Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Card For Cancer Patient

Katharsis Katharsis

Katharsisy minor


1.lit. cleansing action of the tragedy of the passions by calling the viewer an emotional shock, especially pity and fear (a term coined by Aristotle) \u200b\u200b

second psych. disclosure of a patient in the process of psychoanalysis is not yet unconscious complexes and release it in this way since they induce neurotic symptoms. Gilda Radner

There is no man in the world who wiódłby life devoid of worries, fears and negative emotions. Even hermits feeding on mushrooms in the desert sometimes have reason to worry. The most common of these is the very fact of being a hermit.

Despite this state of affairs, many people think that the whole evil of the world runs down on them like water off a duck, without making any detriments of their psyche. That's not true. Evil is rubbed onto the people and the particles begin to circulate inside. Accumulate as cholesteror accumulates in the arteries, gradually closing, and leading to congestion and hemorrhage. The same evil - gradually and imperceptibly embraces. More and more human characteristics dies, a man becomes a cold, bitter, frustrated for life. Until it comes to stroke, explosion of hatred. To infect the evil of others ... Joan Rivers

needs to be tackled. Nutritionists recommend eating margarine. Coby's heart to have as dzwonnnn:) But not quite the point. Need something more. Each

is needed catharsis.

Something clearly as a hurricane strikes in thy mind and exported it as unnecessary, or softly works like a mountain stream, eluting relentlessly all the dirt.

Different ways to be cathartic, just how different people are. Przelećmy after the most common ...
Roseanne Barr

The front sections are described:

· Pogo - With a large effort of imagination, you can call it dancing. Combines the satisfaction of physical fatigue with deep emotional experiences (almost personal bond with giving his all band and a sense of unity with the surrounding crowd.) Not for everyone, but for those who will love, diablo furiously finishing and rewarding. In terms niekoncertowych addiction manifested browsing your favorite bands and finding where the news of the planned route:) Susan Sarandon

Sails - A few days after winding rejsowania przesmykach and broad floodplains can work wonders. Cradled calm and detached from civilization, we discover that we can manage just fine without it. We acquire humility. Are gaining courage. We become willing to live.

Disadvantages: Terribly missed by the entire winter.

In addition, there are many other katharsisów. Occur separately or in sets. The set now:) The most popular sets include the ancient "Wine, Women and Song" and its contemporary mutation "Sex, Chips and Rock'n'Roll ")

I will discuss them briefly ...
Dinah Shore

· Wine - "Sometimes I like to sharply zeszmacić / barely keep up on my feet / I like to then lie on the sidewalk / I look in the eyes of God / I look in the eyes of God ..." T. Love. Master Sigmund utrafił to the heart. Some things are easier to swallow with a drink of alcohol. Added to this is the state of intoxication ... Well, it was not there, always gives you some different perspective on some things. Like a look at the negative image. And so what if only sees a large white spot - in fact, gaping black void ...

But be careful, because it is playing with fire. I mean ... about this example: once the fire was drying wet sneakers, tied for kijku. Starczyła a moment of inattention to address the fire and burned down almost completely. The alcohol is the same. You have to be careful. Beverly Sills

· Women - see Sex (yes, this is a disgusting manifestation of chauvinism devious;)

· Singing - "everyone can sing" - as someone put it nicely. "Although not everyone can not listen to "- anyone else noticed:) However, the problem is not about singing for the audience, and singing for, well ... for singing. Some places, such as a shower, the bathroom area used for shaving, corner table, wedding, or are the last seat on the bus during a school trip seem to be extremely conducive nieudolnemu imitation of popular hits. Sometimes it is impossible to stop! Especially against this, to sing the same thing over and over again. And that can also sit catharsis. Although people who have never zdarły throat camping thirty times in a row falsifying the "Satan, Satan ..." will never understand.

· Sex - Well, well. It combines animal praprzodkach inherited from the need to multiply the human need for intimacy. Successful can satisfy both:). Przestrzec should, however, that the various religious and moral systems impose on the sex plethora of restrictions, so that in their mind, not everything is allowed and certainly not for everyone. It should also be noted that each man has his own reason and he himself knows best what is good for them.
Bessie Smith
A. Important! Catharsis involves only with the need for closeness. No free love, no quickie in the toilet, do not give what is built from the ground took an emotional bond. That's life ...

· Chips - Who does not believe in chips amazing performance today may choose to Mc'Donalds! There is in addition to traditional Polish dishes such as stew and dumplings zatorebkowany serve precisely this delicacy. You need the reader to know that the yellow chips in the jungle hides a unique Gold Wild. It may have phallic shape, the shape of the bolts to the tractor or any other shape. It just does not play a role. What matters is that it is gold. And magic! Meet your 3 wishes. Barbara Stanwyck

colleague once asked Golden Wild, someone brought into her life a bit of support, lots of light and heat. Later that same day, she calls with offers from electric plant, the lender's high percentage, as well as the manufacturer of floor heating. So .. Find out more!

· Rock'n'Roll - Much has been said on this occasion Pogo and singing. I would add only this: "Music soothes manners" and this is true. A would mitigate even more when listening to go from passive to more active forms of cross rhythm with the melody ... Meryl Streep

happen you can also katharsisy separate. Self-sufficient.

There are more, I mean. more than you think, that is:)

· Travel - But I do not like Japanese tourists: the minibus - obfotografować monument - to buy ice cream - a minibus - the next landmark - fast! Travelling is to capture the atmosphere of, a sense of slow crack barriers of distance, the intersections of magic and finesse signposts. But there is no catharsis buried. Shirley Temple

It's really about clambered to the top of the pyramid of human needs, the complex (bottom) with good food, and various such a secure roof over their heads, to belong to any group, and - at the very top - from self-fulfillment . Usually works on a couple of nice years old. And while on the road zgubiwszy way, we come to the city of the accident, where he offers us dinner and a piece of the mattress, and where we encounter a group similarly satisfied with the "snack" humanoids and it is fun, is to talk to late at night and be satisfied. I worked on it a couple of hours. This can build up a man, I can not say ....

· Housekeeping service - Trying to bring order in your own living space can become a sentimental journey. Rozbebeszysz everything is dogrzebiesz to such residue behind, which you would not accuse in life for survival. You get to know each other - each of the previous eras. Sometimes interesting! Naturally, provided that you do order rather rare. I did not try more than once a year;)
Big Mama Thornton
· Interview - This is what is there to hide, to the fullest katharsisów. The need for two or more people and usually long, long time. And that's all. Any external pacemakers. Which again is not quite such a plus - the man passed on only its own forces are not always can cope. It's hard to externalize. Such things as music or sailing cleanse you almost without your participation. Here you have the same right to know what ails you. And at the same time have a caller that does not heed your feelings and reciprocate the same. This is, what's to hide, the hardest of katharsisów ... Tammy Wynette

· Exorcism - sometimes helps celebration ritual prayers. Once, for this example, bored with a buddy in class. Awful. And then lit up the idea: we took an old glove obcięliśmy girlfriends and her fingertips (glove, not my friend;), which once we laid evenly in a circle like a mini-Stonehenge. Combined the "boulders" lines, creating an ominous pentagram and placed in the middle of Guinness beer cap, which would be more Celtic, pagan, climatically and in general. Then we took w / her friend with the appearance of a pig pen case, and also another zakosiliśmy pencil case, except that like the elk. Pets began to circle around the mystical dance invoking rain unexpected paperclips ... Lily Tomlin

I helped:)

· Reading Pratchett - For those who like fantasy and for those who can not stand it. For those who feel like they are idiots and all the minds of those who eat for lunch. For those who fear death and those of CO THEM LOOK at her face;))). For all who want to gain a bit distance to the world and to himself. Highly recommended!

· Reading AM - On the occasion of the jubilee, all thanks to what the cus-called Action Magus is alive and well ... many things, events, and different ones that could be described (and write;)

I. .. If only the hundreds to thousands dwusetki! :) Gwen Verdon

· Reading anything - does not require wysportowania, power or money. Zagonienia requires for it to work wet behind the ears of the imagination. Well, and concentration. Because focusing on historyjach not of this (or, and that) the earth is pushed aside his everyday life. The separation from her and take a trip trail as heroes of a few trinkets, without which our personality can not live. This is done by trifles such as this gem does draw the mussel shells. Extract them to light. Dionne Warwick

· Small wandalka - clink of glass, flying rotten wood shavings, chips of plaster, fragments of pillows, scraps of paper, fire, the roar of explosions, all in a tiny, tiny dust! Whew .... I do not shoot me here nose. Wyżycie up for dead, although resistant subjects, in an incomprehensible way for me to increase the level of satisfaction with life. It's a fact. I checked. Very addictive. It is useful to remember two things:

1) As I want to vandalize something, let it be YOUR thing, right?

2) Try to get you that no outsider is not observed. Being caught with chewed pencil in his teeth is sooo embarrassing ... ;)

· Writing - You can feel better by writing. Ofcozz jakichśtam not by writing articles in the thoughts, twisted stories and poems. Such badziewy today is the same lamusy write. Żenada normally. Today, tapping text messages to luzacki because it styknie 256 characters at all. Even on a religion of love. To the extent sofciarskie and Mountaineering, of course.
Dinah Washington
· Signal - And how do you cash in your esemesa damage, but there is always fun in empathy cell. It works like this: Late, late at night you start to think hard about a certain person. Can you imagine what she's doing, how he feels ... And finally sending her a very short signal his unit i. .. think further and harder. Anticipate her reaction to your ringtone, minor operations connected with it, along z. .. torque back. When you feel that this was, snapping of fingers (or walisz head against the wall, then you lose consciousness;) and if at that time the cell rings ... You won! As a reward, you can go to sleep.

Fun lets go perfectly with each other.

Oprah Winfrey

And here's the secret katharsisu. That and all the others. You leave yourself and your own person looks at a bit of a distance. You will see the beam in your own eye, you see worms in the guts - it crashes every move! And evil will not overtake.

One of these methods result in MUST.

And if not? Well, you are katharsisy spare ...

Picturs Fo Hombres Desnu

: Sailing

Catharsis: Sailing

It is well known that a large part of the masculine population of fascinating cars. Sports in particular. And although the scale of the known causes range from the purely practical to those which Mr. Freud would have a lot to say, most women understand that it is not able to. They seem ridiculous to those thrilling cries of delight at the outline of the back, or the fantastic complexity of the tire tread patterns ... Yet when driving, and so do not see them. And enjoying the sweet smell of burning rubber still ready to be considered a perversion.
Well, for most men belong, but I never and would never attracted me to the four wheels. Hence the ritual worship of the body, chassis, and this is between me pretty strange. I can not understand this cult practitioners. Katharine Hepburn

I do the same. It's just that the sailboats.

is enough that catalogs the brain is seen as a yacht jednomasztowy object, and suddenly disappears haze of my head, which are commonly and successfully distorts my reality. Suddenly it becomes a penetrating gaze, and the thought clear. Each nerve cell is looking for his counterpart podgłośnienia TV ...
fascinating and worthy of attention is everything: reflections on a perfectly round the sides, flapping flag and sails wydęte, professionalism in the movements of the crew, the second-coordinated, most marked in the recovery of cracks capstan by the forestay, the shape kilwateru remaining after the maneuver, the number of bubbles in kilwaterze, their color, size ... Everything. Billie Holiday
my fascination does not have to look far. I grew up in the town, which looks on the map scraps of iron injected as a small lake in the hammer anvil more widespread. Is a cross between a charming resort with a hole in the hollow killed by desks (this is the first summer, the second for the rest of the solar cycle)
Season: Small lake attracts beach goers and a few diving enthusiasts. Big acts like a magnet for those already zadurzonych and those who just have to fall in love with sailing. Among them, I anchored here permanently - boat moored 100 meters away from the ridiculous point where you created the text. Mahalia Jackson

Normal szczęściarstwo. On board for a good few years old, probably at the helm for four. Gradually, year by year, fewer and fewer parental restrictions and instructions. Recently reduced to "call us if you missed something." Do we called never.
did not come without a passion infected friends. Now just throw your password, rapid separation of duties and 24 hours later we lazy mooring lines and sails, in a few minutes to disappear for the cape. A few long days and years. Another person who swallows a bug. Another fall in it by the neck and finds that it is not at all well. Instinct that something must be in the swim, since people after only one flight at the sight of boats ranging in a strong inclination blood begins to circulate more quickly, and the owner of blood once again wants to be on the water and feel the squall hit in the face. The instinct is right. Lena Horne

in love with sailing is very much like falling in love with someone. Personal experience outsider will not do the story of the lost anchor or a rope attraction acquired from a fingerprint. So do not persuade her delight over the color of freckles and crooked ears wybranki heart. In both cases, however, that a whole bunch of equally unimportant, which provides stunning detail just a facade for something deeper. Hidden between the lines, that feeling adored object arouses in us. In the case of a loved one matter is clear. But what people just turns in sailing? Etta James This catharsis. Contained between sport and adventure, survival between the school and the philosophy of life. It is for him and it would swim a bit to write.

What the hell is it? (And why raw?;)
I'll go with the assumption that most readers live in areas with low rates zajeziorzenia per capita. Ergo: a control boat does not know anything, or knows a lot less than was thought, he knows. It's just like any of us think that he knows the helicopters. I mean, he knows that the flying and the use of this prop ... just ... mmm .. wow, how can the devil to turn right? You probably understand ...
But, back to our sails ... Sailboat is not a car that runs on water. This seems obvious in theory but in practice many of the problems makes a beginner this fundamental truth. Janis Joplin

Well, can not believe cudaki ... And yet: what distinguishes a boat on the car is a) lack of self-propelled and b) resulting from this high vulnerability to external conditions. Let's put it this way: by car, jeep this field, everywhere you drive, you reach into every corner, parking can be slowly and without fuss to bring about, and no storm, no hail did not stand in your way. How nice. On the boat is different. Unfortunately or fortunately. It's fun to watch beginnerów as instinctively seek a kind of reverse or at least brake. Fanny Kemble
better look for life on Mars - at least it is. Ship, or a motorboat may yet, if you give the entire back and calm the situation. Jeno is on sailing maneuvers. And there is no mercy. The scope of the possible directions to take things could be very, very limited. Sometimes (in fact it is almost always;) promotes wind just flowing in the opposite direction than planned. It's probably some kind of cosmic right. Nature can be in this area as more annoying, that is, maintain the course of a strained as the acrobat. From the very beginning of the folks complaints to quickly become accustomed and even fall in love. Gypsy Rose Lee

can also swim on the engine, but I treat it like drinking a few deeper for fun. In fact, faster and easier, but it avoids bunkers you experience the power of available only without wspomagaczy. Eh ... if all those exhaust and noise enthusiasts know the feeling when the investigation to the pier must be skillfully destroy speed - read: dropping the sails utrafić with precision in only one second, because the opportunity will not happen again, and the minimum guaranteed slipping punching with charm and grace in a clump of reeds, mud and seaweed ... These powyłączaj just a machine. Eluded them so much adrenaline ... Vivien Leigh

must also mention of another very important aspect of vulnerability to conditions. A situation where the conditions are extremely harsh. There is no way of overcoming storm or hurricane winds. When the flash on a blue background it says "Get out!", The helmsman did not rip gieroja and places behind his ears and blows krzaczory. The one who will rejoice to closer contact with the element, is simply an idiot. A boat in stormy gusts kept plummet as easily as a passenger inhibitory at Subway. Our Lajb turns and goes down and the crew waiting for contact with another element in which the drowning or dying from hypothermia. Ida Lupino
not summarize here horror movie, and I write how it really is - every year are victims.

Cofka time.
the above paragraph do not want nobody deterred from sailing, but only to warn. I also want to highlight a significant difference between the rocking in the waves, and standing firmly on the ground. Well ... is exactly the opposite: That rat Inland rocks somewhere in the clouds. Civilization rears him. Civilization corrupts it. Civilization muddles it. It maintains a false sense of security and lazy comfort. Satisfies the cravings of his degenerate, telling him in that he is king of the world, a world that revolves around him. And generally excels in this, that man stopped to think the same.
The water is different. Loretta Lynn

Here are just a tad breeze in the direction other than the whim fancied that the child is distressed civilization discovered that nothing, nothing at once - you need to make the effort. Quite little man came nowhere heads that no, it is not the master of this world. There is only dust, a small insignificant cog in the machinery of the cosmos, łupinką in a sea of \u200b\u200breality. And the reality is that This same man comes in waves, or wave it covers, it vsio fish, a fungus, no big deal. And finally, our casual sailor notes that kłębiącym against the forces around you do not understand have such advanced weapons as the bow, two pieces of white cloth, a pair of frayed ropes, paddles, indeed the crew ready for (almost) everything. Well, my own modest skills. Oaked humility. But it takes too, and courage. Moms Mabley
And sometimes even begin to think independently.

And to think it is about. Behold, we received a product of civilization as the hard and warm roof over your head. Cruise is in movement, after all, and is inextricably linked to the search for a place to stay. Who thinks that a piece of cake may think twice. Cause and not everyone knows that the wind in Hawaii has a strange property - it ends up at seven in the evening. Then silence. If you have not figured out yet, where today you sleep, you're out of luck. And if the team is so big, like me, and sleeping needs tent, best start looking for a nice equal to the clearing from breakfast. Ethel Merman

And even better, how to take a map and plan your route on the next few days' journey.
And so schyleni smoothly over the map heading toward the observation that it spoiled before the advent of civilization, measured the space for days away. Somehow went back in time to era, when the hand was not an instant hundreds of calls to each site of the world, but man was not addicted. We are self-reliant. Do not oppress us, and no system is too bad for us, and even comfortable. Bette Midler

jescze little break in ...
Dealing with estate with no supermarket, also promotes this type of applications. Because when you are hungry, the brave sailors, but rather one on the water does not provide them with a pepperoni pizza in 20 minutes. Life is brutal - on the steep bank at the heart of the Piska has nothing to do at your fingertips. Maybe in addition to strawberries. I wish you bon appétit;) I know from experience that the habit of thinking of the stock at the sight of the village passed knead until after the cruise, which this very sensible reflex sorely lacking. And there is only one thing, the lack of cruise suffer more from lack of food. Drinking:). The body is dehydrated in a bank in July, the body from sun stroke ... Liza Minnelli
need to think about everything. As time goes by this thinking quite pleasant.
Almost as freedom, or what ...

Heh, amused me once a couple, represented by the so-called warszawki between them while watching sailboats fulfilled in such a dialogue:
- You, Helen! There is no shower!
- Shower! Here, there is not even TV!
Indeed, the presence of electronic equipment on its łajbie not stated. At most, traces of white goods. Spiders have something to live;)
leave on the edge of civilization, is to leave 88 edition of Big Brother, reports of the decisions taken at the international congress of politicians and advertising for the new color Dosia, leave your record collection, Gadu-Gadu, DivX, remote control cars and wireless Kettle ... Even the cells lose their coverage in a more secluded site. Does not capture the longer signal From Outside. People or not.
And among the rolling waves, there comes a moment, and comes very quickly when you start to wonder, what are you doing people, when there was no Big Brother, than e-mail, than DivX, or even the remote end of the world. Joni Mitchell
hasten the response ...

they were involved in conversation. It's such a communication standard widely used text messages before they appeared. Each of us retains the built-in construction of rudimentary interface for this purpose. And everyone here should be openly warn that the lion's share of the cruise is the crowding of the few people inhumanely narrow piece in the shape of teardrops. It threatens many direct contacts, during which inevitably can lead to the use of this outdated standard of communication ... Marilyn Monroe
talks for hours. The things as trivial as the meaning of life and so important, how "every day for dinner?". Also at the fire with a good beer in hand. After przeleceniu after daily topical issues and begins to explore other appropriate person, which may end up with a God knows what. Usually friendship.
good contact between the crew members is the foundation of a successful trip. A conversation is a catharsis after all in itself.

place for everyone (and everyone in his place:)
touched the matter before the moment of the crew, and there comes a moment when what disappoint some. So the people you associate with sailing on the bow soaking, like clinging to the hull of Titanic DiCabrio, but in a costume that allows for public presentation on the smooth and tanned mahogany leather ... The sailing is not much in common. Katharsisu so we will not achieve. Mary Tyler Moore
Sailboat is not perpetual motion. Does not move itself, but owes a whole crew interaction. This makes it so rarely among the common sense of humanity that "we are going in the same boat." To this sense of taste, not the sound of the word "help", fake seizures or epilepsy, but rather try to be useful for something at one of the available positions. Sure, the tiny mite not work on paddling and the guy about how sausages paluchach not cocoon them full of holes sail. However, issues such as cooking meals, wiping the deck, protruding from the water waited kamulców or clamping feet on the line and holding it "until I say" it's not really a great philosophy. Jessye Norman

And in exchange for a little bit of effort to obtain a building feeling of being needed someone. Plus prone to statements like "doing something for others, doing something for themselves," or (once again) "we're going all in the same boat."
Sometimes I think that our politicians would do well a few such trips ...

At the controls of his own life
control is also not a great philosophy. Virtually contained in the brief statement the Flying Dutchman, "Annie Oakley

" The world though undoubtedly quite complex based on a simple skeleton. All of this stuff that can be changed and what remains for ever.
why you need to live:
- serenity - to agree with what you can not change
- courage - you change the things you can change
- and luck - what would you be one of the other do not pochrzaniło:) Try
to change as much as possible. Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum!. "
Flying Dutchman

So it looks like on the water: You have a destination to which you are going, a lot of good desire, and a whole bunch of wild winds, which blow in accordance with thy desire, be it in defiance. They are usually very variables. And Direction wind is not something you can change. When the spot light breeze pushing you will be maliciously rejecting squalls in the other direction, instead of curse in despair and say to yourself "sometimes, and so" ...
I do not give up. Dolly Parton
Because there are things for which you have in effect, and they in turn affect the movement of the boat. Crew clench their teeth and clench their fingers on strings or choosing sails to the limit. The course is set on pushing hard the wind, warmed in a constant inclination to the wlewających board the waves pull the element of minute by minute, tack for tack, a reimbursement for return, more and more space separating us from our goal. Vigilant independent gusts that for a while to catch them in the sails and bring up some more ... Mary Pickford

Generally, you learn to count on the best and expect the worst. And for its part to be right in both cases, each time doing everything it had to be done. After X days, you do not fly anymore in my head. You have it in your blood. Come down to the shore and you feel like somewhere in your veins is circulating. You encounter on the back of the daily problems and see them from the perspective of the Flying Dutchman. Things changeable and unchangeable. And among them, are you ready-made strategy, discrimination and response. Everything has become transparent and clear. Because there on the water but the escape from civilization and the rediscovery of talks also found catharsis. Leontyne Price

boat but always accompanied by fatigue, I feel such bliss. Relief, because what was previously a problem in a new light katharsiu is not so terribly confusing.

Such relief need each of you. Hence ... each of you hereby invite you to Masuria. Catharsis already waiting for you:)

Model In Transparent Bras

Summer come back! Caffeine


I supposed to teach geography at improving klasówki tomorrow. I hate geography, so I decided pomarnotrawić some time, which is an activity very well to me coming out. Especially when I have something to learn. I just recently watched
film Ale Kino! and I remembered it, which last for a moment forgot. It reminded me of how the summer. Summer! Divine nice and warm summer! I look out the window. Already it is dark, but I remember what he looked like landscape before darkness so violently poured out on our hemisphere.
Oh, my head started to itch, I go wash hair conditioner. Jean Harlow

finished all procedures related to styling, and now in peace can spread around a beautiful and very spring-summer smell of citrus.
back. We still have winter. More or less annoying, but still it feels. Not only that, the second week I'm sitting at home because of illness, a visit to the school klasówki for me is like walking a prisoner in the yard surrounding the prison, it's not even give (do not know who, those who are engaged in the top of the weather), I quietly enjoy woodcock and warmth. Trying hard for me every snowflake falling outside the window, the sky is covered with tiresome gray clouds, it is tiresome wailing wind ... Stands against the wall and the dust-up my bike, from which so much I want to use. Rita Hayworth

A hair smell.

Summer summer summer! I want summer! I want to leave home without reinforcement in a kilogram of clothes, wants to be able to opychać pounds of various ice cream, I want to long walks wherever possible, as long as it was green, I want to finally be able to swim in cold lakes and outdoor swimming pools, I want to lie on the beach and enjoy with a smile, then the effects of my sun bath, I need sunglasses, I want to walk around in sandals, I want to on a break to go on school field, I want to hear the annoying pobzykiwanie bees and wasps, and run away screaming when one of them for me to sit down or fall into a refreshing juice, which I just saw, I want to be able to run to the WF-e, I leave home in the morning and evening when I come back to still be clear, I want to leave the camps play games, and doing stupid things in the company, I want to sing in public means of transport, I want to ride around a cold lake, then finished with hot and jump into him. The most I miss the lakes! And they are not, unfortunately, in Warsaw, and how they are directly enslave purity, so that until the entire swell after them (see, lake Czerniakowskie). I miss the wrap with water in easter for wariowaniem and running in the sunshine. I told have to wear a very ethereal, nice body and short of clothes? Sonja Henie

I'm tired of dark, gray, melancholy mood in which'll send this weather. I would have a picnic under the stars with a group of my friends screaming and abnormal warjując like a bunch before the time released from psychiatryka. And then somehow love and fall in love easily. I want to get out of bed and shouting in her lungs begin to dance dance evocative of warm, circling the room. But for this to be true sha-man in handy, I would just worse. However, I can try to wash away the winter

AKYSZ! SILO Disgusting attached position Unclean! ZMORO Icy! She went HERE! PPEA! OUT!

Audrey Hepburn at the end could use some madder heh ... I forgot to mention
How beautiful are the summer evenings and nights when the crickets somewhere near miraculous win, tune in the grass ... Of course, if we are not in Warsaw. Anyway, no matter where I will be, if only they came wytęsknione warmer days. Because I think for the next flakes Snow responded with long and stubborn attempts to break his head through the wall into the next room ...

Ps. If this Article shall have the opportunity to show up in the AM I hope that it will be when the heat ...

Non Allergenic Body Wash


Caffeine sky.

Because love is the goal of all of us. You can, of course, to deny: I did not need a woman enough for me one such moment of geisha and I am encouraged by the action? -So clear. Sooner or later this guy (but equally good punnet) will lose ground under his feet and then it's not will only walk with such a moment. But I deviate from my intended topic. Greta Garbo

Well, it is said that the word love, is the largest among all the meanings of words, and of course it is said that most western countries and states or, more generally easier to America, and yet nowhere is not so empty. Yes, I agree with that, but do not notice that the case in Poland? After all, love should not speak to this person whom he loves, in essence and not only suspects. Young people in most of this is how it behaves, you know someone day two-and-what? "love at first sight? and gratulujcie her because she fell in love! Please-pathetic, fell in love is the right word. Otępiło like a little black. Ava Gardner

And then begins:? Because he has no time for me, guys will, and she saw him Gośka error with some young lady? Well, if so, where trust in our love with a girl with whom the boy is? Well, I ask where? And what is funnier this girl in many cases, they pretend that nothing has happened, desperately afraid of breaking the relationship. Buuuuuuuu .... but wtop. In my opinion to someone be the first you have to know, and such? "I felt him mint?. Judy Garland

Yes, just you, physically and liked so much. But no good examples of this are negligible. Oh, and maybe even return to the Valentine's Day that our folk conquer Poland;) I like hot cakes! This festival is like? We, young people who have some horizons, more than a few centuries ago, knows more and has greater possibilities for doing so. And yet, this generation has a bit older than us have your wonderful holiday. And certainly if we assume Rather, whatever it is these narodówki. I mean? "Midsummer Night?, No even. Beautiful and even romantyczniejsze! During the shortest night of the year in St. John's Night, in the glow of bonfires girls were engaged in a totally wreaths of wild flowers (not the milk-!) And aromatic herbs. Lillian Gish

then threw them into the water and waited Stalker grab the youngster of their work. There was also something with two wreaths and how they last a long bodajrze augured a life;). But here and there you remember about the feast (Fields Mokotowskie). So if half the energy to pass on some walonychtynków or some fun holiday with our tradition, we certainly natym not adversely affected, and only gained! I admit that it is a commercial holiday I do not like and laugh like no other. I am in my life waiting for the truest love and do not know if I lose a full house for this exciting? "Adventures", but my love after all it is in some sense an adventure. Because I is not about me not want to experience a live, no, no about it. Whoopi Goldberg

Because that's the so (especially as all these films the man on watch), but I would not be able to with someone to whom I have nothing but fascination with the physical. I just could not. It must be a little soul mate and so. Recently I watched a very old Polish film, the first episode? Nights and Days? Do not know whether kojarzycie, but hear it as he goes after the water lily (marigolds for me but if you like) to the pond and the muse in the background, it is has tears in his eyes. I will say beautiful! And it's just as pale. So it seems to me that it is better to await the proper person, but I know after that if someone I knew and really turned out to be, that can not stand without him I would have risked it, but I repeat to a deeper understanding. From my experience I know that these first episodes are usually brief and not to waste time dusting. Betty Grable
So Familiarize yourself with a soul!

? ... Every dream dreamed for too long, turns into a nightmare, and takowego wake up screaming.? A. Sapkowski

Ps. Here I would like to greet Siblejkę, I too am avid reader of Fantasy and especially Sapkowski. How I managed to notice what everyone says I also listened to: Evenescence.


What Do The Colorful Bracelets Mean

about justice in this world

How not walked in the contest or computer

subjective thoughts about justice in this world

This story really happened ... For some time I believed that my knowledge of computing is Superb (including fourth place in the computer at the regional stage in 2001). The time you spend at the computer is never time wasted. Computers are my hobby, passion and a way of broadening knowledge. Do not treat your computer as a toy. I treat it as a tool for the job ... Particularly I am interested in issues concerning the use of latest technology in everyday life. Marlene Dietrich

Because of that my future is linked directly with IT, I decided to start in the Olympic Games organized by the IT Department of Education Lubelskie (I was very keen on this, I was professionally reviewed, and I checked myself.)

first stage (school)

Until that stage is not a lot of preparing. I went with the idea that he can succeed. Time and write after all. The results came just a few days. It turned out that I went to the next level. The entire school qualified for 10 people (only). I was very happy and decided that the next stage will prepare as best as I can. Phyllis Diller

second phase (District)

It consisted of performance at home (!) Presentation of their school in Microsoft PowerPoint. Time was relatively large - the deadline for submissions expired after about two months. Our school computer scientists held a special meeting devoted to this particular presentations (including the work we saw, which last year qualified for the regional stage, we got practical guidance.) Each work had to be signed pseudonym of the author (not allowed to put in their own names). Isadora Duncan

I had a lot of time, but once I started to work. At first I thought the way to show my school. I wanted to embed a piece of it myself. In the end I came up with an idea (I think - very good): a slideshow of my school (secondary school No. 11) in the convention FACTS TVN-legislative instruments. The idea seemed interesting my science teacher, which further stimulated me to work. Spent on work several hours. It was not an easy job. I collected information about the school, then the graphics, sounds and animations of Fact. I devoted much time you could spend on something else. The whole was remarkable, with a sense of humor. I took this job is 100% independently. But even if it were otherwise, and so nobody would not have realized that "helped" my dad and friend of IT - you after all had to work at home. We all probably agree that working at home is neither appropriate nor fair way to assess the skills of participants. Gloria Estefan

Presentation meets all criteria imposed by the Commission. My teacher said that she was very good both technically and content (interesting idea, abundant content, presented the same facts about the school - "The facts speak for themselves"). Lady gave me a very good chance to qualify for the final 50-mm lens. Finally came the day. Work has been sent for review by the Commission. Ella Fitzgerald


results emerged just after winter holidays. Nothing has been counted the transition to the next stage, but I secretly hope it will work ... The scorecard was black and white: THOMAS FOX - 40/60 points. I ran out of 8 points to qualify further. As for me - a lot. Lady of the computer asked for a detailed assessment criteria. It turned out that assigned me a little credit for: animations text (this program did not offer them more - could not do anything else) and graphics (I used a graphic from a Fact, I could not change it, because it does not make sense, was easy but transparent). Only this decided that I lost a few points. I believe that the assessment criteria were unfair. The Commission did not assess the ideas. Did not assess whether CONTENT presentation. Probably just as well I could do "show about mushrooms growing in forests," and nobody would even have noticed! Apparently rating my presentation and other participants in the competition depended on someone who is not himself quite know what is expected from participants. A Commission decision is final. Jane Fonda

third stage (county), which will not.

This step is not qualified because I think the vague criteria of evaluation. This kind of checking a student's skills at the stage of the district should not take place. This step does not check the knowledge and skills of its participants. I am sure that when creating a presentation, many people have benefited from the assistance. Jodie Foster

I wanted to prove to themselves and others that I can achieve the goal without the help of others. .. But I lost faith in their own abilities. In my case I can no longer do anything, but I wish that my presentation was assessed a second time - for your own peace. I have a feeling that I was not only YES rated (I guess nobody saw my work more than one time). Aretha Franklin

I wanted to warn those who are counting on the fact that ALTHOUGH meet with an objective and just evaluating the competition committees. Criteria imposed by the committees may completely differ from your own imagination. Competitions do not always emerge the best, but about your transition to the next stage apparently determines happiness. I did not have it ...

How To Get Hair Like Emily Osment

Komuno, come back!

Komuno, come back!

Going to school recently, I witnessed an interesting conversation. Yes, I know it is not nice eavesdrop, but I try not to do so going by bus in such a crowd, the sweat is just like air, the common good. I assure you - you can not, the more so, and the conversation was interesting. Cyd Charisse
Anyway, I heard an elderly woman, dressed for the reliability of the image in a fairly posh coat and painted like a painting by Picasso, complained to the present times. Her interlocutor (unfortunately I could not see her because I did not want me to turn around) every now and then acquiesced in the statement - it was better under communism. Damn, something has to be, since people power century, more experienced and better familiar with the life of such obstinacy is a repeat ... Patsy Cline

want candy?

Maybe it was actually better? These miners, for example - the communist state's economy is based on extensive industrialization, it is expensive and energy requirements. Is a job.

And if it is work and money. Ah! How much of that was! So much, that a citizen does not even wonder what to buy - just entered the store and everything was ransomed. And even when he was a laborer! Ho ho! Claudette Colbert
But even this teacher biedula had a well - and how their odfajkował had red legitkę it could do what he wanted with the kids around the first of May.
Not like today - to plod with gówniarzami and could not even applied in the name of justice szczylowi socialist!

But let us calm professions. Let's look at power. There is even a luxury. There is no użerania of laws. Bo and how? Since the "Tribune of the People" knew better, and it follows that 'or magazines' were not needed. Moreover - and this would be calm, I just came to call on the carpet for Moscow. And there, as you know, magazines are using the kindling.

Just as power was unanimous and so people were in solidarity, right? Joan Crawford

Where there someone in the head of capitalism was! It was enough that the power quietly fights! Everything was so simple, transparent. Normally, almost like a two-party system in the United States or Great Britain. Only that somehow the other party to power, she could not cram ... But it drobniuteńki pimple, right? Important was the same idea. Our Lady, the resistors in the lapels. Besides those at the top and so well ruled. I do not even have to be frequently changed and combined with lifetime pensions for themselves ... Why? Dorothy Dandridge
In the end everyone had this benefit. Society - entertainment and wealth, because she cared about the condition of the power of citizens (between the slalom course with a trainer śmietnikami MO), their intellectual entertainment (Forefathers' Eve, and so are meaningless, difficult to understand, so why run?) And simplicity of life (what to to buy the vinegar or Warsaw?).

West also had the benefit of us! Really! And you think that these loans are Gierek was in solidarity with the idea of \u200b\u200bLenin? I suppose so ... Gierek as much as he ... Bette Davis

... go the Gierek ...

Press also was good. Really, only envy! So many uncomfortable subjects dropped out! The power was good, then it could be praise. Windy optimism!
And West? Fe! Only Colorado and threw a threatened freedom of speech there. What is it whom? Anyway - after all, you can freely criticize them, so freedom was.

... he will give you ... Ellen DeGeneres

good finish, because more censorship does not exceed ... I mean, because under communism were so good that I do not even need to describe. And even if you need it's still not too long because I still think that I am intelligent and take cards. And then I'll podcierał? Bierut's portrait?

... kick ass and papa!

It was cool to be communist, right?


contrasts (AUTHOR: SIRHYDE)

contrast to how I was taught in Polish, stylistic medium consisting in the juxtaposition of two opposing elements. Used in the poems ... And I say: Bullshit! For what the contrasts are not among us? Or in life, we can not combine the two opposing elements? Clara Bow

Well, we can. Ba, and often do it unconsciously, and often contrasts compiles the same fate. The first, very obvious and harmless contrast has been deliberately used by me on this site. Look to the left of the text. On the left we have a black and white on the right. This is the clearest example of the contrast. Besides, this bar on the left often will I have alluded. But look also for other examples of contrasts, only that much worse than this compilation of white with black. Fanny Brice

What happens when the contrasts in life happens between people who have great friendship or love? When such a contrast would not allow them to live freely? It appears that their differences of opinion are so great that they can not get along? What then? Can a person who will resign his position and to forgive, or maybe the issue is so important for both, it does not forgive? And we know that reason is like ass, everyone has their own and each of their weapons. How does it end? Separation, or that a person will not be feeling well? Louise Brooks

Contrasts also occur in the so-obśmiewanym by me Sejm. How else to call it differences between the views of Mr Kaczynski ["Fuck off, old man!"] and Mrs Beger ["I like sex as Qn oats."]? What do you call a liberal attitude differences between the League of Polish Families and the Alliance's policy? And the views of Spain and Prime Minister Aznar [lost the election], and the views of the new Prime Minister? Carol Burnett

But how would it be if there were no contrasts? [There are no hints as to the DKA - contrary to appearances] If we do not argue, they were all the same, had the same views ...? Does the world have become the ideal? There would be no more war after all, is not interfere with our policy of Mr Lepper - because in the end we wygłaszalibyśmy such views. He would like me. I would be one like him. Everyone in the world listen to hip-hop ... Beautiful vision, does not it? Do not want to go to school, in which the priest did not wmawiałby you that you are a Satanist, because listening to Maiden, or a shirt you have the likeness of Eddie `It [the Maiden mascot, not that of AM! His image (the one with the AM) can be worn on other parts of the body, rather than on the chest]. Say, do not want to live in peace with all, because you would not be here What quarrel? Maria Callas

certainly answer that it is. However, this vision of beauty does not. For all the Hares would become normal, not their beliefs. Would do what others. CDA kupowałbyś not only XXX - because it is adopted and must do so by others. Do you listen metal, because it is now much more popular techno ... And how should you wyłamywać, since they are all alike. Would become quickly overwhelmed. The moral of this fluid so that one should not adapt to the others - finish among the mass of Hares. People with no opinion, who are not themselves ... Karen Carpenter

So remember - clearly express their views. Let us be one or the other side. Look again at the bar to the left of the text. On its left side is one color. Black color. On its right side is a second color. White color. And in the middle of insignificant gray. Who are the people who are in this part of society? They are people whom it is possible. Doing what he does the rest. Adapt to the rest, because they must. They wear pants lowered in step - because it is fashionable. Just as hooded sweatshirt. Listening techno and hip-hop * because it is now fashionable. Because it is on top and they also want to be such. They want to be "fashionable", they want to be "cool." Only on what they are? Since most is that - that's me they want to stand out. When just the same there are millions of Poles ... They can not be better. For in what way? Diahann Carroll

do not know if this text will reach someone in that gray zone. Because they would buy the Bravo, and if you buy the CDA - it's just for games. For the AM one of them is unlikely to reach. Because a lot of reading ...?

* - you listen to hip-hop and bad to me with this. Seriously. It was me since I myself was in that gray zone. But I looked at my eyes. I changed the style of dress, manners ... but musical taste is not. Now I get for it on the ears in the AM, but yes it is.

Humor Wedding Invite Poem

STEP into adulthood

STEP into adulthood

For several days I can be proud of your ID card. According to Polish law, I am already an adult: I vote in the election, I can also do many other things (like buy alcohol legally: P). Unfortunately, for an adult is not the end I'm happy - and I think, everyone who has already passed this barrier will agree with me! After all, if something big happened happen? Apart from the same ceremony in 1918-s birthday is nothing! Sure got to eighteen times his arm on the raw below the spine, also got a fairly substantial amount (for which I replaced my old, worn on the 400MHz Celeron 2.4GHz Celeron D). But nothing has ever happened - which would indicate to my adulthood. Lucille Ball

But I hear more often: "They say you're an adult. Do yourself this and that." Precision attack on a teenager ;-). And what this man has done? Of course, to prove everyone that like this? He can not? Honor and fucking pride. I ... Tallulah Bankhead

Girls scrutinize the takeover that "now it will fly." As if the 18-ki is a force of such slow, and then either do not we look and we will be old grandparents with rheumatic disease. Jaaasne - speak to me again! From our own - figures depends on how expensive it will be. Yes - time passes quickly we usually when we work and what he should say a homeless man who wanders along the garbage every day? I do not know you but it seems to me that his life goes on pretty damn slow! Probably deviate the topic. Ethel Barrymore

Hmm ... "The sale of alcohol to persons under 18 not permitted", "in our game show may be involved persons aged 18 years", "Film for adults (18 years)." A lot of these privileges. Now I can safely go to the liquor store and buy a bottle of vodka, can I go to the Big Brother or some other shit, I can legally watch adult movies! I ask only for what? That I will not do anything yet! Candice Bergen

me laugh a little, some situations - especially those that occur during the 18-ek. Okay - sorry, I should rather weep. "I do not want to do anything crazy? In the end you're an adult!" No - I'm sorry, I do not want! Young people develop an idea - "I turned 18 years I have grown up, I can do anything." Bullshit - you're the same child, what were the day before the birthday! The girls travel to the clubs where guys are doing striptease. Men are hired for the 18-ke lady. This, of course, undresses, takes the culprit in his paws, and playing. What's more inventive at that panienkom pay extra for the relationship. Perhaps this is the first time, and be maybe one out there - but in the end is not often fall in love with a whore - right? "I do not want to do something crazy on his 18th birthday?" kumpela asked me recently. I answered it quite ironic: "You know, the summit of my dreams is to fly naked through the park." Smart girl - do not take it seriously! Rather, I do not think readers Action Maga was someone with such predilections celebrate 'entry into adulthood, "as described above. Although who knows, CD-Action is seen in a variety of hands so unfortunately there is a chance that someone does not set reached up here (although I sincerely hope that the title he discouraged - after all, so boring and so stupid at all - right?) Ingrid Bergman

Certainly, ending 18 years of age begin the journey toward adulthood. For the year baccalaureate, later studies, Magisterka, work, wife, children, etc. So we start slowly something new. The child turns into an adult, but it is a slow process. And last year - and not, as some think, they suddenly become adults. Maybe someone wise once explain to them that this was not it? But the proof

I: P Let saints on March 2:-D

I Always Wake Up With Bunged Up Nose

Letter Vicinity

Letter Vicinity

Hello Brother In Understands! I am writing this letter to deny rumors of the fall art epistu ... Episcope ... Writing letters, anyway. Well, to tell you what is heard in the area. But before I get to general questions, you may mention in my reshuffle The surrounding ranking politicians. Well, lately, of how an honorable end (honorable, because what follows is only LPR, which I do not take into account at all) comes to the running ... Our President, our Sun, the One True Surrounding. So Andrew (baczność!) Le Pper. Perhaps you ask, how such a radical change. Laurie Anderson
Well, the Defender of Virtue and the Circumstances saved my good taste. My love for art, which is obviously an act. And it is because the MEP (clear - say feminists - as a woman, it is immediately associate with the command) from those out there, loose morals in the eyes and oats (or another straw) in shoes, she wanted to publicly, in the pages of the male chauvinist statement , display their charms. You ask what's wrong with that? Well. Even the sight of this worthy woman in a suit, in the shell of words, he likes oats as horse sex this in itself shakes my sense of aesthetics. And what to speak of the whole view, the naked truth? It is certainly my sense of aesthetics uraziłoby. Say what, that no one is forcing me to look for such letters? Jaasne. Those who gave the court the creator of some wretched widoczku that kind of offends their religious feelings, or do not have to watch it. Marian Anderson
But Ms. Renata leave in peace. I do not know whether you heard about our latest idea (not) government? Well, they want to tax our chosen prostitution. I wonder two things associated with it. First, how to resolve the matter Punishment for the benefit of fornication? Because, note the tax authorities (so the government and Location) wants to be a pimp. Take money from women ... Hm ... "Lightly leading up." Another interesting feature associated with this is that our policy makers want to introduce ... excise from fornication. Very, very curious as I am, where they stick a band? Josephine Baker
Next. Renowned explorer, Marco Polo, has promised that, like highways, will infostradami. My modem already, just in case, he began to act worse. Well, if then guv Marko will be e-mail for healing, perhaps it's time to start to breed pigeons. Because the only way we can correspond with each other. Meanwhile
Antos, one who has poor head ... Remember him? This, as it always falls in the middle of the event, it now proud as a peacock. Puszy out listless sticking out his chest and looks down on everyone. Because it turned out that all of us, he is a real man. Because only he finishes the event ahead of time and poorly - under the table. In addition, in the absence (p) of the backrest. Exactly how the prime minister, who said that he did not after I started, and how to end, he learns the true guy. Lauren Bacall
Last mayors husband interrupted an important conference and says he came to him a certain letter of the question, "what about the regions." Soltys ran out of the conference to see what's going on. Meanwhile, meeting fell into a panic, like a chicken when it falls into the house in November. But Soltys returned and all calmed down, that was a mistake. That letter did not ask what this area, and what about the spirit. This what it gave it to the last meeting. And if you want to bring the next batch. Goods, of course. Meanwhile
finish and I am going to collect further news. Because it looks like that has happened, it would be only in the area. The more that our Reds Barons fall to the same ideas that have long ago announced JKM. This reminds me of balancing an open door. And a belated quest for mind to mind. Joan Baez

Reply Letter For Interviews

Windows on the world ...

When I first wnidę in the congregation
To meet people, watch their first look at Reasonable
look forward to my right leg forward
fool to the left, which I have a lame

A. Mickiewicz

In the analysis of literary poems I've never been too good, nay, I had no clue about it. That does not mean that the rows do not like to read. Mickiewicz, of course, is always impressive, even on such a soulless materialists like me. And when one day I read the above poem from the collection, it overtook me, a thought that a man when it comes to intellect and emotion, has not changed for centuries. More than a hundred years ago already knew that the human mind tells him to look first at the bad side he met a person, not on the better. The only thing that has changed is human consciousness, which caused growth of cynicism, wit, materialism, and ... the development of our beautiful civilization, which is the culminating phase of watching, looking out the window. how to install Windows 7

always wondered why in the public sphere also includes a number of drawbacks. Sorry to say that our race is probably uwstecznienie evolutionary, because none of the species living on Earth do not kill each other, no spins plans for the extermination of fellow, not given to him was to construct a weapon of mass destruction. That honor fell to us. In nature, there is a "principle of the bush" - a strong win weak dies. Sorry, but some individuals with the stubbornness of a maniac trying to introduce this reform in the world of men. In fact, this rule is in some way already in our works, but not in such a brutal manner. From my observation is that people behave worse than animals. In each species, so that particular individuals respect each other, there is in them a peculiar kind of tolerance. I think that frame of mind, you can easily visualize the animals: he is of the same species-so is my ally. I guess I need not cite here the schema of human thought, because it is simply embarrassing. Ability contact with another person is awful ... Increase performance windows 7

Everyone is entered in the record that when he meets a new person always at the beginning at all costs trying to discern in her negative traits, faults, defects to improve your ego or after another cholera. In the event, when such is found immediately downstream start off scheme, which operates on the principle of the algorithm. Such a person does not even suspect that her whole character, appearance, personality, and often are completely barred forever, burned, lost. There is no help here intellect, honest good intentions, great looks, if you call a little bad words, the sender for any treasures he did not want to hear. There are, of course, from this principle of derogation (read: the exceptions proving the rule). But that does not change the fact that man is always easier to go the easy way out. Always much easier to find ten defects than one tiny, hidden advantage. Probably hence the shyness, which suggests that they should be afraid all the time, because someone will be looking for in our weak point, although it would be is the only such in its entirety. shortcut windows 7

should mention our Polish mentality, which puts us in a place in modern times in which we are 100 years for blacks. The obvious symptoms of our thinking in the framework of a closed concept of "mentality" is the lack of any tolerance for the views and behavior of other people, being closed to the world and the rest of the units, the consciousness of having a monopoly on truth, the aversion to new contacts with people. These are probably the most serious sins they commit in my mind, our compatriots (to homie do not tell.) I have always ask myself why people exclude the first touch another human being in a permanent manner and absolutely irreversible, if you have a whim. After all, ignorance of the second unit of this absolutely does not oblige. Strange is that our mentality. How much is a bad phenomenon can be seen immediately on the occasion to go abroad, such as Germany. The people, especially youth, have instilled a completely different principles, their mentality is radically different from ours. So why can not we change it as soon as the cow does not change views? Rhetorical question. Windows Parental Controls

I described the problem, we now consider how to change this situation. How do I bring this to a man (not just the Pole) was not as close in contact with another person, who despite appearances is not for us so far? How do I change my setting to the world, people? For sure we have a great need to be "open." I believe that this is the key to achieving success in all spheres of human existence, this is a fundamental truth that finally need to discover, to improving the lives of themselves and others. Only in this way, achieving openness and tolerance, and adding to that the little common sense can lead to improving the communication of our species. To move from one group of people fitting to start with yourself. Nothing can occur suddenly, without effort. Slow arduous work, however, can bring big results. Therefore, move the reader, will devote their bit to build democracy and tolerance in your environment. It will get better. Disable Windows Firewall

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Feminism (by Puppy)

Shortly after reading my first arta (his debut with the rest) can easily be concluded I hate women. But is that really so? I will not flattered females, as it does BrightWitch persons of the opposite sex, or "us" in order to alleviate the situation, we prove that, but she likes guys (and filed against them by their works). I will answer honestly: I do not like you. Do not think to myself that I'm gay, but where there, I just think that it's not worth anything to begin with you!

You have to be "higher" than us, a simple example with schoolmates: in education for family life watching a movie about the different phases of development of the child in the womb. Appears on the screen "Something", do not even know what it was, but it reminds everyone Alien smiley buddies burst out laughing. Meanwhile, on the faces of the girls appears to indulgent smile, and the angle of the eye can see knowing glances, from which you can read the sentence: "as children, when they finally grow up ...?" Mature women are included! One is to not laugh because they're grown up! All have at least two years after their older boyfriends, and they treat them like a bitch that does not count! And who here is childish? puppy names

I can not stand in you that still only requirement. In a conversation with you always we have criticized some interesting topic, because we do not, get out the idiots. There is no such thing, or something that friend also, still waiting, silent, while I become in her eyes "nieinteresującym man" and the same as it is, I can not speak up, setting it a bit confusing to me? I am not a "bag of the hole clean" (Witch greet!) Which must emit a torrent of words carrying the always interesting, fresh and interesting subjects. puppies names You

closed, it is very difficult for you to reach. You have such a strange criterion for judging. You start from the lowest assessment - "boring", "middling", "possibly ..." "even cool," "Why not?", "May", "interesting", "super". As you continue exploring your object of interest goes up higher and higher degrees. But that's normal - someone would say. Well, yes, but why always the lowest level at the beginning? Could not be immediately such as "super"? Realistki hmm ... You're afraid of be associated with someone who does not know what compels us to strive for your interests, to fight for you, portraying himself in the best light there to impress you. And you know that maintaining your availability odganiacie from each potential partner? Many of us are just afraid to fight, to advance to further levels. Most people are extremely valuable timid people who fear that with a better understanding of girls found to be in her eyes very interesting, even boring, which makes them even more hermetic closing. If you you have shown little desire, you see around you definitely people interested in you, but does not that make any steps in order to know you. Eh, the best would be if you could you have done this first step, gave to understand that you are concerned, it need not be straight talk, just smile, long look in his eyes, so that someone he knew, as is likely, you will then be set to queue up your heart, because he alone, without encouragement, never will. One smile and there is a person in your life you able to love, honor! cute puppy names

are creating a kind of groups, cartels. Always a pretty girl holding up just a pretty girl. He is too proud to talk or be with a shy guy, because he is a boring ugly etc.. Conversation with him is deteriorating in the eyes of her opinion of colleagues and the whole school community. You are very often two-faced in relation to their "friends", like someone you like, and it really crabs him behind his back. Toczycie among themselves some sick of war, conflicts, terrible gossip, which creates unnecessary problems (something like: "Jack does not love you now, because Jolly told me about this, because I know this from my friend, whose brother is a boy Neither sister ....)

gravy niewyżytych us as sexually, in your opinion think about is sex. You try to disprove a statement that a woman provokes his conduct to rape. Or is it different? Rapist draws attention to the attractive appearance of a potential victim, and a short skirt, or "shooting bum" while walking only strengthen the effect of attractiveness. Of course, a normal man does not even think about rape, sexual tension but certainly it will increase. Here the fault lies on both sides, not only for the "no sex, male, female and this is a big part. Rapist selects the most attractive victim, a woman dressed niewyzywająco certainly does not take into account, which does not mean that you are covered with blankets before our eyes, little girls, but a little modesty in dress will not hurt you. female puppy names

Finally, I would express his attitude to the term "giving." It does not mean "giving pleasure" means the "giving his body." This woman gives her body and a man it takes. The statement that "man is gave her "is ridiculous in my opinion. Similarly, we used to say that the girl is trimmed "to the boy." This guy with long hair is combed, "the girl"? In our language are just some well-worn sayings, attributed to each sex, and apply them in relation to the other sex than that to which they belong is not on the spot.

slowly approaching the topic as feminism, because no one else, as feminists create such problems as what I have taken issue with the use of the term "giving" but "podrasowanymi females," read feminists, we will be coming soon ...

Cat In The Hat Invitation Rhyme

I have a dream


I had a dream. Maybe it was not a dream to dream as Martin Luther King, but I think the good thing about being able to share it with you. The dream begins with a scene to say, when I sit with my father in the garden and prepare some tools to work. During the conversation, which is fulfilled dreams Meaning word for word finds out what happened over the last few years in my home. It seems that for a time I was not there. Most likely (as is clear from subsequent conversation) I sat in jail for some political issues. But it is not important. During a conversation with my father finds out that my mom is in hospital and is expected on the operations. It is in Wroclaw, so far from where I live. In addition, the father also has to go to the hospital for operations. I look at my family home. Is neglected. I see a rusty gutter, ramshackle garage, somewhere in the broken glass and sealed with foil. dream dictionary look at the neighboring houses and I see that time with them and not walked in graciously. Part is demolished, yet somehow a part holding up. I asked my father for my siblings. Older brother - went to Germany. Not speak for a long time. Older sister - also sitting at home. There is no work for women in the age of thirty five years. Younger brother - riddled with bullets in some gang war as a passer. At this point, I made a sad.
After waking up I felt the sadness. Wgryzł it in my brain, and I could not get rid of it. Sam is surprised why I responded so strongly to ordinary sleep. After a moment of thinking I came to the conclusion that I would not want simply to make such a future waiting for me family. Maybe it's not about everyone to be rich and live happily ever after, "but what is presented to me this is a bad dream .... Many
AMowców often at odds with their parents. They hate them. Such age. Sam also not very hard, worshiped them when I lived with them. Now that I live far away and I meet with them once every three - four weeks a little bit changed my attitude to both the families and to the city. Parents no longer be only such persons who are and always will be. Dream Interpretations I know I could die. Do you, the reader realize that your parents are not immortal? I think your siblings (if you have them), they are not kuloodporni? By distance from my loved ones have gained a different perspective. Somewhat distorted by nostalgia and a lack of daily skirmishes with washing dishes and stuff like that - but I think nothing of his family in any way. These are not just people who live in the same house as me. I have shared with them the memories, common interests. I know when his brother shot at the shooting range, or when my mother ended up in a cast, because the zagapiła the washing machine. That is what unites us.
When I'm at home, many things simpler. I do not have to think about what I eat for lunch today. Do I need to combine, as the warm apartment. And while I know I can be useful kicking garden. Something that once seemed to me to be a hassle now is a nice activity. I'm just used to this place. This is my house. Not apartment where I spend time between classes and among others. This is my house. Just
I began to appreciate my city. Once it was simply a place where I live. Several thousand homes and write a number of blocks there. I always wondered when my cousin arriving from boarding school recommending our city to others. Compliments spoke, as if it was unknown how beautiful town. Today, when I visited last several cities, Chojnice treated similarly. Beautifully restored old town (we got a prize for it), and general climate of security and low balance. And while supermarkets and everything modern man needs to live. dream about such big small town. Likewise, my estate. When I first had to go in another city by a group of young visitors look as he said Alyosha Afdiejew - "Such murders that without a verdict after five years" I mentioned my estate, where I could put 3 years of his highlander is almost in sight from the street and nobody was interested in him.
You can treat this as the ravings of arta guy who was snatched from his environment and longs simply to warm the house and mommy. Well - I know that such a return is impossible, simply because everyone has to follow its own path. But I wanted you - younger - have a message: Does your city really is that bad? Does your family really is so annoying, how about it you say? Do not storm hormones zamąciła you completely w głowie?

Chciałbym, abyście nie musieli się przekonywać jak bardzo zależało wam na Waszym mieście i Waszej rodzinie w sytuacji, która mi się