

14) "exegi monumentum .." - the title song Horace. In translating Lucjan Rydel:

I appeared a monument more durable than the spiży.
ranging from royal Pyramids above;
Neither rain consuming it, nor Akwilony There she'll live
powerless than
countless number of years, nor the time flying in the depths of eternity.
not altogether die, a lot of me here is
beyond the grave. The child fame forever young,
grow together as long as I am, as long as the stairs of the Capitol
vestal priest quiet walks.
Where the noise goes up a wild Aufidus,
Where Daunus ruled the country in a dry meadow peoples
There will be talk about me that I, a low wprzódy,
rose to the heights, and that I moved to the nation's first
Italów Aeolian rhythm lines.
Melpomeno, take pride, What about merit increases,
I Delphic laurel crown my brow with joy.

15) Seneca (the Elder) - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c. 44 BC - 40 AD), orator, author of "History of Rome"

16) St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) - philosopher, theologian, one of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church.

17) Lord Acton (1834-1902) - John Emerich Dalberg-Acton - British historian, political philosopher and politician.

18) Simone Weil (1909-1943) - French philosopher and Christian thinker (although baptism is not accepted) of Jewish origin.

19) Edith Stein - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942) - Carmelite nun, philosopher and theologian, patron saint of the Catholic holidays, and Europe, died in a gas chamber in Auschwitz.

20) Eugenio Zolli - Israel Zolli Anton (1881-1956) - Chief Rabbi of Rome, under the influence of benefits, which experienced by Pope Pius XII, he converted to Catholicism.

21) "Report Witold" from 1945 written at the command of General Wladyslaw Anders poignant testimony of Witold Pilecki with the period of his stay and escape from Auschwitz. Witold Pilecki was in a concentration camp under the name Thomas Serafiński.

22) Sermon on the Mount - Mt 5,1-7,28; Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10,30-37.

23) kynoskefaloi - psiogłowcy. Barbarian warriors from the Migration Period, cult associated with the wolf, dog or bear. During the battle, they transform into animals. In contrast to the heroic initiation, the initiation ritual was to kynoskefaloi surrender to the forces of demonic possession.

24) unde bonum? - Lat. "Whence (comes) is good?".

25) Europa Christiana - Lat. Christian Europe.

26) św.Jerzy - patron saint of knights, scouts and boy scouts. Chief patron of England, Georgia and Lithuania, one of the Fourteen Saints Wspomożycieli. Given the doubts about the historicity of this figure, the Catholic Church has removed from the directory św.Jerzego holy martyrs.

27) Św.Marcin of Tours (ok.316-397) - bishop, patron of soldiers in the Catholic Church, the Holy Orthodox Church, the street dedicated to him is the most representative artery in Poznan.

28) Konstanty Piekarski - Auschwitz prisoner No. P-4618 and Buchenwald, a member of the Association Military Organization, a friend of Witold Pilecki. After the war, a professor of metallurgy, the author of the memoirs of camp, "slipping hell."

29) Garliński Joseph (1913-2005) - an officer of the Home Army, a prisoner of Auschwitz and Neuengamme, longtime president of the Association of Polish Writers Abroad, a historian with a rich heritage and social activist of Polish migration policy, the author of many books, including "Auschwitz fighting."

30) Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) - Dutch historian. In the text quoted from his monumental work Fri "Autumn of the Middle Ages."

31) exempla - Lat. "Examples". Medieval literary form which recalls past events (non-fictional or authentic) in order to convince the public of the truth of an issue.

32) "Livre des faicts - starofranc. "Book of deeds" - characteristic of late medieval literary form whose purpose is the biography of a perfect knight. The quoted text was used by J. Huizinga, "Le livre des faicts du Marechal Boucicaut", describing the history of Jean le Meingre called Marechal Boucicaut, a participant in the battle with the Turks at Nicopolis in 1396, the

33) You can not simultaneously serve God and Mammon - Mt 6,24-34.

34) Jean Froissart (ok.1337-ok.1405) - one of the greatest historians of the Middle Ages. His "Chroniques" (Chronicle) for centuries served as a perfect description of France and England. The text is a quote from M. Mollat \u200b\u200b"medieval origins of modern France."

35) Sonnet IIII Nicholas Szarzyński Vulture.

36) ... Gilgamesh, Hector, Roland - see Z. Herbert "The Message of Mr. Cogito"

Figure: relief from the portal of the church in Poznan Św.Marcin (photo Michael Tyrpa)

MICHAEL Tyrpa - columnist, president of the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum initiator of social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki")