Will 2008 be the Year of Witold Pilecki's largest depends on ourselves.
From 25 May "report Witold" of 1945 is available online in English . At the end of May and June, an invitation to reading this document I sent to news agencies and the media in dozens of countries on almost all continents. In the second half of June, a list in English, written an address to non-Polish MEPs. By sending the link to "Report Witold", I turned to individual MPs and MEPs, as well as, among others. to Jose Manuel Baroso and Javier Solana, asking for support for the project to establish May 25 Day of the Heroes Struggle Against Totalitarianism. For the record, I repeat, that Polish MEPs have received invitations to share "remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" / "Напомним о Ротмистре") at the beginning of the year.
Given the goodwill towards the idea of \u200b\u200ba new EU holiday which has a few months ago, Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, welcomed the vote of support from prof. Jerzy Buzek. The future will tell whether his statement (see: Material Fri "The hero of choice," "Facts" 25.05.2008 TVN, the link under the text) can be considered an expression of intent of all Polish MEPs. From the information received in early July in Brussels that the representatives of 26 (except Polish) member countries, which extended invitations, with great interest the our efforts to restore the memory of the Heroes of the greatest Europeans Struggle Against Totalitarianism - Captain Pilecki.
Referring to the mail sent in January (details in texts from the previous month), 3 July, also written a letters to President Lech Kaczynski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk and marshals - Bogdan Borusewicz and Bronislaw Komorowski. To the representatives of the highest authorities of the Republic once again I asked for:
- support forum of the European Union project to establish May 25 as European Day of Struggle Against Totalitarianism Heroes,
- support efforts to propagate the "Report Witold" of 1945, in particular the introduction of that document on the school reading list, and also take account of it in educational work and education in the Polish Army,
- support the proposal to the Polish Post Office about the issue of postage stamps commemorating the Capt. form. Witold Pilecki.
Our share of the foundation is to the end of December. In summary it is still too early. However, if you make the late Captain no longer unknown to Europe's political elites, media editors and many of the world (not only Polish) Internet users might not be an exaggeration if we consider the 2008 Year of Witold Pilecki. Perhaps through the efforts of the participants of the "recall a Captain," even in our lifetimes will lead to a situation where the average of the Polish Army colonel, a student, farmer, businessman, lawyer, or doctor at the sound of the name "Volunteer to Auschwitz" will have any association. Most
, which resemble never enough, depends on the extent of each of us. Of whether or not during these twelve months we will find even a moment to familiarize yourself with at least portions of the Report Witold ", and to encourage that at least one of your friends. It may not be over-optimistic to think that such a gesture to become everybody.

but for those who want to get involved in our social action to a greater extent, I have another proposal. Through Mr. Wieslaw Mochnacki, Regional Mail Centre in Nowy Sacz ORJ issued a commemorative card. Residents and tourists visiting the Low Beskid and Sadecki and the Tatras can buy postcards with the slogan "Let us remember a Captain" in the post offices in Gorlice, Nowy Sacz and Zakopane. Others may come into their possession, by writing to: Wieslaw Mochnacki, PO Box 131, PL-33-300 Nowy Sacz 1, with the inscription: "Captain W. Pilecki. (The price for a single copy, which - beware - it is only 30 cents, do not include shipping charges).
Nothing prevents that "similar" to Captain treated as original card form holiday greetings. You can also use it to send requests, questions and requests directed at the authorities. These central and local government, or even supranational level. For example, to encourage question of local government authorities in the town where we live, which in the current year, our representatives have done or intend to do, to restore the memory of Witold Pilecki. I myself have a card with this question I sent to the address of the City of Krakow. Everyone Who identifies with the objectives of the "recall of Captain, may act similarly.
our "remembrance of Captain" did not end after all, May 25. Quite the contrary. As you noticed, General prof. Elizabeth Zawacka, cichociemna and courier Army: our service continues ...
"The hero of choice," "Facts" TVN 25.05.2008
See also:
Arkadiusz Juniper: May 25, celebrated the memory of Captain Pilecki
ADDED 09.01.2008: Artur Grabarczyk ("Poland. The Times"): "Pilecki can be a hero throughout Europe
ADDED 09/06/2008: Speeches Mrs Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka the European Parliament's plenary session on 1 September 2008