On Sunday, 25 January 2009 in najdostojniejszej of Polish churches, we asked the Lord of hosts, to the universal Church was on the altars of Captain Witold Pilecki.
front of the altar, on which there is a silver reliquary tomb from Polish union patron, the Holy Sacrifice was concelebrated by four priests. Among participating in the solemn celebration of participants do not run out of the "recall of Captain", representatives of social organizations, and professional self-government and local authorities (see list of institutions in the introduction to the material 01/24/2009). Even if - contrary to statements made earlier - did not appear lancers such as the military Niepołomice and parish priest. Św.Agnieszki, necropolis of kings and heroes were not empty.
Just before the start, the President of the solemn liturgy ks.dr hab.Jacek Urban reminded the audience the essential facts of life Witold Pilecki. He expressed while shared by many hope that i will not be denied Rotmistrzowi crown of righteousness. An outline biography of Witold Pilecki was to some extent a summary of the homily, prepared for the occasion by ks.prof.Urbana. With her we had to deliver in the face of having to give up reading the pastoral letter Polish Episcopal Conference on accruing on that day in the Church, the feast of the Conversion św.Pawła.
Polish bishops read the message arrived at the ceremony to the Wawel Kedzierzyn-Kozle, chaplain Honorary Cavalry Squadron of the Third Republic , ks.Jarosław King. In the hearts of readers of the Report Witold ", a document whose author at the end of his journey did not part with the work of Thomas a Kempis , especially echo the words rang out:
" Christians must abandon the old man, and put on the new-to-measure the same Christ (cf. Eph 4,22-24). Because this is the secret and essence of Christian life - everyone should be baptized and confirmed the appointment of fidelity to resemble the Christ, the Son of God. "
" Saints do not pass, the Saints want our holiness. Paul expressed this desire in the words: "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1) and "Do what you have learned," What you have heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you "(Philippians 4:9)
"The most effective way of proclaiming the word of God is the witness of life."
Wawel In the context of the ceremony, spoke of the enormous power of the bishops quoted fragment 2 Św.Pawła Letter to Timothy:
"fought the good fight, finished the race, faith I have kept. Henceforth there is laid for me a crown of righteousness, which to me at that day will give you " (2 Tim 4,7-8).
following the beautiful, Latin creed, prayers of the faithful headed o.Jerzy spider. On behalf of the participants of the "recall of Captain", Kraków Army chaplain asked for peace of Providence recently deceased soul of the late Mrs. General Professor Elizabeth Zawacki, and read the intention:
"Let us pray that the Holy Church was on the altars of Witold Pilecki ... If it be your will - you hear us, O Lord!"
Ufajmy, that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Św.Michała, Św.Stanisława, Św.Maksymiliana Kolbe, Św.Teresy Benedicta of the Cross, Św.Marcin, Św.Jadwigi, Św.Kazimierza and all the Saints and Blesseds, Wawel prayer will be answered.
After Mass. flagbearers preceded by the Army, the Association of Catholic Scouts Zawisza and Scouting Association of the Republic, we went to the cross in the courtyard of the church Katyn Św.Idziego.
institutions delegations made under the Cross bouquets of flowers and lit torch.
o.Jerzy spider then led the prayer, which gathered tribute to the victims and heroes of the struggle against the Nazi and Soviet totalitarianism.
After the official part of the ceremony, those who wished to take advantage of the invitation, went to the restaurant "Cavalry." IDEM had a chance to reflect on the testimony of the Hero of Auschwitz, to establish interesting contacts, talk the role of tradition. Responding to questions that often were sent to me in connection with the operation, "recalled a Captain," commented the facts and documents made public the previous day (see "Recall of Captain - this is our obligation to" ). I shared the opinion that, despite the raging partyjniactwa, in today's Poland is still a place for institutions and individuals that work in the public domain software shun politicization.
In the era of party-media, quasi-constitutional debates, the so important topics as: "someone who should be invited to the aircraft," , it is ś.p.Rotmistrz should become a reference point for us. The man who never belonged to any political party, and for the country and the world has done much more than many a politician or an official of a political origin, can and should become a model for many a citizen of the global village.
For this reason, this very day, it is worth to myself and others recognize the value which is the heritage left by the Captain. In the era of contempt rozpanoszonej various dignitaries , against ordinary people, we realize what it was a natural nobility of character, such as Witold Pilecki. Incidentally, it might be worth considering whether my correspondence with the offices of the president and prime minister and president of the IPN does not prove that the famous "Fuck off, old man!" Is not so much an unfortunate bon-mot , but rather the rule, which in terms post-communist feudalism III / IV RP is a hierarchical relationship between the sovereignty and subjects. Also from this point of view, this very day worth reminding you of the difference between paper passwords native of election campaigns, and witness the true humility, compassion, selflessness, faith and courage. In an age where governments are acting in atomic ratios of sales and popularity polls, we realize what a spirit of service.
Also in order to understand what love is real country and concern for the common good, we still remind you of Captain.
Time will tell whether the successor of St. Peter wants to accede to our request to consider elevation to the altars of the late Witold Pilecki. If
Medieval legend says that the knitting of cut up the body of Bishop Stanislaw of Szczepanów was the inspiration for generations of Poles in our efforts to unite the nation, for us - today - at least as inspiring to be universal certificate Pilecki.
It is important not only in the local Polish-time. Also in the scale of the universal Church.
If this is the will of Providence, perhaps even during the present Pontificate, we will be heard from the Bishop of Rome, Servant of God's word about Witold Pilecki, similar to those September 18, 1253 which was terminated in Assisi, Pope Innocent IV:
"But the overly intoxicated joy to nobody, in this vale of misery and death, never expected a lasting peace, because life is a continuous Army veteran and the kind of war on the ground with opposite camps and still the war threatened the enemy, and that the church in question, who is the mother of all believers, do not forget her maternal fate, but still was experiencing the usual maternal grief - sometimes created him storms and adversity, as it turned out openly in martyrdom St. Stanislaus, Bishop of Krakow, the merits of the church in question is shining. (...) But
that the Church militant, in grief over the loss of such and such a great patron in a manner so cruelly torn myself crying bezustannymi not breaking down in tears if he were not often trickle the benefits of the sources, this is glorious in his saints, the Lord wanted to show overt signs of the fullness of the glory of the Father and the Church provide the means wyczekującemu relief, and made so many and so loud shone with miracles, which we and our brothers totally convinced, as was the certain and credible witnesses, we recognize that agrees to call it like the other saints for help and intercession for us. (...)
Therefore, the order was not dangerously hidden under a bushel so clearly a flaming torch, which is the same Lord of so many extraordinary characters correctly ordered with reverence for the Church put the limelight, especially since it accelerates the brightness of the darkness of those who know not God, it suppresses perverse science dissenters, and multiplies salutary faith in the hearts of the righteous followers: We, After consulting sentences of our brothers and prelates of the Holy See now present, we adopted the said St. Stanislaus Bishop reverently among the saints to save. "
(Source: Bull of canonization Św.Stanisława )
Finally it is worth noting that the event reported a Wawel Krakow "Chronicle" TVP 25.01.2009.
Click on the link and see: Chronicle TVP Kraków
I owe at this point an important clarification. They asked me why I did not tried for a greater representation of the media. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have tried to do so. If the present was the only team TVP Info, apparently media said, or that the Wawel Mass, during which he prayed for the beatification of the Hero of Auschwitz, an event completely irrelevant, or their editors scare is mentioned in the previous text telegram KAI and my invitation. Yet it is difficult to treat the claim seriously, those who maintain that, for example, "The Polish Dziennik, Gazeta Krakowska, Radio Krakow," our Dziennik, Rzeczpospolita, "Dziennik", "Gazeta Wyborcza", "popular weekly" " Polish newspaper, "" Policy, "" On "and" The Guest Niedzielnemu "simply banned any mention of the ceremony with the participation of official delegations from many institutions ... Participants social action, "recalled a Captain, who question to me on that fact, solemnly declare that we have a pluralistic media, independent, self-governing and professional.
And who would dare to doubt, please remember the case of Stanislav Remuszki . Author of "Gazeta Wyborcza. The origins of and around "for several years unsuccessfully tried to embed in a free press, advertising his work. Recognizing the issue as explained, declare the same time, this time from the top giving the media putting "stupid questions" .
all those who since March 2008, the lodge signed "open letter to the Polish Post" , announce that in a series of broadcast 30/01/2009 Fri "Survivors from the Holocaust," stamp was the captain. Issue 400 thousand. copies.

(Illustrations of the material, "recalled a Captain - the Wawel Cathedral" - King Arthur and Chris Tyrpa)