Recall of Captain before the 110th Recall
May 13, 2011, we will celebrate the birthday of a circular Volunteer to Auschwitz. This day will pass through the streets of many cities Captain marches. Our "remembrance of Captain" - Poland, Europe and the world - but is not limited to annual, birthday parades. Another
already, this time a birthday, a postcard with the slogan of our action, issued a regional branch of the Polish Post in Nowy Sacz.
(Interested postcards - for just 30 cents per copy! - May be ordered by writing to: Wieslaw Mochnacki ORJ Mail Centre, Marketing, st. Dunajewskiego 10/203, 33-300 Nowy Sacz Or: Wieslaw.Mochnacki [at], Tel: (18) 442-17-39)
summary of some facts that make up the current history of social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki ") became published on 13 March 2011, contained on many web sites, interview "Witold Pilecki - UNIVERSAL MODEL" .
contrast, on April 10 this year, the monthly Local Government Forum "posted on its website (and sent to the presidents and mayors of cities, and many local governments) an invitation to read the interview " Recall of Captain governments' .
In mid-February this year, information about our action also appeared on the pages published in Lviv, "Kurier Galicia" (see article on page 16 )
Information about most of the activities have been undertaken in recent months, are kept (in the form of messages) sent to the media. I informed about a number of specifically Polish MEPs. News also came, among others. portals,,, cf. eg .
news about our initiatives are published almost daily in facebookowym profile shares:
you who are familiar with the materials available at the above adresami, wiedzą już między innymi:
Że 13 grudnia 2010 r. Fundacja Paradis Judaeorum wystosowała list do szefa rządu sprawujących prezydencję w Unii Europejskiej, Węgier:
Że 29 grudnia 2010 r. (a następnie 23 stycznia 2011 r.) po raz kolejny zwróciliśmy się do przewodniczącego SLD o pomoc w przekonaniu szefa europejskich socjalistów do idei europejskiego Dnia Bohaterów Walki z Totalitaryzmem (zob. „Przypomnijmy o Rotmistrzu Napieralskiemu” )
Że w Sylwestra 2010 r. Fundacja zwróciła się in the same case to the Vice-President of the European Commission (see "Captain Recall of Viviane Reding," )
That in February 2011, three years passed since the establishment of a project to present May 25 European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism (see "We must bear witness to Rotmistrzowi Pilecki ") and once again we found that case for which we fight is subject to censorship in the media (see " One Million Signatures for rtm.Pileckiego? Probably not in Poland ")
That hundreds of signatures petition on the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, gathered and sent teachers and students from Zabrze, Wieluń and Czechowice-Dziedzice .
That the spread of knowledge about Witold Pilecki upomnieliśmy in a special way on the occasion of International Day of Holocaust Remembrance (see "Recall of Captain's Day of the Holocaust" ) and celebrated the first National Day of Remembrance Soldiers accursed (see "Recall of the Day Soldiers Captain accursed" ).
That in March of this year with our proposal to the Council of Witold Pilecki, the Holocaust Museum in Washington told to "The New York Times, and Polonia in Ireland once again firmly" recalled Captain "(see " Galway recalls Captain, NYT promises to improve ").
That in May 2011, we can and should "remind you of Captain" not only in Olsztyn .
That in krakówku it is still impossible.
That where a project to establish May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism has supported, among others. President of the Czech Republic, as well as the sacred memory of the Polish Army Field Bishop, the Ombudsman, the Deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the Rector of the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, the more turned out to be absolutely beyond the scope of the previous and current President of the Republic (see "Let us remember the anniversary of Captain Smolensk" and "Lech Kaczynski and anti-Semitism" ) ...
Action "Recall of Captain" takes place and manifests itself in many ways. At home and abroad are collected signatures for a petition calling on the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism (form in pdf file and a link to an online petition is available on the 11 December 2010 ).
By the time I write these words, more than ten thousand people in Poland, Hungary, Ireland, and received such here, bilateral Polish-English leaflet.
"Resembling a Captain" Our leaflets are selling - not only Polish - volunteers who, like Mike Kennedy Galway and Alexandra Botyanszky from Budapest, on the occasion of compatriots explain the need to establish a European Day of Heroes May 25.
Flyers are also distributed by the Army Museum in Krakow, the Citizens' Committee of Koszalin, portal , Association Małopolska Patriots, as well as local educational authorities in Lublin, Lodz, Gorzow Wielkopolski, Bialystok, Poznan, Olsztyn, Rzeszow, Katowice and Krakow. Thanks to the participants of our project in Ukraine and the USA, leaflets will be distributed also in these countries.
(such a list in mid-March, went to school superintendents who support the campaign "Let us remember about Captain")
We are pleased to announce that the roll full steam ahead preparing for a round anniversary rtm.Witolda Pilecki. A month before the May 13 birthday Marches Captain organization - the event, the brainchild of the Society of St. Michael the Archangel and which co-creates considerably KoLiber Association - was confirmed in 24 Polish cities.
One of the galleries from last year's March of Captain in Krakow, you can see here .
In 2011, Captain marches pass through the streets of cities such as:
Nowy Sacz, Rzeszow
Przemyśl, Lublin
Piotrkow Trybunalski,
Gdańsk, Poznań
Szczecin, Bialystok
and Krakow.
I can expect that those will not stop.
One must be emphasized: celebrating the birth anniversary of Round Volunteer to Auschwitz, does not necessarily have to be large-scale, mass event. Much more important is that the May 13 "to recall the Captain," in as many Polish cities.
organizers and all those who want to Witold Pilecki on May 13 pointed out, they communicate through Facebook. Here you can find, among others. group, "events" and profiles Captain marches that will take place in specific cities.
Works website , where you can find lots of valuable information. Feel free to visit it!
Soon there will be details on the Marches and Captain in each city, as well as contact details of the organizers / coordinators.
all who understand the importance and dimension of the issues for which we fight since January 2008, I strongly urge you to engage in "remembrance of Captain." How we managed to see part of our grassroots, apolitical citizens' initiative, it can be done in many ways.
contact: michal.tyrpa [at]
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