National tragedy, which occurred on the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Crime, still makes you fight a deeper dimension. By the will of Providence, the word "Katyn" is branded into the minds of the inhabitants of the global village. Does the experience of last year, and after what happened on April 10 at Smolensk, Europe will honor the feast May 25 Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism? Does this particular moment, on which further supported the important institutions, MEPs can afford to work across party lines?
Paying homage to participants in the Smolensk tragedy and sympathy to their relatives and friends, I join in the hope of those who think that this - how specific in a symbolic sense - a victim, will lead to national unity. And not only at the level of emotion, but also in concrete work for the common good.
Whether they are vain hopes, the participants initiated in January 2008, social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") will find out very quickly.
tangible proof in this respect are actions (or inactions) of politicians.
important test awaits us on April 14 this year, that day, the Bureau of Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament AFET delivered an opinion, and possibly will direct the deliberations of the whole committee, the draft recommendations to the European Council made 10 February 2010 on the establishment of May 25 International Day for the Eradication of Totalitarianism Heroes . Details on
this project are available for example at: "The Case of Captain Pilecki returns to the EP"
(credited 19.04.2010) Deadline for decision of the 14 postponed to 27 or 28 April this year More about: "Pilecki matter in abeyance"
(credited 24.04.2010) Countrymen at home and abroad have asked the Polish MEPs to involve: "Polish MEPs to rtm.Pileckim"
(postscript from 29.04.2010) The case was Captain in the European Parliament will decide the Conference of Presidents: "Fight for the EP takes Pilecki"
(05/08/2010 credited) on May 13 will be held in Poland Marches of the Captain. See "Birthday Captain Pilecki"
(annotation of 05/13/2010) Just before the marches Captain: "Recall of Captain May 13, 2010"
Before this point I will refer more broadly, a few words about those who have left us.
among 96 victims of aviation disasters, alongside the Lord of the Polish President and his wife, and the last President of the Republic in exile, do not run out of prominent Poles, whose support could count the participants of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"). Special
I offer a tribute to Mr. Janusz Kochanowski - Ombudsman, His Eminence priest to General Tadeusz Płoskiemu - Polish Army Bishop Polowemu priest Professor Richard Rumiankowi - Rector of the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Mr. Tomasz Mercie - Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and Lord Sławomirowi violinist - President Polish National Bank. Letter from the late
Doctor Janusz Kochanowski, Ombudsman :
February 11, 2010
Sir I wish to thank Mr. President for information that MEP Thomas Poreba draft recommendation by the EU Council on the establishment of May 25 - anniversary of the execution of Witold Pilecki - International Day for the Eradication of the Heroes of Totalitarianism.
is good news and a big step on the way to the proper celebration of one of our greatest patriots and fighters for freedom. It's also a chance to appreciate the steadfast attitude of many people who fought against totalitarianism in Europe.
congratulate you success, I know how much you did for that matter. Please always count on my support. I greet
Janusz Kochanowski
Letter of the late Bishop of the Polish Army from 11 April 2008

Letter of the late Undersecretary of State from the Ministry of 28 March 2008

Letter of the late JMRektora Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University from 13 October 2008

3rd February in Tarnów during the promotion ceremony given by the NBP coins with the image rtm.Pileckiego, thanked the late President of the Polish National Bank for the positive comment on the request of the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum. And also for being based the Directorate was to pressure the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, which had attempted to block the release of the captain of the coin on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. More on this topic: "Coins of rtm.Pileckim would not be" (see also "Cancel the Auschwitz Museum Director" ).
next victim of an aviation disaster, I want to mention also died prematurely in the late March dn.25 Mr. Waldemar Rekścia - patriot, a social activist, a publicist who supported our initiative and how few people realized its potential, far-reaching consequences. May
unexpected departure of so many wonderful Poles helped us, living renew respect for themselves what is really important. May their memory.
As I mentioned, 14 April, the Bureau of the Foreign Affairs Committee European Parliament gives its opinion on AFET to further develop the draft recommendations for the European Council, filed Feb. 10 by a group of European Conservatives and Reformists (EKiR).
Dropped in this context to mention the relevant facts. Tried to see that the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial action "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") and most important of its objectives - to establish May 25 Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism in the European Union is also in the current parliamentary term, have become close to important figures in the EU structures and major institutions. I recall that even in the last term with the support of the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a May 25 celebration of Heroes' Struggle with Totalitarianism starring, among others.: Group Union for Europe of the Nations, prof. Jerzy Buzek, European Commission and the President of the Czech Republic (see the previous material on ).
In recent months, also received a reply from Herman van Rompuy - President of the European Council, and Jose Serrano, Enrique Martinez - Director of the Office of the Prime Minister of Spain, a country that half of the current presidency of the European Union:

(Translation: "Sir Tyrpa the recommendation of the Prime Minister, I acknowledge receipt of the letter, which the Lord sent to him informing him about the campaign to recall Captain (Witold Pilecki)" conducted by the foundation under your leadership, and which is aimed at May 25 to establish an international day of remembrance of him, in order to commemorate this hero of Auschwitz, and generally, all European citizens who opposed totalitarianism in World War II and beyond. Thank you very much for sending this letter, and I assure you that pass its content (the initiative) and I have no doubt that the demands of this initiative will be considered. Sincerely, [signature] ")
On 27 February this year by e-mail written a letter to the non-Polish MEP from the European People's Party, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, a Europe of freedom and democracy, and Members alike. Having described the action under the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") and załączywszy scans of selected documents turned up, among others. Heads of groups to support the establishment of the project on May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
In mid-March from the President of the European People's Party (European Democrats), I received an email of thanks for the info about our action and ensuring that the project will be taken into account in the work of a political group EPP:
DAUL Joseph joseph.daul @
March 15, 2010 17:42
Dear Mr. Tyrpa,
Mr. Joseph Daul would like to thank you for your letter and the information you He sent the "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" Project Which Will Be Taken Into Consideration in the EPP Group work.
Best regards, Eleni
Secretariat of Mr. Joseph Daul
Unfortunately, Martin Schulz (the Socialists and Democrats), Guy Verhofstadt (Liberals and Democrats), Nigel Farage (Europe Freedom and Democracy), or members are not members and do not wished to write back. It is important that the detailed information about our project to them long been known.
I think that now, after a national tragedy, the Poles, that killed President of the Republic, the one who posthumously awarded the Order of the Captain of the White Eagle, the sensitivity of foreign politicians and their benevolence the permanent introduction of Witold Pilecki, and other Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism in memory of Europe and significantly increase.
I believe that the fate of the hero who died for the same reasons and in the same way as thousands of Polish officers at Katyn, it becomes important reference point for all Europeans.
Even before the Easter holidays, I made the effort to help from the ten Polish MEPs. Letters asking for the conviction Coordinators of the Committee on Foreign Affairs AFET written an address by registered mail, and then repeated several times online, and 10 MEPs. Five of the Left: Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg, Wojciech Olejniczak, Adam Gierek, Marek Siwiec and Janusz Zemke. And five European Democrats: Danuta Hubner, Jerzy Buzek, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Jarosław Kalinowski Jaroslaw Walesa. Present example, one of the Letters:

From these assistants of MEPs obtained to ensure that the recipients became acquainted with the contents of the submitted my correspondence. Declaration of real action in the AFET only got the part and Danuta Hubner Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg (telephone inclusion in the work of the assistant assured Jacek Saryusz-Wolski). Here are the answers:
Radek Ciszewski r.ciszewski S @
April 6, 2010 12:32
on behalf of Ms. Professor Danuta Hübner, I wish to reiterate our readiness and willingness to engage in the establishment of 25 May the International Day for the Eradication of the Heroes of Totalitarianism.
Radek Ciszewski
Office Deputies Lidia Geringer
April 8, 2010 10:38
form of Witold Pilecki and his heroic attitude is far too little known in Europe . I think we should cherish the memory of the great Polish Patriot and Hero of the totalitarian struggle of the twentieth century. It is very important that the pan-European initiative in this case occurred Polish NGO - Foundation Paradis Judaeorum. I fully support the initiative to May 25 was celebrated as the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. I will also contact the Bureau AFET-u wholeheartedly supporting your initiative.
Our system will work in the European Parliament based on the separation of the various committees, my domain is the law of the European Commission and JURI have a real impact on decision-making, I suggest, therefore, that for the time being to focus on the deputies of the AFET, indeed the largest in the EP Commission because those members are really the initiative to decide. Only after a positive vote in AFET, it will be put to the vote at the plenary session.
Appreciating your engagement, I remain Yours faithfully
Geringer de Oedenberg
The general support (but without reference to the merits of the request) has assured me assistant Mr Jaroslaw Walesa. Assistant to the President promised to send a response prof.Jerzego Buzek (until the publication of this material, the response did not come.)
The Members Olejniczak, Siwiec, Gierek and Kalinowski - apparently decided that case about which it informed them by registered letter, several e-mails and by telephone (via assistants) belongs to the category of unimportant. And, therefore, that falls to them to the correspondence did not respond at all ...
However, some attention should be paid to response, which came from Mr Janusz Zemke: Janusz Zemke
janusz.zemke @
April 9, 2010 16 : 34
Dear Mr. President,
On behalf of Mr Janusz Zemke, we kindly thank you for your correspondence concerning the support of the draft recommendation to the Council on the establishment on May 25 International Day for the Eradication of the Heroes of Totalitarianism, which was recently submitted to the European Parliament by political groups of the European Conservatives and Reformists (EKiR).
Already a preliminary analysis of this document leads to the conclusion that further work on this initiative is facing into serious question. Key issues here are, unfortunately, the formal, which the initiators of the proposal - it seems - completely missed or simply ignored.
This draft recommendation to the Council was brought under the rule of the EP Rules of Procedure (Article 121), which states that such requests may relate only to matters covered by Title V of the Treaty on European Union (ie the Union's external action and the Common Foreign and Security Policy). Given that the establishment of memory beyond the specified range, it is clear that in this case to achieve the chosen measure clearly inadequate.
Please therefore explain how we are to effectively argue in favor of referral of such an initiative to further parliamentary work, since the formal and legal terms, it is inadmissible from the outset? Do you think this kind of action EKiR Members, who have made a de facto apparent initiative deserves to be approved? After all, as parliamentarians, they operate under and within the Rules of Procedure, and they had the perfect start to realize that the proposal is not possible to reach a result. Well, maybe only outside the political dimension on a national scale, because then the whole situation is presented, probably so that the members here EKiR came out against the legitimate expectations, led by the Lord Foundation, and the failure of this initiative is the result of bad intentions of other political factions.
Personally, I assure you that the motives efforts to establish a European day of remembrance of the heroes of the struggle with totalitarianism to me are clear and correct. Therefore, I would like to inform you that in April last year, the European Parliament - after a debate - adopted a resolution on a European awareness and totalitarianism (P6_TA 2009/0213), which clearly and strongly condemned such regimes have been, was given honor and respect for their victims, as well as a tribute to all those who fought against tyranny and oppression.
Also the European Parliament called on the addressees of the resolution, including, among others. parliaments States to establish a pan-August 23 memorial day for victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes.
Marek Tomczyk, assistant
word comment. Attempts to "override" postulated by us, the May Day holiday Heroes by Victims of totalitarianism August instil a deep sadness. As extensively discussed these issues years ago, let me present Mr. Mark Tomczyk return to the text of my May 25, 2009 in College Norwidianom KUL, pt. "Witold Pilecki - Polish identity in times of trial" .
admit, however, that surprised me is that the alleged defect in the legal recommendations mentioned by Mr Zemke's assistant, was not recognized either by the members EKiR who brought the project, either by members of other groups who are involved in its promotion. Review of existing European law, is not dispelled these doubts.
If Mr Zemke and his assistant are right in the sense that the basis adopted in the draft recommendations (Rule 121 Rules of Procedure) definitely destroys the chances of success, it would mean that such Members, as Thomas Poreba not know EU law and the European Conservatives and Reformists deliberately brought this project in a form which determines in advance of his defeat?
personally hard for me to take at face value a similar hypothesis. Perhaps in the course of proceeding is adopted a different legal basis?
Given two years is not always an uplifting experience, but it's difficult in this context does not ask: who cares to make sure that the fundamental goal of a grassroots citizens' initiative to recall Captain "(" Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki ") - the establishment of May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism - failed to achieve?
At a time when I write these words, on the eve of the decision AFET, in such a momentous time in history that we celebrate, do not leave me, however, hoped that the really important things (and this, as we fight for those yet to be!), All Poles, including our representatives in the European Union institutions, to become not only the lofty declarations, but also to constructive, successful one, together.
The results of our representatives in Brussels and Strasbourg, with attention not only to look at former Auschwitz prisoners and more than seven hundred users around the world who have signed an appeal to the MEPs from September last year:
In recent months, we restore the memory of Captain seriously increased in scope. Success on a local scale is to give the name of Captain Witold Pilecki was one of the squares in the capital of Upper Silesia:

joy fills the share acquisition, "recalled a Captain," such important institutions as the National Notarial Council, Association of Polish Cities and the Association of Polish Counties:

About our activities also learned Rural Municipalities Association of the Polish Republic:

hope that May 25 will be established a European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism shares many of the most senior representatives of local government. Here is the letter sent by the Marshals:

matter for which we are fighting also met with approval by the Governors:

Maybe one day live to see the introduction "Report Witold" the canon of school reading in the EU (which the Foundation seeks to Judaeorum Paradis, beginning in 2008)
Even at the turn of the last and current year to share information I sent to several hundred schools (high schools, technicians, middle schools and teams schools) throughout the country.
The work of popularizing the "Report Witold" we have gained important allies in the School superintendents from Lublin, Lodz, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Bialystok, Poznan, Olsztyn, Rzeszow, Katowice and Krakow. The heads of these institutions have responded favorably to the invitation given at the beginning of the year addressed to all superintendents in the country and told a subordinate bodies of the "recall of Captain."
Naturally, in this case a positive attitude towards our demands were not granted. Also evidenced by the following letters:

special joy in the activity of the "old" participants, but also involvement in "remembrance of Captain" new environments and social organizations at home and abroad. The enthusiasm and commitment of some people, lead us to believe that working for the reconstruction of the national memory is valuable and good living, and that as such, but fortunately it was not yet politicized and commercialized upartyjnione.
advertise earlier that 30 October 2009 I sent an invitation to the Main Board of the Association of Polish Journalists. As it turned out, the only member of this prestigious institution, who wanted to be answered is the President of the Department of the Silesian SDP Thomas Szymborski:

Because I was asked this question, for the record to announce that, despite months of efforts of the undersigned, the moral support of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") refused to institutions such as the National Commission of Solidarity, the Supreme Bar Council, Polish Chamber of Physicians and the Association of Highlanders.
Fulfillment of our postulate, once again refused to Polish Post:

also unsuccessful attempts to work with local initiative, "Yes to Pilecki," which Participants sought out for naming Captain bulwarowi Wroclaw (more on this subject: "Witold Pilecki - only for Wroclaw?" )
unanswered the question of cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since February, the Foundation strives to Judaeorum Paradis, among others. for inclusion on the website of the Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv link to address at which nearly two years is available English translation of "Witold's Report" (see "recall a Captain in the Foreign Ministry" ).
These circumstances allow the more you appreciate the moral support from those who gave it. People of good will and broad horizons, Thank you once again. All those who would like to join us, you are cordially invited (contact: michal.tyrpa @
presented information and documents show how, in some respects, contemporary Poland is diversified. They are also an evidence that the goals and make social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") met with a wide resonance.
also give a basis to believe that there is a chance that soon, "Report Witold "text is no longer an unknown and not read, and the street or square bearing the name of rtm.Pileckiego will be found in every Polish city.
allow Finally suppose that if this time, our representatives will become equal to the task, the European day of remembrance of the heroes, in a positive and lasting impact on the consciousness of Polish, European and the world.
to May 25, 2010 remained exactly six weeks.
Is this the day we celebrate the first International Day for the Eradication of Totalitarianism Heroes?
Is this time Politicians meet the expectations placed in them and truly make use of time?
this special time of unexpected National Rekolekcji ..
View Profile social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") on Facebook.
contact: michal.tyrpa [at]