17 September 2008, the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum invited His Holiness Benedict XVI asked to consider the beatification Volunteer to Auschwitz. October 19, 2010, in the Week of Christian Culture in Tarnów discussed dimension of holiness Witold Pilecki - followers of Christ.
"Why do you need a holy praise uttered by us, for what they surrendered honor, and finally to what this whole ceremony? Why the glory of the earth, since, according to the true promise of the Son of the same heavenly Father who gives them glory? What need them our songs? Saints do not need our praise and nothing adds to our worship. In fact, when we celebrate their memory, we refer ourselves an advantage, not them. As for me, I confess that whenever I think of the saints, I feel like a flame kindled in me the great desires ". The sermons of St.. Bernard, abbot (Liturgy of the Hours, Vol IV, p. 1315)
The material published on the www.michaltyrpa.blogspot.com October 16, 2010, the advertised lecture Fri "Witold Pilecki - imitator Christi , presented in the XXV Week of Christian Culture, on 19 October this year in KIK in Tarnow.
Oto treść wykładu:

(Na zdjęciu Zarząd Klubu Inteligencji Katolickiej w Tarnowie i Michael Tyrpa, after the meeting, 19.X.2010.)
Tarnow said in speech text of the lectures from Poznan and Lublin titled "Witold Pilecki - christianus miles, the patron of Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism 'and " Witold Pilecki - Polish identity in times of trial ", are available from the following addresses:
1) " Witold Pilecki - christianus miles, the patron of Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism '
2) ' recall of Captain - not only in Lublin, not only before eurowyborami "
See also:
"They want to beatification Pilecki" ,
"humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God"
"Recall of Captain - this is our obligation to"
"Recall of Captain - the Wawel Cathedral,"
I note that the deadline for entries published on September 10 this year, the competition for the essay / article / track on "Captain Witold Pilecki - for me, for Polish, for the world" , expires on Nov. 5, 2010, the The competition in this year's Independence Day.
competition works, which were posted on the Internet (to which I strongly encourage), are presented - along with other news - as far as sending the profile of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") on Facebook:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Przypomnijmy-o-Rotmistrzu-Lets-Reminisce-About-Witold-Pilecki/ 300842628258
For the record, I note that a special invitation to participate in the competition were sent to polskich europosłów, senatorów i posłów na Sejm, a także do dziennikarzy, zob. "Rtm.Pilecki, europosłowie, konkurs i Tarnów" , oraz "Przypomnijmy o Rotmistrzu w Sejmie i Senacie" .
W świetle powyższych faktów, można uznać, że także polscy politycy i dziennikarze znają treść listów m.in. od Kanclerz Niemiec i Prezydenta RP, wywiadu Marco Patricellego dla Polskiego Radia i listu Fundacji Paradis Judaeorum do Rady Muzeum Holocaustu w Waszyngtonie, zob. materiał pt. "Przypomnijmy o Rotmistrzu przed 11 listopada" , dostępny od 16.X.2010 na stronie www.michaltyrpa.blogspot.com
also encourage you to support our appeal to the signature of the MEPs:
contact: michal.tyrpa [at] gmail.com
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