In 69th anniversary of the grant aid fraternal by Stalin turned to Hitler, head of the Catholic Church with a request to consider certain issues.
Letter to Pope Benedict XVI has been sent to two addresses directly to the Roman Curia and the metropolitan archbishop of Warsaw. Letter and consigned to the Vatican (along with the Pope addressed postcard with the image rtm.Witolda Pilecki) was accompanied by a letter to Archbishop Angelo Amato - prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and Blessed. Letter to the Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz, have lived to see the answers. A separate letter also sent the hands of Archbishop Jozef Michalik, chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference.
Here are the details:
Letter to Pope Benedict XVI:
Letter to the Archbishop of Warsaw:
Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz Answer:
Until I spoke Rome, causa non est finite.
those who join the faith of the late Witold Pilecki, must not lose hope, that even in this world, not the last word will belong to the enemy Captain. There will be a member to his assassins and their bosses. It will not belong to those who figure of Captain effectively erased from public awareness. It will not belong to those who do not accept the truth about his biography, the forgery attempt.
must be emphasized that whether the struggle for the memory of Captain truth will triumph, not only depends on the Church, which for Witold Pilecki was a mother. Therefore, the difficulties of proof mentioned by summoned by HE Archbishop Kazimierz Nycz lawyers - canonists, should not distract our attention from the merits of the case. Formal identify the hero of holiness by the Church, although extremely valuable, is not a priority.
For us - the participants of the "recall of Captain, and this regardless of whether you believe, regardless of whether we believe in the way in which he believed himself Witold Pilecki, and so it remains a model. His holiness - zadekretowanej or not - because its actions. Left by Captain heritage - witness the virtues of war, humility, charity, and sacrifice family life for the common good, should inspire our conscience.
Everyone - agnostic or believers - may be involved in this awakening of conscience. Everyone, as I wrote many times (see previous text), can do just the smallest gesture. Everyone can help to ensure that that the Messenger of God - a man of flesh and blood, was excavated from the universal oblivion. To truly entered the modern consciousness.
not only a billion three hundred million Catholics.
before the forthcoming celebrations of All Saints and All Souls' Day I encourage you to read favorite book Captain: "The Imitation of Christ"