"Recall of Captain" - a new opening
It is time that launched in January of the "recall a Captain" to give a new dimension.
Those who have witnessed this password the first time, I explain - the action is threefold: 1) widespread (worldwide), "Witold's Report", 2) lobbying for the blockbuster films in favor fate of the "volunteer to Auschwitz", 3) establishment of new public holidays on May 25 in the European Union - Heroes Day Struggle Against Totalitarianism.
reminder to volunteer to Auschwitz, all are invited. All of which somehow are close to the values \u200b\u200bthey embody the form of Witold Pilecki. Each of us can (and should) read the biography of the late Captain. Anyone can read the report Witold "of 1945 and to encourage the at least one of your friends. If we can not afford to read the full report, read at least parts of it. For example, those I have tried to bring the texts published since January. Part in the "recall of Captain" could also include the signature of proposals to the Polish Post Office about the issue of stamps commemorating Captain (see: open letter to the Polish Post )
60th Witold Pilecki's death anniversary is a special moment. For several months can be observed growing interest in a Captain. Many people and communities to restore his memory engages spontaneously. The internal need and without any orders from above. All this fills us with hope that 2008 is the year for many - and not just the Poles - the Year of Witold Pilecki.
idea of \u200b\u200bremembrance as a Captain by the establishment on May 25 - maybe as early as next year? - European Day of Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism also gaining more and more allies. Sympathetic interest in the EU top officials to the cause of Captain inspires optimism in this respect. Ideals, which are served Witold Pilecki, after all our common heritage.
Also for this reason that today internet has emerged in the long-awaited, the English translation of "Witold's Report". O were informed at that fact the world's media.
thanking the interpreters - the volunteers for their hard work, I realize, of course, that the results of their work arouse doubts. More important than all the controversy, however, is that from now on anyone - not knowing Polish - would like to know something more about Captain, can benefit from the English translation of "Witold's Report".
Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki! Recall of Captain ..
Witold's Report
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