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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Do Snowmobiles Have Fuel Pumps
Open Music Safety Pin
Yesterday I had the pleasure to host a concert organized by the Open Philharmonic Music Safety Pin "in the University of Music. Frederick Chopin Society in Warsaw on the circular. I have to boast that my uncle for many years responsible for a workshop with the viola. The concert was very nice cultural event twarzyskim, which for the moment. Connection witnessed performances of young, musical talent (which, thanks to workshops in Konstancienie Jeziorno could learn something about music more than in the classical schools of I or II level, or school higher, more about themselves and extraction techniques are not sounds of instruments, but with each other by the instrument) with perhaps an undiscovered talent so far konferansjerskim Maria Czubaszek. So laughter, music and something for the body, but after the concert.
Workshop Konstancienie the nine years they become an opportunity for young people, who without the help of Fundacjo Pro Bono and professional musicians - educationalists, probably never would have had a chance to rise up and appear on stage, which results in wikesza confidence, experience, abilities, which not taught in traditional schools. Qualification from among hundreds of candidates, followed by intensive study for 11 days (including the classes of tai-chi, workshops with a psychologist, a bit music history, lessons with professional musicians, who prepared individually for each participant a performance last night), getting to know different approaches to the same musical theme, integration, and intensive work from morning until late at night will not be without significance in a future career in music education and young artists . The young
scholarship-holders (because participation is granted on the basis of scholarship), perhaps the first time they stood on the stage, and for this stage in the university, to which many of them will be guided his steps after completing the music school. Most participants come from small towns and villages, the more glory to the organizers and originators, with great attention and those whose musical career requires eventual requiring a lot of energy, motivation and resources.
I turn, there has long mocked. And that's just a matter of that you (below):
Yesterday I had the pleasure to host a concert organized by the Open Philharmonic Music Safety Pin "in the University of Music. Frederick Chopin Society in Warsaw on the circular. I have to boast that my uncle for many years responsible for a workshop with the viola. The concert was very nice cultural event twarzyskim, which for the moment. Connection witnessed performances of young, musical talent (which, thanks to workshops in Konstancienie Jeziorno could learn something about music more than in the classical schools of I or II level, or school higher, more about themselves and extraction techniques are not sounds of instruments, but with each other by the instrument) with perhaps an undiscovered talent so far konferansjerskim Maria Czubaszek. So laughter, music and something for the body, but after the concert.
Workshop Konstancienie the nine years they become an opportunity for young people, who without the help of Fundacjo Pro Bono and professional musicians - educationalists, probably never would have had a chance to rise up and appear on stage, which results in wikesza confidence, experience, abilities, which not taught in traditional schools. Qualification from among hundreds of candidates, followed by intensive study for 11 days (including the classes of tai-chi, workshops with a psychologist, a bit music history, lessons with professional musicians, who prepared individually for each participant a performance last night), getting to know different approaches to the same musical theme, integration, and intensive work from morning until late at night will not be without significance in a future career in music education and young artists . The young
scholarship-holders (because participation is granted on the basis of scholarship), perhaps the first time they stood on the stage, and for this stage in the university, to which many of them will be guided his steps after completing the music school. Most participants come from small towns and villages, the more glory to the organizers and originators, with great attention and those whose musical career requires eventual requiring a lot of energy, motivation and resources.
I turn, there has long mocked. And that's just a matter of that you (below):

Saturday, October 16, 2010
A Poem About Aloe Vera
Recall of Captain prior to November 11, 2010
memory reconstruction rtm.Pileckim becomes a reality. In Europe, America, Asia and beyond.
about what has happened in conjunction with our initiative before 25 May 2010 can learn from the summary, published in the 62nd Captain's death anniversary at . The important events that have occurred since then, he informed on an ongoing basis, among others. through dozens of texts published in May on the blog site . Before going to recall what happened in the past few months and to inform about new facts, the time to introduce yet unpublished letter, which after 10 April 2010 - both in terms of content, and the person author and addressee - is particularly valuable Document:
And now move on to discuss important events related to our initiative, which took place over the past nearly five months.
number 5 in the monthly "messenger of Freedom" published an interview with a very meritorious for the cases for which we fight, the president of the Lublin Branch of the Association KoLiber. Arkadiusz Juniper said among other things.: "I hope that this year our MEPs will rise above the partisan divisions and ZATRA wrong impression that was left after the previous year." . By signing up at his words, and also referring them not only to the MEPs urge you to read the whole interview, see. "Witold Pilecki - hero of the universal" .
4 June to the Buzek and Michael Kaminski was sent a letter asking about when the EP Conference of Presidents shall decide on the draft European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, cf. "When a decision on the PE Pilecki" .
7 June I informed a sympathetic response, which sent a Lothar Bisky, chairman of the German faction European United Left - Nordic Green Left in the European Parliament.
More on this subject in the material: "Witold Pilecki, a Lothar Bisky" .
9 June, was published text commenting appearance of the Italian Captain biography, written by Marco Patricelli. It is worth noting that the author "Il Volontario" (which is very important news in the rest of the material), mentioned in his book about the social genesis of the project to establish 25 May European Day of Heroes, and that when writing benefited from a shared by us in English translation of the Internet "Report Witold. See "Pilecki thank you Poland" .
Social Action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") this is what was emphasized many times, apolitical citizens' initiative. In connection with the presidential campaign staffs of election candidates were issued, on 30 May and 5 and 8 June the list asking for comment on the draft European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Positive responses were received from Kornel Morawiecki (who had already signed the Internet by an appeal to the MEPs: ) and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Andrzej Lepper, Grzegorz Napieralski and Marek Jurek. Details in the text: "Morawiecki, Kaczyński, Lepper," and "Napieralski also" and "George, the media, IPN and Captain Pilecki EP" . During the presidential campaign, but were unsuccessful efforts to obtain a declaration from the Civic Platform candidate.
On the eve of National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Nazi concentration camps - a feast, with the establishment of which, as we do not remember wystarało, despite going a few years of resistance from politicians, the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families (institution founded by former prisoners, which activity is eliminated by the director of the State Auschwitz-Birkenau), an appeal was addressed, the brainchild of the environment around a portal "seismograph of anti-Polish" , for displaying the red and white flag every year on June 14. See 'National Memorial Day June 14 .
16 June has been disclosed a list of group co-European Conservatives and Reformers to the President of the European Parliament, which shed new light on recent statements the President Office of the EP, and even questioned the real intentions of prof.Jerzego Buzek. The same fraction of ECR \u200b\u200bhas published a communication signed by Mr Thomas Poreba, who - what falls to stress - works with the Foundation Judaeorum Paradis, continuing the work begun by Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, and real (as opposed to the many Polish MEPs) working towards the establishment of a European Day Against Heroes totalitarianism. Details: "Pilecki case to the European Commission" . Also
June 16 to Grzegorz Napieralski - before declaring support for the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" and to the deputy Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg which on the European scene has taken efforts to attract to our project non-Polish MEPs representing the left wing - was a letter asking for action to persuade the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean Day of Heroes, the head of the Socialist group, Martin Schulz, see: "Do Napieralski convinced of Schulz '. Whether the head of the Democratic Left Alliance has taken on the occasion of the meeting with the head of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament (in support of this fraction would be the case for the success of particular value), never learned. If readers will be journalists, I encourage you to question Gregory Napieralski about it. Maybe for you, Mr. Gregory will find the time.
At the end of the presidential campaign once again attempts were made to obtain an answer to the question of attitude to our action on the part of the Civic Platform candidate (see "Komorowski its weight in gold" and "Recall of Captain Komorowski" ), but failed. Reference to rtm.Pileckiego and other Polish heroes, there was also the wishes that after the announcement of election results have been made President - elect, see. "Komorowski - to break with U.S." .
On the occasion of the request, which on July 8th chief of the European Parliament asked the European commission president, has been pointed out important facts about the rich history of our apolitical citizens' initiative, see: "Barroso to the Buzek rtm.Pileckim" .
12 July the Parliamentary Clubs PO, PiS, PSL, Left, Plus Polish, Polish Social Democracy and non-members to nine members were sent letters asking if the club / circle of deputies (or deputy) in the Polish parliament, supports the establishment of May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Although this question in the period from mid-July to mid-October was repeated several times, the only ones that were gracious answer turned out to be near the Polish Social Democratic Party (see "SDPL as captain Pilecki" ) and the Democratic Circle of Deputies (see "With all the power of the captain," ).
late July appeared in a 1950 issue of the quarterly sales of "citizen" (see discussion: "Reactivation of the Underground State '), which does not run out of space for a kind of summary of current activities of the Foundation Judeorum Paradis, with particular emphasis on social action" Recall of Captain "(" Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki ").'s Interview Fri " On the trail of the lost memory ":
5 August, the public became aware of the ongoing since July 2008, attempts to inspire character rtm.Pileckiego, Poland enjoys a growing popularity, the Swedish band Sabaton, see: "Sabaton of Captain Pilecki?" .
the occasion 90th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw, pointed out color were the circumstances in which he won the first battle cuts later hero of Auschwitz, the nineteen-year-scout platoon Witold Pilecki, see: "Recall of Captain 15 August" .
August 27 this year, there is information about a joyous and momentous event, which was published in the American magazine "The Catholic Messenger" article by Judith Costello Fri "Catholic Witold Pilecki: volunteer for Auschwitz" .
appearance of the article is Judith Costello regarded as an event very important and valuable for many reasons. Detailed explanation in the text: "Catholic Witold Pilecki" .
It's time to tell the list, which on Feb. 26 this year, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation sent the Chancellor of Germany. It should be mentioned that the letter sent a year earlier to the President of Germany (which were left unanswered), is available in the material "Recall of Captain - in Brussels and in Prague," , published in this space on March 8, 2009
In response, on behalf of the Chancellor has granted Dr. Christian Pernhorst, tells us that our actions have met in Berlin with great interest, and that the Chancellor's Office wishes to the success of the initiative for the reconstruction of the memory of Witold Pilecki.
May came a time when actions related to our campaign will also raise the Warsaw friendly interest, as is, with whom we met in Prague, Stockholm, Madrid, Brussels, Rome and Berlin ..
In 71st anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact were issued two important letters.
The first asked the American actor and director Clint Eastwood with an incentive to make a blockbuster film tells the fate of the "Volunteer to Auschwitz."
Mel Gibson, for which we have tried to gain since November 2007 has never failed to respond to correspondence. Hopefully, in the case of Clint Eastwood will have more luck. One must remember, as the author of these words mentioned many times that produce a blockbuster film in his homeland, Captain, it is absolutely impossible, not only by material. Free from 20 years of the Polish this topic simply do not care, as evidenced terminated unsuccessful attempts by Polish filmmakers.
the same day the letter was addressed to the President of the Polish Bronislaw Komorowski:
answer you sent Director of Culture, Arts and Heritage in the Office of the President:
It is worth pausing. If you compare this response to current and previous head of the Polish state to requests for moral support grassroots, apolitical civic initiatives aimed at restoring memory Heroes of the greatest fighters of the national-socialist and communist evil, the responses of some (not only Polish) officials, it seems that the guiding principle that in dealing with citizens guided by the Presidents of the Republic (as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs), is rules that describe the words "Balls old man!" . Recall that for several months, enlisting the action "by Captain Recall" support from the former President of the Republic, was crowned letter, in which the Minister Maciej Łopiński ridiculed ś.p.Lecha Kaczynski, suggesting that the late Lord Mayor could not support a civic initiative to establish a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, because ... patron of the monument unveiling in Wielun Pilecki and early Rotmistrzowi posthumously bestowed the Order of the White Eagle (scan of letter from the Minister Łopińskiego available from January 24, 2009 in the material Fri 'recall of Captain - this is our duty ").
the sake of historical accuracy, and for reasons of communication, which was mentioned in the abovementioned text "Catholic Witold Pilecki" , August 30 this year, the Foundation sent a letter Paradis Judaeorum Council to the Holocaust Museum in Washington with the suggestion read the English translation of the "Report Witold" and complete exposure of materials and activities on a voluntary prisoner only German concentration camp, the creator of the underground prisoners in Auschwitz and the author of the first in the world reports on the extermination of the Jewish people.
Let us hope that soon the visitors net Muzów American Holocaust, with the capital at the head, they will find out the truth about who and when stood as the first to fight the racist genocide in German factories of death.
here so I would write in capital letters, what is not, unfortunately, in engineering writing:
The reality, symbolized by Auschwitz, it is impossible to speak meaningfully without considering the certificate of Witold Pilecki.
August 31 is published material that relates to the details raised in an interview for "Citizen" on the relation of officials kept the taxpayer's pocket Polish grassroots citizens' initiative, whose aim is to reconstruct the memory of rtm.Pileckim and anchored in the memory of Europe and the world of Heroes, who in the twentieth century totalitarian tyrannies objected to, cf. "National Memory Sp." .
Since October 2009, among the institutional participants in social action, "Recall of Captain" is the City of Oswiecim . The current year is celebrated as the Year of Auschwitz Captain Witold Pilecki.
In early September, the Municipal Day celebrations. In this framework, 3 September 2010, was a ceremonial session of the Municipal Council.
During the ceremony, the city authorities have given posthumously Rotmistrzowi title of Honorary Citizen of the Municipal .
event was also an opportunity to inform the important facts related to our initiative.
to share our Society of Friends joined the Army in Bielsko-Biala.
September 10 Foundation announced Judaeorum Paradis competition for the essay / article / track on "Captain Witold Pilecki - for me, for Polish, for the world" . The competition is for young people - aged 7 to 107, that:
a) read and understood the "Report Witold" from 1945 and "Envoy of Mr Cogito by Zbigniew Herbert,
b) promote the establishment of a European Day on May 25 Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism,
c) promote the filming of blockbuster film rtm.Pileckim,
d) know the meaning of such concepts as "Poland", "common good", "God," "Homeland," "honor" and "citizen" "certificate", "the public Citizens ',' reason of state "," National Socialism "," communism "," belief, "" hope, "" love "," neighbor "(according to the Christian concept).
work with the annotation" O Captain Recall - COMPETITION " , please send email to michal.tyrpa [at], or post to your blog (if the author leads), and then send the link to the text of the email address of the undersigned. The winning essays / articles / works will be accepted for 5 November 2010 Authors are requested to sign the work with their own names, and provide information on occupation, age (in For girls - an indication,) and place of residence.
The contest in the Independence Day, 11 November 2010. Prizes include books and CDs from the documentary films produced by the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families. For the winners - Adam Cyry book "Volunteer to Auschwitz. Pilecki 1901-1948." Second prize-winner will receive the memories of Jerzy Bielecki (in Auschwitz No. 243) Fri "Whoever saves one life." Third prize is a CD of the movies "Negatives memory of Marian Kolodziej" and "Days of my life .. Auschwitz. A True Story." Would-be receive a distinguished known participants in our campaign postcards with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" / "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki.
More on this subject in the material "Recall of Captain - the competition and not only" .
mid-October 2010, sent an invitation to contest several institutions, both Polish and Polish-American (and Australian), portals and websites. Joy fills that do not run out of them, inter alia, all sixteen boards of education, six universities (Catholic University, University of Lodz, Military University of Technology, University Warszawski, Akademia Obrony Narodowej i Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza), portali literackich i dyskusyjnych, zasłużonych instytucji i organizacji społecznych.
To niezwykle cenne, zważywszy na fakt, iż dzieje starań o pozyskanie moralnego wsparcia dla naszej akcji ze strony instytucji oświatowych, były w tym miejscu opisywane i przed rokiem, i przed dwoma laty. Jak pamiętają ci, którzy zapoznali się z dokumentacją publikowaną od stycznia 2008 r., Sprawa, o którą walczymy nie znalazła zrozumienia u większości rektorów szkół wyższych.
A teraz kolejne dobre wiadomości.
As advertised, in early 2010, was released the book in Italy Fri "Il volontario" (Volunteer), which is considered the best Italian publication of a historical year. September 20 this year at the Polish Institute in Rome, its author - a historian, and (be careful), journalist, Marco Patricelli, received an honorary medal "Bene Merito", broadcast by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persons of particular merit to Polish strengthen its position in the international arena.
worth noting that the author of "Volunteer" does not confine itself merely to describe the biography of Captain, but mentioned on the cards a book about a citizens' initiative, which aims to establish a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
What's more, Professor Patricelli is one of the biggest proponents of our affairs. It is hoped that a little bit of his enthusiasm can also muster up the Polish politicians and government officials. Appreciate
Marco Patricellego by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a precious event and, therefore, that (as mentioned in detail in the published material at this point Fri "Recall of Captain May 25, 2010" ), despite the strenuous efforts of the undersigned, Ministry Foreign Affairs reluctantly has had to call for action "to recall Captain."
We are happy to announce that a meeting with Roman prof.Patricellim was echoed on the waves of Polish Radio. It is worth mentioning that it is the portal of Polish Radio has 13 February 2008 first given to a broader project to establish information about the May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, cf. the text of the undersigned (who, incidentally, recently for unknown reasons, disappeared from the site of the Polish Radio), a copy of which is available here "We must bear witness" .
We invite everyone to listen to a half-hour interview with Marco Patricellim, recorded for the Second Programme of Polish Radio-Kalinowska red.Ewę Stock (the broadcast is available online!), I want to tell the joyful Nowiny. Well, biography of Captain Pilecki, Marco Patricellego pen, next year will be released in the UK, France and Israel. There have been efforts for a "Il volontario" in Chinese - in Taiwan, as well as English in the U.S. or the UK.
congratulating Marco Patricellemu awards and thanking his "guide and constant reminders of Captain, "I hope that the voice of the Italian professor is treated with care it deserves. Also, by our politicians. I believe that before taking Poland's European Union presidency, Marco Patricellego certificate will go to the hearts and minds of all - not only Polish - MEPs and EU officials.
And now I invite you to listen to a conversation with Marco Patricellim, Italy-the-captain-Pilecki
(after opening the link, click on the icon speaker)
Finally, I want to announce a lecture Fri "Witold Pilecki - imitator Christi that the undersigned will deliver 19 October 2010, in Tarnow (detailed program on page " Week of Christian Culture ")
Attention! Detailed, updated almost every day about our development initiatives (including the competition, publications, events) are available profile of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") in the social networking site Facebook: http:/
Unceasingly also invite you to support our own signature appeal to MEPs:
contact: michal.tyrpa [at]
memory reconstruction rtm.Pileckim becomes a reality. In Europe, America, Asia and beyond.
about what has happened in conjunction with our initiative before 25 May 2010 can learn from the summary, published in the 62nd Captain's death anniversary at . The important events that have occurred since then, he informed on an ongoing basis, among others. through dozens of texts published in May on the blog site . Before going to recall what happened in the past few months and to inform about new facts, the time to introduce yet unpublished letter, which after 10 April 2010 - both in terms of content, and the person author and addressee - is particularly valuable Document:

And now move on to discuss important events related to our initiative, which took place over the past nearly five months.
number 5 in the monthly "messenger of Freedom" published an interview with a very meritorious for the cases for which we fight, the president of the Lublin Branch of the Association KoLiber. Arkadiusz Juniper said among other things.: "I hope that this year our MEPs will rise above the partisan divisions and ZATRA wrong impression that was left after the previous year." . By signing up at his words, and also referring them not only to the MEPs urge you to read the whole interview, see. "Witold Pilecki - hero of the universal" .
4 June to the Buzek and Michael Kaminski was sent a letter asking about when the EP Conference of Presidents shall decide on the draft European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, cf. "When a decision on the PE Pilecki" .
7 June I informed a sympathetic response, which sent a Lothar Bisky, chairman of the German faction European United Left - Nordic Green Left in the European Parliament.

More on this subject in the material: "Witold Pilecki, a Lothar Bisky" .
9 June, was published text commenting appearance of the Italian Captain biography, written by Marco Patricelli. It is worth noting that the author "Il Volontario" (which is very important news in the rest of the material), mentioned in his book about the social genesis of the project to establish 25 May European Day of Heroes, and that when writing benefited from a shared by us in English translation of the Internet "Report Witold. See "Pilecki thank you Poland" .
Social Action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") this is what was emphasized many times, apolitical citizens' initiative. In connection with the presidential campaign staffs of election candidates were issued, on 30 May and 5 and 8 June the list asking for comment on the draft European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Positive responses were received from Kornel Morawiecki (who had already signed the Internet by an appeal to the MEPs: ) and Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Andrzej Lepper, Grzegorz Napieralski and Marek Jurek. Details in the text: "Morawiecki, Kaczyński, Lepper," and "Napieralski also" and "George, the media, IPN and Captain Pilecki EP" . During the presidential campaign, but were unsuccessful efforts to obtain a declaration from the Civic Platform candidate.
On the eve of National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Nazi concentration camps - a feast, with the establishment of which, as we do not remember wystarało, despite going a few years of resistance from politicians, the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families (institution founded by former prisoners, which activity is eliminated by the director of the State Auschwitz-Birkenau), an appeal was addressed, the brainchild of the environment around a portal "seismograph of anti-Polish" , for displaying the red and white flag every year on June 14. See 'National Memorial Day June 14 .

16 June has been disclosed a list of group co-European Conservatives and Reformers to the President of the European Parliament, which shed new light on recent statements the President Office of the EP, and even questioned the real intentions of prof.Jerzego Buzek. The same fraction of ECR \u200b\u200bhas published a communication signed by Mr Thomas Poreba, who - what falls to stress - works with the Foundation Judaeorum Paradis, continuing the work begun by Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, and real (as opposed to the many Polish MEPs) working towards the establishment of a European Day Against Heroes totalitarianism. Details: "Pilecki case to the European Commission" . Also
June 16 to Grzegorz Napieralski - before declaring support for the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" and to the deputy Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg which on the European scene has taken efforts to attract to our project non-Polish MEPs representing the left wing - was a letter asking for action to persuade the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean Day of Heroes, the head of the Socialist group, Martin Schulz, see: "Do Napieralski convinced of Schulz '. Whether the head of the Democratic Left Alliance has taken on the occasion of the meeting with the head of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament (in support of this fraction would be the case for the success of particular value), never learned. If readers will be journalists, I encourage you to question Gregory Napieralski about it. Maybe for you, Mr. Gregory will find the time.
At the end of the presidential campaign once again attempts were made to obtain an answer to the question of attitude to our action on the part of the Civic Platform candidate (see "Komorowski its weight in gold" and "Recall of Captain Komorowski" ), but failed. Reference to rtm.Pileckiego and other Polish heroes, there was also the wishes that after the announcement of election results have been made President - elect, see. "Komorowski - to break with U.S." .
On the occasion of the request, which on July 8th chief of the European Parliament asked the European commission president, has been pointed out important facts about the rich history of our apolitical citizens' initiative, see: "Barroso to the Buzek rtm.Pileckim" .
12 July the Parliamentary Clubs PO, PiS, PSL, Left, Plus Polish, Polish Social Democracy and non-members to nine members were sent letters asking if the club / circle of deputies (or deputy) in the Polish parliament, supports the establishment of May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Although this question in the period from mid-July to mid-October was repeated several times, the only ones that were gracious answer turned out to be near the Polish Social Democratic Party (see "SDPL as captain Pilecki" ) and the Democratic Circle of Deputies (see "With all the power of the captain," ).
late July appeared in a 1950 issue of the quarterly sales of "citizen" (see discussion: "Reactivation of the Underground State '), which does not run out of space for a kind of summary of current activities of the Foundation Judeorum Paradis, with particular emphasis on social action" Recall of Captain "(" Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki ").'s Interview Fri " On the trail of the lost memory ":

5 August, the public became aware of the ongoing since July 2008, attempts to inspire character rtm.Pileckiego, Poland enjoys a growing popularity, the Swedish band Sabaton, see: "Sabaton of Captain Pilecki?" .
the occasion 90th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw, pointed out color were the circumstances in which he won the first battle cuts later hero of Auschwitz, the nineteen-year-scout platoon Witold Pilecki, see: "Recall of Captain 15 August" .
August 27 this year, there is information about a joyous and momentous event, which was published in the American magazine "The Catholic Messenger" article by Judith Costello Fri "Catholic Witold Pilecki: volunteer for Auschwitz" .

appearance of the article is Judith Costello regarded as an event very important and valuable for many reasons. Detailed explanation in the text: "Catholic Witold Pilecki" .
It's time to tell the list, which on Feb. 26 this year, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation sent the Chancellor of Germany. It should be mentioned that the letter sent a year earlier to the President of Germany (which were left unanswered), is available in the material "Recall of Captain - in Brussels and in Prague," , published in this space on March 8, 2009

In response, on behalf of the Chancellor has granted Dr. Christian Pernhorst, tells us that our actions have met in Berlin with great interest, and that the Chancellor's Office wishes to the success of the initiative for the reconstruction of the memory of Witold Pilecki.

May came a time when actions related to our campaign will also raise the Warsaw friendly interest, as is, with whom we met in Prague, Stockholm, Madrid, Brussels, Rome and Berlin ..
In 71st anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact were issued two important letters.
The first asked the American actor and director Clint Eastwood with an incentive to make a blockbuster film tells the fate of the "Volunteer to Auschwitz."

Mel Gibson, for which we have tried to gain since November 2007 has never failed to respond to correspondence. Hopefully, in the case of Clint Eastwood will have more luck. One must remember, as the author of these words mentioned many times that produce a blockbuster film in his homeland, Captain, it is absolutely impossible, not only by material. Free from 20 years of the Polish this topic simply do not care, as evidenced terminated unsuccessful attempts by Polish filmmakers.

the same day the letter was addressed to the President of the Polish Bronislaw Komorowski:
answer you sent Director of Culture, Arts and Heritage in the Office of the President:

It is worth pausing. If you compare this response to current and previous head of the Polish state to requests for moral support grassroots, apolitical civic initiatives aimed at restoring memory Heroes of the greatest fighters of the national-socialist and communist evil, the responses of some (not only Polish) officials, it seems that the guiding principle that in dealing with citizens guided by the Presidents of the Republic (as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs), is rules that describe the words "Balls old man!" . Recall that for several months, enlisting the action "by Captain Recall" support from the former President of the Republic, was crowned letter, in which the Minister Maciej Łopiński ridiculed ś.p.Lecha Kaczynski, suggesting that the late Lord Mayor could not support a civic initiative to establish a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, because ... patron of the monument unveiling in Wielun Pilecki and early Rotmistrzowi posthumously bestowed the Order of the White Eagle (scan of letter from the Minister Łopińskiego available from January 24, 2009 in the material Fri 'recall of Captain - this is our duty ").
the sake of historical accuracy, and for reasons of communication, which was mentioned in the abovementioned text "Catholic Witold Pilecki" , August 30 this year, the Foundation sent a letter Paradis Judaeorum Council to the Holocaust Museum in Washington with the suggestion read the English translation of the "Report Witold" and complete exposure of materials and activities on a voluntary prisoner only German concentration camp, the creator of the underground prisoners in Auschwitz and the author of the first in the world reports on the extermination of the Jewish people.

Let us hope that soon the visitors net Muzów American Holocaust, with the capital at the head, they will find out the truth about who and when stood as the first to fight the racist genocide in German factories of death.
here so I would write in capital letters, what is not, unfortunately, in engineering writing:
The reality, symbolized by Auschwitz, it is impossible to speak meaningfully without considering the certificate of Witold Pilecki.

August 31 is published material that relates to the details raised in an interview for "Citizen" on the relation of officials kept the taxpayer's pocket Polish grassroots citizens' initiative, whose aim is to reconstruct the memory of rtm.Pileckim and anchored in the memory of Europe and the world of Heroes, who in the twentieth century totalitarian tyrannies objected to, cf. "National Memory Sp." .
Since October 2009, among the institutional participants in social action, "Recall of Captain" is the City of Oswiecim . The current year is celebrated as the Year of Auschwitz Captain Witold Pilecki.

In early September, the Municipal Day celebrations. In this framework, 3 September 2010, was a ceremonial session of the Municipal Council.

During the ceremony, the city authorities have given posthumously Rotmistrzowi title of Honorary Citizen of the Municipal .

event was also an opportunity to inform the important facts related to our initiative.

to share our Society of Friends joined the Army in Bielsko-Biala.

September 10 Foundation announced Judaeorum Paradis competition for the essay / article / track on "Captain Witold Pilecki - for me, for Polish, for the world" . The competition is for young people - aged 7 to 107, that:
a) read and understood the "Report Witold" from 1945 and "Envoy of Mr Cogito by Zbigniew Herbert,
b) promote the establishment of a European Day on May 25 Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism,
c) promote the filming of blockbuster film rtm.Pileckim,
d) know the meaning of such concepts as "Poland", "common good", "God," "Homeland," "honor" and "citizen" "certificate", "the public Citizens ',' reason of state "," National Socialism "," communism "," belief, "" hope, "" love "," neighbor "(according to the Christian concept).
work with the annotation" O Captain Recall - COMPETITION " , please send email to michal.tyrpa [at], or post to your blog (if the author leads), and then send the link to the text of the email address of the undersigned. The winning essays / articles / works will be accepted for 5 November 2010 Authors are requested to sign the work with their own names, and provide information on occupation, age (in For girls - an indication,) and place of residence.
The contest in the Independence Day, 11 November 2010. Prizes include books and CDs from the documentary films produced by the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families. For the winners - Adam Cyry book "Volunteer to Auschwitz. Pilecki 1901-1948." Second prize-winner will receive the memories of Jerzy Bielecki (in Auschwitz No. 243) Fri "Whoever saves one life." Third prize is a CD of the movies "Negatives memory of Marian Kolodziej" and "Days of my life .. Auschwitz. A True Story." Would-be receive a distinguished known participants in our campaign postcards with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" / "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki.
More on this subject in the material "Recall of Captain - the competition and not only" .
mid-October 2010, sent an invitation to contest several institutions, both Polish and Polish-American (and Australian), portals and websites. Joy fills that do not run out of them, inter alia, all sixteen boards of education, six universities (Catholic University, University of Lodz, Military University of Technology, University Warszawski, Akademia Obrony Narodowej i Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza), portali literackich i dyskusyjnych, zasłużonych instytucji i organizacji społecznych.
To niezwykle cenne, zważywszy na fakt, iż dzieje starań o pozyskanie moralnego wsparcia dla naszej akcji ze strony instytucji oświatowych, były w tym miejscu opisywane i przed rokiem, i przed dwoma laty. Jak pamiętają ci, którzy zapoznali się z dokumentacją publikowaną od stycznia 2008 r., Sprawa, o którą walczymy nie znalazła zrozumienia u większości rektorów szkół wyższych.
A teraz kolejne dobre wiadomości.

As advertised, in early 2010, was released the book in Italy Fri "Il volontario" (Volunteer), which is considered the best Italian publication of a historical year. September 20 this year at the Polish Institute in Rome, its author - a historian, and (be careful), journalist, Marco Patricelli, received an honorary medal "Bene Merito", broadcast by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persons of particular merit to Polish strengthen its position in the international arena.
worth noting that the author of "Volunteer" does not confine itself merely to describe the biography of Captain, but mentioned on the cards a book about a citizens' initiative, which aims to establish a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
What's more, Professor Patricelli is one of the biggest proponents of our affairs. It is hoped that a little bit of his enthusiasm can also muster up the Polish politicians and government officials. Appreciate
Marco Patricellego by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a precious event and, therefore, that (as mentioned in detail in the published material at this point Fri "Recall of Captain May 25, 2010" ), despite the strenuous efforts of the undersigned, Ministry Foreign Affairs reluctantly has had to call for action "to recall Captain."
We are happy to announce that a meeting with Roman prof.Patricellim was echoed on the waves of Polish Radio. It is worth mentioning that it is the portal of Polish Radio has 13 February 2008 first given to a broader project to establish information about the May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, cf. the text of the undersigned (who, incidentally, recently for unknown reasons, disappeared from the site of the Polish Radio), a copy of which is available here "We must bear witness" .
We invite everyone to listen to a half-hour interview with Marco Patricellim, recorded for the Second Programme of Polish Radio-Kalinowska red.Ewę Stock (the broadcast is available online!), I want to tell the joyful Nowiny. Well, biography of Captain Pilecki, Marco Patricellego pen, next year will be released in the UK, France and Israel. There have been efforts for a "Il volontario" in Chinese - in Taiwan, as well as English in the U.S. or the UK.
congratulating Marco Patricellemu awards and thanking his "guide and constant reminders of Captain, "I hope that the voice of the Italian professor is treated with care it deserves. Also, by our politicians. I believe that before taking Poland's European Union presidency, Marco Patricellego certificate will go to the hearts and minds of all - not only Polish - MEPs and EU officials.
And now I invite you to listen to a conversation with Marco Patricellim, Italy-the-captain-Pilecki
(after opening the link, click on the icon speaker)
Finally, I want to announce a lecture Fri "Witold Pilecki - imitator Christi that the undersigned will deliver 19 October 2010, in Tarnow (detailed program on page " Week of Christian Culture ")
Attention! Detailed, updated almost every day about our development initiatives (including the competition, publications, events) are available profile of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") in the social networking site Facebook: http:/
Unceasingly also invite you to support our own signature appeal to MEPs:
contact: michal.tyrpa [at]
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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