With each passing day increases the attendance of our shares. People who can afford the slightest sincere gesture does not defeat even the greatest ill will and hostility. Here are the new facts.
As soon as I write these words, over four hundred people living on several continents submitted signatures for a petition calling on the Polish MEPs to make efforts to establish a European Captain death anniversary of the Day Heroes of the Struggle with Totalitarianism.
At the end of September was an important event. The appeal to the public and the media to support the petition to the MEPs called on seven former prisoners of Auschwitz:
Jerzy Bielecki, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 243, the Righteous Among the Nations,
Zbigniew Blok, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 1195,
Kazimierz Piechowski, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 918, a former soldier of the Union of Military Organization,
Joseph Stack, a former prisoner Auschwitz Concentration Camp No. 752,
Szepelak Wladyslaw, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 168061,
Edmund Szewczyk, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 1498,
Kazimierz Zajac, a former Auschwitz prisoner number 261st
full text of the petition at:
why I decided on this kind of action? It turns out that almost two years after the inauguration of our campaign, although not always an uplifting experience in recent months, most representatives of the Republic Captain treats the matter as frivolous.
September 2 to the newly elected President of the European Parliament, prof.Jerzego Buzek sent the following letter:
Dear Mr. President,
yesterday, during the solemn celebration of the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II have died from the Lord's word paragraph: "Here, at Westerplatte, a handful of soldiers heroically resisted fascism, stood in defense of freedom and honor in Europe. (...) It is on this land they fought against fascism from first to last day of the war. Today . As President European Parliament want to say loud and clear: Do not forget. I will not let forget. Historical memory can not be stowed in a drawer in a dusty museum. Because it's important and tragic memory. The memory of the 60 million victims of war. (...) This memory is the foundation on which to build the future. The second war ended in May '45 year. (...) But this was not the end of the great persecution of European nations. Only half of the continent's freedom regained his breath. "
National Socialism" Aryan master race "and his insane racist ideology, have brought terrible toll of victims. As the Lord reminded Westerplatte, adopted by the European Parliament 23 August - the anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact - as we celebrate the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism. We Poles and all Europeans, do not forget after all and those who although they have been victims of totalitarianism, actively opposed the antyludzkiemu evil. Ago about Hitler, Stalin and the morning of the face. We must not forget, such as Captain Witold Pilecki.
Over a year ago (25.05.2008) information service Fakty (in the material Fri "Hero of choice" ), in the context of the Foundation Paradis lansowanego Judaeorum draft new EU holidays said Mr. Witold Pilecki on: "This (...) dream a hero because he fought with the two totalitarian systems."
the other hand, in a letter to the undersigned, dated April 15, 2009 r, you stated, among others. "My intention, as well as all members of the Civic Platform and Polish People's Party in the European Parliament was and is to honor the memory of Witold Pilecki. (...) Establishment on May 25, the day of the death of Captain, on Heroes Fight for totalitarianism and sustain the living memory of people such as Witold Pilecki. "
In reference to your instance Westerplatte, the Lord's earlier statements and coming plans, and correspondence regarding social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"), I would like to inform the Prime Minister's Office benevolent interest in our project of the Kingdom of Sweden, European Day of Heroes. I would also like to ask about the plan by the President of the European Parliament's efforts to establish May 25 as European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. (This letter to let you attach a copy of the letter that was sent to me in Stockholm on November. 20/07/2009.)
For participants in social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"), I dare to ask the Lord in these matters, even before the day scheduled for September 4th official visit President of the European Parliament in Sweden.
Please kindly answer the question whether among the topics discussed with the head of government of the country currently holding the presidency of the European Union, there is a place for the proposed by us and enjoys the support of the Lord, the draft European May Day Heroes.
Later that same of (2.09.) from Peter Szczesniak the Office of Deputy prof.Jerzego Gliwice Buzek got the confirmation email and telephone to provide the above correspondence. I mention these details because, until October 16 prof.Buzek not had time to respond to the message content.
Referring to the letter to the President of the European Parliament, on September 4, I asked our newly elected representatives in Brussels question "Is on the establishment of May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism you can do you reckon?" . September 8 reiterated his question-president Greg Rosengarten Christian Association of Auschwitz Families. By the time I write these words, among all the 50 Polish deputies and members answer the question in the affirmative willed just six Ryszard Czarnecki, Boguslaw Sonik, Filip Kaczmarek, Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg, Mark Migalski and Konrad Szymanski.
O miserable odzewie MEPs, and also about our petition and support given to it by seven former prisoners of Auschwitz both Paradis Judaeorum Foundation and the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families to inform the media, institutions and individuals. This was echoed on many websites (eg on a blog ks.Tadeusza Isakowicz-Zaleski whether Polonia Progress for Poland), as well as despatches Radio Information Agency and the Catholic Information Agency . The campaign involved intensive City and the City of Zakopane Auschwitz.
Most of the press is not interested. Jacek Kowalczyk - editor of the weekly "cross" in the mail on October 2, wrote: "Unfortunately, we do not have space for this type of official letters and speeches, such goals are much more columns of the daily press." As it turned out, the pages of newspapers are on the subject, by which at least unwilling to fight. The painful way to convince the attitude of "Our Journal" and "Rzeczpospolita", overwriting what a great authoress under the pseudonym "Cathy" has prompted the publication of the text "The measure of the reliability of journalistic work," . In the discussion that has sparked off in the margin was attended, among others. Stanislaw Remuszko. Comments author book "Gazeta Wyborcza. The origins and around" on the rules of journalistic integrity and the difference between freedom of expression and media freedom should be taken to heart not only the media people.

Given the totality of the evidence written an address to the editors of these newspapers the following list:

those who had not been in contact with said in a letter to red.Lisickiego publication, here Link to text: "They want to beatification Pilecki" , who a year ago was quoted by most media.
Last month marked by constant efforts to obtain for our share kindness institutions, groups and bodies which have a special authority. August 18 I sent registered priority lists for more than a dozen representatives of the elite academic world. The addressees of the letters bearing the extensive documentation were professors: Catherine Chałasińska-Macukow, Małecka-Tendera Ewa Zygmunt Mierczyk, Antoni Tajduś, Andrew Elias, Adam Budnikowski, Tadeusz Luty, Charles Musioł, Waldemar Tłokiński, Michael Plummer, Aloysius Szymanski, Grzegorz Chojnacki, Jerzy Smorawinski (and then Zbigniew Waśkiewicz), Andrzej Kolasa and Jerzy Woznicki. Most of these are the presidents of universities, and also the chairman of the conference, bringing higher education to the specialization.
For example, I attach a copy of the first part of the letter (ie without a number of annexes, which are documents available in the materials on www.michaltyrpa.blogspot.com ) to Mrs. Rector of the Medical University of Silesia:

Answer Her Magnificence:

recall that a year ago postcards (and the earlier and later also emaile) z zaproszeniem do naszej akcji przesłałem do ponad siedemdziesięciu rektorów polskich szkół wyższych. Sześć z nich przyjęło zaproszenie. Skany odpowiedzi, jakie otrzymałem od władz Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, Centrum Szkolenia Wojsk Lądowych, Szkoły Głównej Służby Pożarniczej, Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej, Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego dostępne są w materiale z 24 stycznia b.r. "Przypomnijmy o Rotmistrzu – to nasz obowiązek" .
Niestety, poza panią prof.Ewą Małecką-Tenderą do chwili, gdy zamykam ten materiał, none of the recipients of my letters of 18 August did not want to formally respond. 12 and 14 October I sent to the "silent" rectors of emails asking for a possible answer. October 15 received three emails. The sender of the first, Joanna Kabala - Assistant to the Rector of the School of Social Psychology prof.Andrzeja Elijah (who I would address as the Interim President of the Conference of Rectors of Private Schools), informed me that I sent to the registered priority letter has not arrived and that, therefore, I was asked to forward the call to action "Recall a Captain, "once again ... In return email I expressed doubt as to the alleged unfairness of the Polish Post and I sent you a scan of the receipt in the Kabali registered letter. Another email received from the Secretary of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Academic Schools. Professor. Kraśniewski Andrew wrote, among others. " CRASP - by virtue of their tasks defined in the Statute and in accordance with the decision of its Bureau - do not engage in this type of initiative. " as a third responded to my demands rector of the Jagiellonian University. Here is the email:
" Thank you for the information. It is definitely too far from home relating to the operation of the Jagiellonian University, which is why I inform the University does not engage in this action. Karol Musiol "
In light of the circumstances, it may surprise you that the only on restoring the memory of Hero, which Poland and the world owes so much, you can expect from the oldest Polish the university, is expressed in pure fiat email ... assertiveness.
can at least hope that my requests to come up with understanding the heads of the Polish National Bank and the Polish Post, did not prove to be futile. In the extensive correspondence sent on August 19 this year, I asked the two institutions to incorporate the issue plans for May 2010, the possibility of establishing a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism:

I have often repeated In the last more than a year, one of the main objectives of the "recall of Captain" is moving towards a situation where the average Pole (and the Europeans and the inhabitants of the global village) will associate with whatever form of Witold Pilecki. Certainly in his beloved homeland Captain this can not be achieved without the help of those who are responsible for the education of youth. And here is a sequel, which began in February 2008 correspondence with the Ministry of Education:

Captain heroic figure can and should be reiterated in the context of the religious dimension of the certificate of Witold Pilecki. Special debt "Hero of Auschwitz" are the ones who create the universal Church. Fortunately, more and more people are aware of this issue. It's hard on the other hand not to notice that the Church is still a lot of people - just lay, like the clergy - not associate with names like Captain. I wrote about this a year ago in a letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI (see material of 13.10.2008 on "humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God" ). I turned to the eminent representatives of the Church in Poland, in late August this year, sending a rich dossier activities related to our initiative, two written a letter similar in content to JEKs. Archbishop Jozef Michalik - President of the Polish Episcopal Conference and the JEKs.Kardynała Jozef Glemp - Polish Primate.

On behalf of Archbishop Michalik said Secretary of the Polish Episcopal Conference Chairman Adam ks.dr Sycz. The email of 15 October, reads:
"Captain Witold Pilecki is definitely a hero. In order to guide others on the road to holiness and salvation, what the Church, the hero (in the broadest sense) should be a saint. Cult and worship against those who enjoyed the life of holiness, and begins to spontaneously from below, ie in the environment in which they lived and worked. If the matter is God - outlines ever widening circles, if the man - falls. Already existing cult of the person's church, at every level, examine and rule. This practice applies to all who showed heroic virtue. "
Answer Primate came in September.
I hope that in spite of the difficulties many of us - believers and unbelievers, Catholics and Only treat those words as an incentive to further effort. To conclude this report, I would ask for prayer or a moment of reflection in connection with the recent death of prof.Mariana Kolodziej, the guardian of memory, the author of the transferee series graphics "Negatives memory - mazes" which I posted in the early part of this material.
May we wished to hear what they have to tell us "the numbers" from Auschwitz. Would be against their victims we could afford something more than a shrug of the shoulders, audacity, nonchalance ..
See also:
Jerzy Bielecki - No. 243
Zbigniew Blok - No. 1195
Kazimierz Piechowski - No. 918
Joseph Stós - No. 752
Wladyslaw Szepelak - No. 168061
Edmund Szewczyk - No. 1498
Kazimierz Zajac - No. 261
contact: michal.tyrpa @ blogspot.com
Zob.także: http://mementomori.salon24.pl/
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