Wednesday, March 3, 2010


contrasts (AUTHOR: SIRHYDE)

contrast to how I was taught in Polish, stylistic medium consisting in the juxtaposition of two opposing elements. Used in the poems ... And I say: Bullshit! For what the contrasts are not among us? Or in life, we can not combine the two opposing elements? Clara Bow

Well, we can. Ba, and often do it unconsciously, and often contrasts compiles the same fate. The first, very obvious and harmless contrast has been deliberately used by me on this site. Look to the left of the text. On the left we have a black and white on the right. This is the clearest example of the contrast. Besides, this bar on the left often will I have alluded. But look also for other examples of contrasts, only that much worse than this compilation of white with black. Fanny Brice

What happens when the contrasts in life happens between people who have great friendship or love? When such a contrast would not allow them to live freely? It appears that their differences of opinion are so great that they can not get along? What then? Can a person who will resign his position and to forgive, or maybe the issue is so important for both, it does not forgive? And we know that reason is like ass, everyone has their own and each of their weapons. How does it end? Separation, or that a person will not be feeling well? Louise Brooks

Contrasts also occur in the so-obśmiewanym by me Sejm. How else to call it differences between the views of Mr Kaczynski ["Fuck off, old man!"] and Mrs Beger ["I like sex as Qn oats."]? What do you call a liberal attitude differences between the League of Polish Families and the Alliance's policy? And the views of Spain and Prime Minister Aznar [lost the election], and the views of the new Prime Minister? Carol Burnett

But how would it be if there were no contrasts? [There are no hints as to the DKA - contrary to appearances] If we do not argue, they were all the same, had the same views ...? Does the world have become the ideal? There would be no more war after all, is not interfere with our policy of Mr Lepper - because in the end we wygłaszalibyśmy such views. He would like me. I would be one like him. Everyone in the world listen to hip-hop ... Beautiful vision, does not it? Do not want to go to school, in which the priest did not wmawiałby you that you are a Satanist, because listening to Maiden, or a shirt you have the likeness of Eddie `It [the Maiden mascot, not that of AM! His image (the one with the AM) can be worn on other parts of the body, rather than on the chest]. Say, do not want to live in peace with all, because you would not be here What quarrel? Maria Callas

certainly answer that it is. However, this vision of beauty does not. For all the Hares would become normal, not their beliefs. Would do what others. CDA kupowałbyś not only XXX - because it is adopted and must do so by others. Do you listen metal, because it is now much more popular techno ... And how should you wyłamywać, since they are all alike. Would become quickly overwhelmed. The moral of this fluid so that one should not adapt to the others - finish among the mass of Hares. People with no opinion, who are not themselves ... Karen Carpenter

So remember - clearly express their views. Let us be one or the other side. Look again at the bar to the left of the text. On its left side is one color. Black color. On its right side is a second color. White color. And in the middle of insignificant gray. Who are the people who are in this part of society? They are people whom it is possible. Doing what he does the rest. Adapt to the rest, because they must. They wear pants lowered in step - because it is fashionable. Just as hooded sweatshirt. Listening techno and hip-hop * because it is now fashionable. Because it is on top and they also want to be such. They want to be "fashionable", they want to be "cool." Only on what they are? Since most is that - that's me they want to stand out. When just the same there are millions of Poles ... They can not be better. For in what way? Diahann Carroll

do not know if this text will reach someone in that gray zone. Because they would buy the Bravo, and if you buy the CDA - it's just for games. For the AM one of them is unlikely to reach. Because a lot of reading ...?

* - you listen to hip-hop and bad to me with this. Seriously. It was me since I myself was in that gray zone. But I looked at my eyes. I changed the style of dress, manners ... but musical taste is not. Now I get for it on the ears in the AM, but yes it is.


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