On the day of Saint Nicholas in 2010 celebrated the Feast of Goodness in Lubin. Half a year before the 110th jubilee Anniversary the birth of Witold Pilecki, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation has requested assistance in gathering signatures for a petition calling on the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
contemporary Poles Will probably be at least a gesture in the establishment of May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism?
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Will there be a million people ready to make a signature of an appeal to the MEPs?
Will there be new volunteers who want to help collect signatures?
In mid-December 2010, the answer to these questions is still not a foregone conclusion. Most of this depends on the so-called. ordinary people. From people who care about the objectives of the "recall of Captain." Since people of good will who can afford something more than watching the others.
(Figure ZSZiO student in Lubin)
Meeting million signatures to May 13, 2011 is an ambitious task. The more that matter, about which we are fighting for 3 years can not count on support from the natural (it seemed to be) allies, or the interest of the media.
Apparently the facts that make up the history of previous activities under the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" by most media are frowned upon and / or categorized as irrelevant. In competition with reports of party roszadach and gossip from the world of celebrities, our non-political citizens' initiative ever loses. Lack of interest in journalists has nothing to do with their lack of knowledge. Consequently, since January 2008, editors of the media are informed about the progress of our campaign e-mail, phone and mail. News are published in popular news sites (See, for example Salon24.pl ) and social networking sites (see Facebook ).
subject appears in news agency reports. Last year she wrote about our action Catholic News Agency. In the vicinity of this year's Independence Day messages appeared in the Polish Press Agency. First published November 5, 2010 r, see: Social Action, "Recall of Captain"
second - two weeks later:
Only in this context can be seen as very valuable for the success of our affairs is not Only good will, but above all self-initiative. How much depends on whether or not each of us will stand to gain such a signatory on the appeal, which concerns the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
repeat: You can sign the petition on the Internet:
However, because many of our friends who - as you might guess - also would make a signature on a petition, not use the Internet, I encourage you to print out the petition and collecting signatures on a form which can be downloaded here:
dot.europejskiego Petition Heroes Day Fight Against Totalitarianism - a form to print
In mid-November and early December this year, I turned to the institutional participants in our campaign (see the - list at the end of the material) for help collecting million signatures on the Captain's Birthday. Most of the recipients have not yet found the time to answer. The more satisfying the formal accession of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki"), CHARTER Center, as well as the letter sent by email to Headquarters Harcerek Scouting Association of the Republic:
So ... can I call to the attention of malcontents, and leniom zawistnikom who would not kiwnąwszy finger, often willing to give advice to others, not sparing is not necessarily a fair criticism ... Thanking Druhnie Harcmistrzyni for example, brisk, once again, I would like to thank the Scouting Association of the Republic for the current contribution to our - common! - Action.
From 11 November 2010, on page www.michaltyrpa.blogspot.com you can see the aftermath competition for the essay / article / track on the "Captain Witold Pilecki - for me, for Polish, for the world." I urge you to familiarize yourself with all thirty-five works that were reported to participate in the competition. In my deepest belief, not just those that have been recognized by the jury, to help understand the importance of heritage and the Captain is an important contribution to our social action.
We do not know the fate of the project to establish May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. In December 2010, nothing is yet settled. One thing I want to strongly emphasize: both MEPs - Polish and not only, as well as senior officials, EU (see file shares over the past months), supreme and central offices in Poland, the government and local government, departments of education, social institutions and those responsible for the national memory, political parties and the media, have been widely and effectively informed of the aims of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") and which during the nearly three years could be achieved within its framework.
If Case, by which we are fighting so often bounces off the walls, it is clear not from ignorance, and usually with more or less disguised malice.
Do not be deceived, therefore, if you ever hear that this or that important representatives of authority - officer, politician, journalist, nothing on the Captain did not, because supposedly nothing of our shares does not know ... For too long, knock on doors and too diverse much has happened since January 2008 that it could be permanently remain silent, to manipulate or simply stolen. A lie has no legs.
At the end of 2010 about the most important facts related to the action "Let us remember about Captain" I informed specifically of our MEPs, Senators and Members of Parliament (see, for example "Captain Pilecki, MEPs, contest and Tarnow" , "Recall of Captain in the Sejm and the Senate" , "Captain .. remind workers about the last hour ", " Recall of Captain signatures ", " Captain Pilecki Master ").
hereby inform you that none of the above letter did not receive a response from our elected politicians. For the record, I recall that until now have not received a response to the registered list of priority sent to the Speakers of the Sejm and the Senate more than two and a half years ago. Keeping with the taxpayer's pocket Polish politicians and officials treat the vast majority of the action "Let us remember about Captain" with (at best) of the total contempt.
Luckily (as you can see from the documents available in the earlier material), with more kindness to our demands, often approached senior representatives of the institutions and foreign countries.
However, the success of the reconstruction of the memory of the volunteer to Auschwitz, to the greatest extent depends on all of us. A Polish attitude politicians and officials should mobilize us to even greater effort. Cavalry Captain Witold Pilecki, I repeat, is also the patron of the society of free, responsible, active citizens!
wonderful example of vitality of civil society was celebrated on the day of Saint Nicholas in the Secondary School Vocational and General Education in Lubin - Feast of Goodness. During the ceremony, I had the opportunity to recall the Captain, and also tell you about our social action, citing the facts known to readers of previous materials. Feel free to
become familiar with the relationship with the Holy Kindness, posted on the official website of the District Lubinski:
"Feast of merit"
gallery (with descriptions) of this event is also available in the profile of our shares in Facebook:
Day Kindness in ZSiO in Lubin - gallery
The relationship
video issued:
TV News Lubin of December 7, 2010
After the ceremony I had the opportunity to exchange a few words with the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Legnica Rev. Mark Mendykiem. His Excellency promised pray for the beatification of Witold Pilecki - Christian knight of the twentieth century, we are striving for since 17 September 2008
Thanking Directorate, Teachers, Students and Friends of the School of Professional and General for the honor, which was able to participate in the Feast of Goodness, I wish to lodge a specific gratitude to Mrs. Joan Plotnicka and Mrs. Antonin slot - animatorkom ZSZiO environment of social activity in Lubin. Inspired by a beautiful example of activity is the presence of heroic dimension, which today is the fullest expression of volunteering - the readiness to serve our neighbor in need.
dare to believe that Captain Witold Pilecki and other heroes of the struggle against a totalitarian evil would be proud of the certificate given by teachers and students from Lubin.
Finally, I would also like to thank the Salesians priests Lubin, and Messrs George Jaworzyna Jesionowskiemu of Silesia and the Arthur Nicponiowi podwrocławskiego Mirków, which could warm hospitality during the trip to Lower Silesia use.
I hope that before May 13, 2011, per each of the three questions posed at the outset, we can answer in the affirmative. Answer deed.
all readers, participants in our shares and wish you a Merry Christmas Volunteers Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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contact: michal.tyrpa [ at] gmail.com
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