Social Action, which inaugurated the start over a year ago bear fruit. Because the objectives are far, there is no reason for complacency.
We will inform about important facts, I am pleased to invite you on a solemn Mass. for the soul of the late rtm.Witolda Pilecki on Sunday, 25 January 2009, 9.00 in the Wawel Cathedral. Mass in Latin before the altar of the church. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr, during which we pray for the beatification of the Hero of Auschwitz, check ks.dr hab. Jacek Urban from the parish of Castle Archdiocese, Fr. Monsignor Stanislaw Col. Dr. Gulak - dean of the deanery of Special Forces in Krakow, Father Jerzy Spider - Army chaplain, and survivor and ks.Jarosław King - Chaplain Polish Club Cavalry Association. At the end of the Mass will produce flowers at the Katyn Cross at the foot of the Wawel Castle. Then, I would like an opportunity to remind our Captain to talk about a cup of coffee.
Participation in Wawel ceremony confirmed a number of institutions and backgrounds. Among them are veterans of the Army, the National Armed Forces and the Peasant Battalions. Museum of Army, Republic of Scouting, Scouting Association Catholic Zawisza, an association Niepołomice squadron and the Polish Cavalry Club. There will be representatives of the 2nd Mechanized Corps to them. gen.Władysława Anders, Malopolska Superintendent of Education, the Council of the City of Krakow, Krakow Mayor, the Council of the Chamber of Notaries in Krakow, District Bar Council in Krakow, Malopolska District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, the Municipal Guard of Cracow, Solidarity, Małopolska Chamber of Craft and Enterprise, the Association of Christian Culture. Fr. Peter Complaints KoLiber Association, the Society of St. Michael the Archangel, Krakow chaplaincies and religious congregations, as well as Malopolska local governments. In mid-December 2008, also sent an invitation to the Polish MEPs. The planned event has been informed Internet message boards and local and central media. 11 January announcement ceremony Wawel posted service Catholic Information Agency. Through the invitation of the Board of Trustees of Krakow reached school principals reporting to Małopolska curator of Education. Invitations also directed to the President, Prime Ministers, Speakers of the Sejm and Senate, the Ministers of Defence and of Education, Heads of Krakow's parliamentary caucuses and diplomatic corps. Invitation received the Institute of National Remembrance, and the boards of clubs Wisla Krakow, Cracovia and Hutnik. As I stated in the Registry of the District Court upon the recommendation of the President of SSO Mai Rymar, call for a Mass for the soul of Captain was sent to all employees of the District Court in Krakow. Ombudsman, which nb. for months, morally supports the action of Captain Recall ", unable to participate in the celebrations assured that my thoughts will accompany us. Similar assurances received from his countrymen throughout the world.
In the year since inauguration of our social action, many questions still remain open. Some, however, lived to see the answers. A participant residing in the U.S. asked me some time ago, and we proposed a draft EU holidays, has been postponed ad calendas graecas . I hasten to inform you that, fortunately, the matter is developing successfully. After a Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, on 1 September 2008 at the plenary session of the European Parliament, Polish MEPs did not stop the activity. Her expression prepared late last year, currently promoted in the translation English, a draft resolution on the establishment of a May 25 celebration of Heroes' Struggle Against Totalitarianism:

After 25 January 2009, this project is to be formally presented at the forum of the EP. What are the effects depends primarily on the effectiveness of our representatives in Brussels. The fact that the land be prepared provides, among others. correspondence and publications, a few months ago:

"Journal" of May 8, 2008:

addressed to Pope Benedict XVI asked to consider the beatification rtm.Witolda Pilecki (details in the previous text), was met with considerable resonance. The idea of \u200b\u200belevation to the altars "of the Christian knight of the twentieth century" I had a chance to talk with many people. Particular interest aroused among the clergy. Strong supporter of the beatification rtm.Witolda Pilecki was Fr. Janusz Stoklosa, parish priest of the Bridegroom in Jaworzyna Św.Józefa Slaska. Expressed approval of the Polish Army chaplains. Among them, Fr. Cdr. Lieutenant. Adam Bazylewicz, parish church. Blessed Ladislaus Miegonia in Swinoujscie, Fr. Cpt. Raphael Kapron, parish priest of Don Bosco in the garrison pw.Św.Jana Głogów and ks.prałat Col. Dr. Stanislaw Gulak, dean of the deanery and pastor of Special Forces garrison church of St. Św.Agnieszki in Krakow. Fr. Capt. Zbigniew see Řecko, Garrison Chaplain Bialystok wrote: "(...) No doubt [Capt.. Witold Pilecki] is an extraordinary character, and also clear and crisp design, and Catholic and a patriot. In my personal conviction Captain Pilecki the earthly pilgrimage, marked by life - the service (as Homeland and his family), the struggle - the suffering and sacrifice of blood has reached the "Father's house," and remember his personality like so many others on November 1 Feast of All Saints. " On the other hand, Fr. Col. Slawomir Niewęgłowski, pastor of the church in Lublin Garrison noted that the personal conviction of each of us does not necessarily translate into rapid initiation of procedures for the church. Recalling the form of buried in Wawel St. Hedwig - Polish King, venerated as blessed by a period of several centuries, Fr. Col. Niewęgłowski expressed the belief that if Providence zechce, aby Kościół postawił nam rotmistrza Pileckiego za wzór, z pewnością otrzymamy od Niej znak. Najważniejsze zdaniem lubelskiego kapelana jest to, aby jak największej rzeszy osób, przede wszystkim młodzieży, uświadomić czym był patriotyzm rtm. Pileckiego . Podobnie wypowiedzieli się znani duszpasterze: o.Jerzy Pająk OFM Cap, Andrzej Kłoczowski OP oraz ks. Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski. Wspominając casus Romualda Traugutta, duszpasterz polskich Ormian nie krył jednak sceptycyzmu względem spodziewanego stosunku hierarchów Kościoła do beatyfikacji wojskowego. Jak zauważył ks.Isakowicz-Zaleski trudno wróżyć the success of the project elevation to the altars was murdered by the communists Hero of Auschwitz, when Polish bishops reluctant to even refer to their efforts to the beatification of the Polish priests - victims of genocide in Volhynia in 1943, skeptical of the ability to raise the ecclesiastical procedures is also o.Jan Andrew Kłoczowski. Like the spider, and quoted o.Jerzy priests chaplains, famous Cracow Dominican expressed deep belief in the sanctity of a man who gave his life for the Fatherland. Referring to the example of Saint. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, who, recall, was beatified as a follower, and canonized as a martyr, o.Kłoczowski remarked that when it comes to the possible institution, then the process of beatification, one can not prejudge any variant of the situation. As he says in this context extremely accurate German proverb: in court and at sea all in God's hands.

worth on the margin notes that, contrary to appearances, the Catholic Church does not rule out making an example of those among the witnesses of Christ who were soldiers. This applies not only to form a semi-legendary, such as Św.Marcin of Tours. If in the opinion of many - including experts in canon law - among the officially recognized saints of the Church is a place for Otto Schimke, Austrian Wehrmacht soldier, was shot for refusing to participate in executions of Polish civilians, unless allowed to have hope that the bishops and canonists would like to think and the testimony of Polish hero - Martyr of totalitarianism.

And from us - the participants of the "recall a Captain," many in this largely depends. Everyone who realized the scale of the achievements of Witold Pilecki - knight, and followers of Christ - may contribute to the existence of the cult of his character. Therefore, as in the last year I mentioned many times, so it is important to extract the universal rtm.Pileckiego oblivion. This is used globally by promoting us from 25/05/2008 English translation of "Witold's Report". The fact that it appears in the Internet "Witold's Report" arousing growing interest and is also among those not connected with the Polish, fills us with joy. It is worth repeating that even in late May and June link to the English translation of the "Report Witold" and a call for action "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" ("Recall of Captain"), I sent not only to non-Polish MEPs and EU officials, but also to the editors of the media around the world. Taking into account the fact that half a year links to the are also in the różnojęzycznych versions of Wikipedia (and this despite the efforts of people who are doing their utmost to share, "Recall of Captain" harm) can not honestly say that the testimony of the founder of the Military Organization is available to the world. So, if in future we will hear again about publications in the foreign press, comprising determining the type: "Polish concentration camps", remember that the authors have at their fingertips English "Report Witold", and their editors as early as mid 2008 were informed . I mention this in the context of his time zlekceważonego and signed by over one hundred people from around the world Paradis Judaeorum Foundation proposal to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Anna Fotyga to take strong legal action against libel in "El Pais". I mention this in the context of the recent blunder of the German "Die Welt" that the Majdanek extermination camp called "Polish". If we do not want the world media with impunity, there were publications defiance of historical truth, it is now to try to get both the dissemination of such documents as "Report Witold" , and initiate actions such as authors and publishers are perpetrators of insults at the Polish victims.
has long been to seek moral support for our initiative rectors of the universities. Unfortunately, only a few were kind to respond to a call for action "to recall Captain." In the summer of last year a postcard with the slogan of our action were sent to more than seventy rectors of universities throughout the country. With some regret, I note that among the more than twenty universities located in Krakow, where I turned up the invitation, not a single one wanted to join in our "remembrance of Captain." This does not mean that the postcard with the image of Captain, which circulate throughout the world, for some reason just vanished in the depths of the secretariats of rectors. Proof of email 7.X.08 emailed by the secretariat of the Rector of Cracow University of Technology, which reads: "On behalf of the Rector of Cracow University of Technology prof.Kazimierza Furtak announce that card with the image of Captain Pilecki W. influenced the PK and Mr. Rector had the opportunity to Read it. Action taken by you consider valuable and wish you persistence and success in implementing the initiatives taken. " Unfortunately, during the subsequent correspondence, I could not encourage the school authorities to inform students anniversaries of rtm.Pileckim and / or our social action. The lack of any response from the other - a total of over sixty - recipients suggests that other rectors felt about as irrelevant or unworthy of mobilizing the academic community. For example, prof. Leszek Pacholski, rector of Wroclaw University in February 2008, he wrote: "I have a lot of respect for RTM. Witold Pilecki. The verdict was annulled in 1990, and he was posthumously awarded the Order of White Eagle. So it is well known and respected figure. " say that thanks to the cancellation of appeal ordered Captain and the post-mortem awarding the highest Polish Order of the Hero, the late Witold Pilecki is today a well-known shows weak prof.Pacholskiego discern the realities. Of course, if just in memory of Wroclaw University rtm.Pileckim is widespread, especially in restoring her to engage do not need, it is now prof.Pacholskiemu congratulate this state of affairs. Perhaps in this respect, Wrocław is the map of the country a glorious exception.
Yet in February 2008 responded to my invitation and prof. Wieslaw Andrzej Kaminski, president of Maria Curie-Sklodowska. Declaring the favor, His Magnificence expressly reserved: "Declaration includes, of course, my private and personal support for this particular initiative. I do not have the authority to express the support of the University. This would require the mobilization of official procedures. I would add that it would be the only form of resolution of the Senate. However, his powers are rather to express an opinion on matters of a general nature and not specific, as in this case. " Given these examples, the more joyfully greeted the list from the following universities:

In September 2008, I received emails from the Humanities School of Humanities and the Police Training Centre in Legionowo. Dorothy Dadas wrote: "On the orders of the Rector Prof. dr hab. Adam Koseskiego Thank you for inviting me to participate in social action, "recalled a Captain." Academy of Humanities. Alexander Academy of Humanities fully supports this worthy initiative. " In an email from the Deputy Inspector. Anne Galant from the Police Training Centre in Legionowo says: "(...) although we support the Lord's heart action, but our ability to actively participate in such ventures are determined by departmental, that we must respect."
Perhaps, therefore, are not without foundation is the hope that at least among the professors and graduates of the Catholic University of Lublin, the Land Forces Training Centre, University of Lodz, Central School of Fire Service, the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the Academy of Humanities. Alexander Gieysztor, Military Academy Technical and Police Training Center will be harder to meet people who have never heard of rtm.Witoldzie Pilecki, who have never read his report. This is all the more valuable that the scale of neglect in public education has reached historic proportions intimidating. Many readers probably like yourself this street poll conducted by journalists 17.IX.2008 one of television news programs before the gate of Warsaw University. It turned out that even among students of this university are persons to whom the date of 17 September with nothing to not associate.
Unfortunately, what I consider the experience of recent years and last month, contrary to the opinions of some luminaries of Polish science, rtm.Witold Pilecki remains for most Poles someone unknown. Fortunately, many compatriots at home and abroad, depends on changing the status quo. Therefore, it is very excited about the response, which call for action "to recall Captain" got the part of local government representatives, as well as individuals who, despite his duties, found time to join Captain reminders. Not to mention at this point all (part names mentioned in the previous text), but thanks to the involvement of such people as George Jaworzyna Jesionowski of Silesia, and Wojciech Oleksy of Olkusz, the hero of the Auschwitz becomes something close to the local communities. It is thanks to like them, soon many a street or square, or the school can get the name of Captain Witold Pilecki. The more it is likely that the suggestions in this regard goes on fertile ground among the representatives of the authorities. They argue the calls, which in recent months, I had, among others. with Dariusz Rzepka - Mayor Olkusz, Wojciech Kręglewskim and Norbert Napierajem of Poznan City Council, Thomas Gorzkowskim from the City Ryki Edward Pietrzyk - Deputy Mayor Chojnic, Krzysztof Sadowski from the office of the President of Glogau, employees of the City Council offices in Bydgoszcz, mayors Myślenice, Dobczyce.

also argues the letters sent to:

In the context of the documents, it is now also mention the project to rename the Parade Square in Warsaw and informed me one of the councilors. December 6 last year in this letter I sent to the Chairman of the City of Warsaw. Informed about the media, among others.: TVN Warszawa and . Here is an excerpt of the letter: "Naming the square where in the previous period pierwszomajowe parades were held and at the grandstand erected for the highest Communist Party officials, whose name was murdered before the 60th Independent years ago, a soldier, would be part of the authorities of Warsaw an extraordinary symbolic tribute to all victims of communism. Due to the location of the square in the heart of the capital, it also przybliżałoby form ś.p.Witolda Pilecki residents and many visitors Warsaw. As a lover of Chopin's music, I realize that, from over 150 years, it is the best "ambassador" Polishness. It should be noted, however, that unless its author - the largest of Polish composers - a figure widely known in the world, so far the largest of the Heroes of the Struggle Against Totalitarianism has been nearly supplanted the memory of his countrymen. I hope that Madam Chairman of the Capital City of Warsaw will agree with me that this situation imposes on us - contemporary Poles - a special obligation. "
Participants of the" recall a Captain, "I owe an explanation of a thorny issue . They asked me to say, the relationship to an institution that during 2008, also have the commemoration of the form and certificate of Witold Pilecki. January 6, 2008 in the text Fri "Volunteer for Auschwitz" , I wrote that, although much depends on bottom-up initiatives, ordinary people, it "Restoring the memory of the achievements of Witold Pilecki should be the concern of official institutions." . Therefore, throughout 2008, been to seek not only for moral support (which in the spring of last year gave us The Bishop of the Polish Army and Minister of Culture and National Heritage), but also about the concrete forms of cooperation. It seemed to me to be - and is ready I'm still defend this view - that in matters such as restoring the memory of the heroes is not and should not be, either in an unhealthy rivalry, nor envy, nor partyjniactwo. In the interests of national heritage Poles should work. Therefore, developments over the last several months in more than one surprised me. Responding to numerous questions, I present correspondence with the Institute of National Remembrance, and a proposal that I made the Lower Silesian Historic Initiative.

waiting for a response from the governors of IPN and DIH, I would like to address the broader background presented correspondence. In the event that any reader could imagine that my attitude to the IPN is different from the real, I declare that from the outset recognized the body as one of the very few offices, which revived the activities of the Republic can be proud. My support for the initiatives of the IPN is not limited to entering into the role of counsel in private conversations, in often interacted with repetition of unjust allegations against IPN. It was not confined to the promotion and still so very popular, "Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance." Not restricted to the signature of open letters (see, for example in defending the appeal IPN historians and "Arcanów" of 8.VI.2006.). On her modest measure, already a few years ago, I was trying to promote the educational activities of the IPN (see, for example, publications in the Gazette. Official Polish community in Canada ": " Face of Krakow's secret police, ", " The foundation of democracy is the memory " ) and also initiate a discussion of important anniversaries, events and characters ( Wiadomoś "65 years ago that the Army" , "Sieg Heil at the Katyn Cross - the finale to the court," , "Lebensborn XXI century" , "The Church's authority and a return to roots" .
To the question answered by the end: many times I have expressed support for the vetting and I am a full supporter of opening the archives of communist security services.
It is also time to make public the correspondence with key officials in the state. Those who are not familiar with the materials, which I published at this address over the last year, explaining that almost from the beginning of the "recall of Captain" I tried to support the very specific issues. President Lech Kaczynski (and also, among others.'s Advisor - prof. Ryszard Legutko), Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the Marshals of the Sejm and the Senate, the Minister of National Defense, etc.., I wanted not so much in our interest to recall a Captain (whatever that may mean) as ask for help in such matters as:
- to make the "Report Witold" in Polish schools and in the Polish Army
- establishment of holidays in the European Union Struggle Against Totalitarianism Heroes.
yet difficult to assume that the head of the Polish armed forces, as well as Prime Minister of the Polish government does not have any real support capabilities in these areas. It is hard to believe that the possibilities in this respect does not have the head of Defence. In the spring of last year, you'll find that high-ranking officers of the Polish army did not even know the names of the Hero of Auschwitz, I asked the Minister of Defence for permission the fact that on one of the official websites of the Polish Army is given an invitation to share my 'recall of Captain. " Despite the make contact (I had this on the long conference call), my requests are not met with understanding. Instead, Minister Klich sent me just such a letter stating:

hand a letter to the Prime Minister sent by registered mail 21.III.2008 was not lived to see even a perfunctory response.

But after long months of waiting, I received an amazing contents of the letter of the Presidential Chancellery:

The Minister Łopińskiego surprising for several reasons. Not only because - contrary to the declarations of the author - not attached to the President's message to participants of the ceremony in Wielun. Letter from the President's Chief of Cabinet of surprises for reasons of principle. Anyone who has little interest in the matter rtm.Witolda Pilecki, well aware that among Polish politicians is Lech Kaczynski, is the one who has done much to honor 60 years ago zgładzonego Independent Soldier. One can therefore wonder what is the point - in the context of my own, yet very specific requests - it has to mention in my letter addressed to the well-known merits of the President, while the omission of the silence with which I turned to the President.
assume, therefore, to the bare facts. Both the Prime Minister and President of the Polish - politicians capable of agreement across party lines, as demonstrated by combining both convinced of the need signing of the void under the law of the Lisbon Treaty - no chcą przyczynić się do upowszechnienia „Raportu Witolda”. Nie zamierzają również przyczynić się do ustanowienia unijnego święta obchodzonego 25 maja na cześć Bohaterów Zmagań z Totalitaryzmem. W takim stanie rzeczy, w dniu 11 grudnia 2008 r. zwróciłem się o pomoc do Prezydenta i Premiera Republiki Czeskiej.

Być może Vaclav Klaus i Mirek Topolanek – najwyżsi urzędnicy państwa, które obecnie przewodniczy Unii Europejskiej - wykażą więcej zrozumienia dla naszej inicjatywy.
Na podsumowania jeszcze za wcześnie. Wiele projektów was just launched, many will certainly continuing. Social action, "Recall of Captain" continues. No matter how much hostility arouses in those who will spare no effort to save the epilogue, "Witold's Report" Captain words even today are even more valid:
"This is not important, what I've written so far on these several pages , especially for those who will read them simply as a sensation, but here I write this in capital letters, what is not, unfortunately, in engineering writing, To all those heads, which are under the beautiful parting within the proverbial water and probably only mothers can give thanks for a well-vaulted skull, that this water from their heads are not leaking - let me reflect a little deeper into their own lives, let them look around at the people and begin to fight from each other, with the usual falsehood, hypocrisy, cleverly podtasowanym interest in ideas, truth, and even a big deal. "
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