Yesterday I had the pleasure to host a concert organized by the Open Philharmonic Music Safety Pin "in the University of Music. Frederick Chopin Society in Warsaw on the circular. I have to boast that my uncle for many years responsible for a workshop with the viola. The concert was very nice cultural event twarzyskim, which for the moment. Connection witnessed performances of young, musical talent (which, thanks to workshops in Konstancienie Jeziorno could learn something about music more than in the classical schools of I or II level, or school higher, more about themselves and extraction techniques are not sounds of instruments, but with each other by the instrument) with perhaps an undiscovered talent so far konferansjerskim Maria Czubaszek. So laughter, music and something for the body, but after the concert.
Workshop Konstancienie the nine years they become an opportunity for young people, who without the help of Fundacjo Pro Bono and professional musicians - educationalists, probably never would have had a chance to rise up and appear on stage, which results in wikesza confidence, experience, abilities, which not taught in traditional schools. Qualification from among hundreds of candidates, followed by intensive study for 11 days (including the classes of tai-chi, workshops with a psychologist, a bit music history, lessons with professional musicians, who prepared individually for each participant a performance last night), getting to know different approaches to the same musical theme, integration, and intensive work from morning until late at night will not be without significance in a future career in music education and young artists . The young
scholarship-holders (because participation is granted on the basis of scholarship), perhaps the first time they stood on the stage, and for this stage in the university, to which many of them will be guided his steps after completing the music school. Most participants come from small towns and villages, the more glory to the organizers and originators, with great attention and those whose musical career requires eventual requiring a lot of energy, motivation and resources.
I turn, there has long mocked. And that's just a matter of that you (below):

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