Action "Recall of Captain" is a ponadpolityczny. Its purpose, however, can not be achieved without the participation of democratically elected representatives. Does the Civic Platform to support the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope is no longer sacred heroes on May 25?
Action "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") since the dawn of a social nature. As repeatedly emphasized, our initiative is a bipartisan project of civil society. This does not mean, after all, that the objectives of the implementation of which are seeking can be achieved without the participation of politicians. So for over a year a call for our share also goes to the people of politics. Recently I turned on the matter to U.S. Senator Sam Brownback . Republican of Kansas recently became famous commentary on the film about Irena Sendler, which used the term "Polish concentration camp" . Reading "Report Witold" , which encouraged him, certainly expand the historical knowledge, and help Americans avoid compromising future mishaps.
I believe that the Old Continent and the document that finally reaches the public consciousness. Rather, it will not be possible without the support of European politicians. Prior to sixteen months ago, I was hoping that it will not refuse any of the Polish representatives. Unfortunately, my hopes were vain. Looking back over a year, can not help noticing that many of the achievements of the "recall of Captain" failed to develop into a lasting success. Needless to say openly that the responsibility for this state of affairs belongs not to us - are represented, and the representativeness of our. And not all of what happened to stumble on the distance traveled can be justified by objective factors. Despite the efforts of our project participants, 60 anniversary of the assassination of Witold Pilecki was lost. Not done what was possible to seize the opportunity. Worse yet, what has been achieved even tried ruin. Many of our representatives not only failed to take the challenge. Many of those who publicly filed promises not kept the word.
once again demonstrated the unreliability and the media. Burden of facts proved to be unbearable. Draft Day Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism was manipulated. Silence and lies have become the method "explaining" causes loss of grassroots social initiative, which - as many thought - had a chance for a rapid completion of the EU as a holiday. Tried the idea before Easter Day on May 25 Heroes "integrate" in the context of political and media controversy in the Lech Walesa and the IPN. In the journal "Poland The Times" published an astonishing article which author, interestingly, in earlier publications reliably informed about the action, "recalled a Captain." The proposal put forward by me to comment on the article, April 7, positively responded to a newspaper editor Paul Fąfara. The next day, head of the "Feedback" Andrzej Godlewski has set a limit 5 thousand. characters for the text proposed by me. Later I was informed that a place in the pages of "Poland The Times" will be in one of the after-holiday releases. After many abbreviations in the text, on Tuesday, 14 April, I sent the article for both masters to the "Opinions".
After a few hot days (at the time MEPs vote AFTER the 2 April sparked discussions on many forums), on Friday, 17 this month I received an email from red.Godlewskiego, which suggested that the article specially written by me for "The Polish Times, however, will not be published. In this course of events the same evening I turned the proposal to Paul Lisicki, editor in chief of the Rzeczpospolita daily. Unfortunately, until the publication of this material was never the part of the newspaper of any response. Matter is not interested and other media.
Dropped at this point an important factor. In light of the facts that took place later, it can be assumed that the publication of the "Poland The Times (or other publication), my article of April 14, prevented the release of Mr Boguslaw Sonik kuriozalnego declaration in which the MEP Cracow PO recognizing himself as a victim "media distortion" , rozminął the truth and insulted posłankę PiS Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka.
Here is an article whose publication refused "Poland The Times:

lack of space (allocated to remind limit of five thousand. Characters) article title claim could not be expressed and justified explicitly. Participants of the "recall of Captain" guessed that the third - the symbolic - the killing of Captain, which in my view, April 2, 2009 participated in a Polish MEP, was preceded by wyrugowaniem Witold Pilecki with universal awareness of the PRL and the execution of a death sentence for Hero of Auschwitz on 25 May 1948
facts, what I remembered in the text, which not passed through the editorial censorship, it is easy to check (just read the previous material at ). These facts give the lie to assertions that the cause of the attitudes of members of the PO concept Heroes Day Fight Against Totalitarianism was animosity against Lech Walesa and Boguslaw Sonik, or lack of professionalism PiS MEPs.
important evidence in this case is a letter I received on April 15 this year from former Prime Minister:
Dear Mr. President,
regret to learn that as a result of an error technical voted wrongly vote on April 2, at the last plenary session of Parliament on April 2 this year.
My intention, as well as all members of the Civic Platform and Polish People's Party in the European Parliament was and is to honor the memory of Witold Pilecki.
therefore made the correct vote, as well as other members, advocating the establishment of May 25, the day of the death of Captain, on Heroes Fight for totalitarianism and sustain the living memory of people such as Witold Pilecki.
I hope the amendment will be published on the website of the EP as soon as possible:
Yours sincerely, Jerzy Buzek
Later that same of contacted me by phone assistant Buzek MEP, repeating the explanations in the list, and declaring any support on the establishment on May 25 Day of the Heroes Struggle Against Totalitarianism.
Meanwhile, many online discussion forums erupted, the participants shared their doubts about the real reasons for this, and not the result of another amendments to the resolution vote, "European awareness and totalitarianism." Jerzy Buzek's argument, repeated in the media, among others. by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, has convinced few. MEPs at PO dead harsh words and even letters of resignation from participation in public life. Interested in the details, I refer to, among others. Arthur rascal comments Fri "Rags" and Jerzy Bukowski "Polish MEPs against rotmistrzowi Pilecki" . It is worth mentioning that on the case, which attracted so hot disputes, the mainstream media passed on the agenda.
That was until Sunday 19 April, when the President condemned the attitude of the PiS MEPs platforms, and Sonik MEP has made extraordinary importance "discovery" . Distancing themselves from earlier explanations club colleagues, Mr Sonik ordered the blame for the outcome of the vote on April 2 ... Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka. Boguslaw Sonik MEP statement quoted most Internet information services. Not only the forum it provoked further discussion. Personally, I was surprised size manipulation, which has committed Mr OP, I put a comment in this portal Fri "Boguslaw Sonik Pętactwo"
next day, Mr Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka held a press conference, during which referred to the recent events and Paradis Judaeorum Foundation issued a special statement, which again went unnoticed.

The need to commemorate not only the victims but also those who in times of trial have undertaken the fight against totalitarianism, I've written many times. I quoted the arguments were well known PO MEPs. Therefore, discrepancy between the attitude of Jerzy Buzek, and that they took Boguslaw Sonik, makes us think about the intentions of the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a platform on May 25, feast of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Perhaps it is in fact so that if in the eyes of politicians such as Margaret Handzlik, Filip Kaczmarek, and Jerzy Buzek and Saryusz-Wolski, Witold Pilecki anniversary of the murder deserves to be commemorated European festival, a different view on this subject is not only Boguslaw Sonik, but the same Donald Tusk?
the assumption that it is worthwhile to see this, especially before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament decided to go back to the source. Here is the letter which I sent on April 21 the President of the Civic Platform:

can only hope that this time it registered priority letter is not lost in the depths of clerical desks, as happened to the letters sent by me March 21, 2008 r .
Interesting also how the position of Chairman of the OP is to the fact that on May Day European heroes manifested MEPs SLD: Dariusz Rosati, Bogdan Golik and Joseph Pinior. I'm also curious about what in this respect can be expected after taking off from candidates other than those listed above, the election committees.

Despite the difficulties, the character Captain paves the way for modern consciousness. The foreign newspapers, there are recent publications that have a chance to contribute to increased knowledge of the historical average of the West (see articles in British "The Times" and the Italian "Corriere della Sera ). I reported to the editorial office of British Raw Television, asking for help in making the film about Witold Pilecki. The intention of the persons concerned, this film would also be displayed in the United States.
A and on our Polish backyard happens to a lot of good. For documents published in previous months, join the following list:

At the end of the invitation. One of the institutional share of participants' recall of Captain "- Tarnow Society of St. Michael the Archangel under the "Fellowship of the Heroes" is organizing the anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki, ie, May 13 evening, marching with torches. I hope that many of us engage in these celebrations. I will not run out on them such institutions as KoLiber Association, Association of Scouts of the Republic, the Association of Catholic Scouts Zawisza, the Solidarity Trade Union, etc.. This year's Birthday Captain can and should become an event in many Polish cities.
you recall about him, after all, not only to politicians.
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