4 March 2009, the President of the Czech Republic expressed support for the establishment of May 25 Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. 3 March this year in the European Parliament took place the events that bring us closer to achieving the objectives over a year ago launched social action.
In a letter sent on behalf of President Vaclav Klaus, Ladislav Mravca - Director of the Department of the Foreign Office of the President of the Czech Republic, says:

Kindness head of state, which in the current semester of presidency in the European Union is crucial for the establishment of a Day which falls on May 25 Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. The more that - of which 3 March in Brussels, I realized in a personal interview with Jack Saryusz-Wolski, a project of the EU holiday celebrated on the anniversary of the death of Captain Pilecki can count on the votes of the majority of MEPs.
worth at this point again: we would not at this stage without a series of actions, which part of the "recall of Captain" were taken at the EU forum for several months (details in previous materials available at www.michaltyrpa.blogspot.com ). Great in the merit of our representatives in the institutions who are getting involved in the campaign, "recalled a Captain", as - across party lines - witness advocated Volunteer to Auschwitz. Thanks to the efforts of all people of goodwill figure of Captain Pilecki became the European Parliament, European Commission and other EU institutions known. And long before the 3 March this year, when the IEP has organized a scientific conference in Brussels, and the Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU opened a dedicated Rotmistrzowi exhibition.
greatest recognition for the effort put into the project feast on May 25 should be Mrs Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka (zob.relację Day Pilecki in Brussels )
1 September 2008, during the EP plenary session, officially presented the project Heroes Day Struggle Against Totalitarianism and then convinced the Union for Europe of the Nations to adopt a resolution of 18 February 2009 (text available here include ). I had the opportunity talk about this also with the President of the UEN.

worth noting that Brian Crowley attaches great importance to merit such heroes as Captain Pilecki. Mr. Crowley expressed his belief that Europe is very much needed the memory of our experiences. The experiences of countries in which fate has left an imprint of both totalitarian systems.
Many thanks to the many wonderful young people - colleagues Mr Wojciech Daneckiego, assistants and employees Polish MEPs' offices who are not looking at party labels, have spared no effort to make our "remembrance of Captain" on the European scene has the widest coverage. (In the photo below, Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka and her assistant Wojciech Danecki)
When it comes to the same conference, however, was just one of many events that took place that day at the European Parliament, taking into account all the circumstances ( see previous text), it should be considered a success. The character Captain approached the gathered PhD. Janusz Kurtyka, president of IPN and Jacek Pawłowicz, autor albumu pt. "Rotmistrz Witold Pilecki". Szczególne zainteresowanie wzbudził prof. Michael Foot, autor książki "Six faces of courage", który w swoim wykładzie wskazał na niezwykłość czynów Bohatera z Auschwitz.
Oklaskami nagrodzono wypowiedź Kornela Morawieckiego, przewodniczącego Solidarności Walczącej, który wskazał postać Rotmistrza jako źródło inspiracji dla antykomunistycznej opozycji lat 80-tych.
W moich krótkich wystąpieniach podziękowałem pani Foltyn-Kubickiej za jej wkład w akcję "Przypomnijmy o Rotmistrzu", a grupie UEN unanimously adopted a resolution of 18 February this year, and all members for the promotion of a Witold Pilecki. I expressed the belief that these facts should be considered with a great victory for civil society. As it turns out - as I had the opportunity to mention at the outset of the conference - that the bond between citizens and their representatives in Brussels, is not merely a paper fiction. In the discussions I have had occasion to mention that propagate from the internet 05/25/2008 English translation of the "Report Witold" and that this document is a prime example of the universality of messages Witold Pilecki. And that, as such, arouses a growing interest worldwide. He did not fail to mention that our proposed holiday on May 25 is supposed to commemorate, and such heroes as Captain colleagues from Auschwitz - Czech Karel Stransky lawyer and German prisoner of crime Otto Kusel.
During the evening meeting at the Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union had the opportunity to talk to the prof. Foote about the many dimensions of heritage Captain. His interest aroused among others. our petition to Pope Benedict XVI considering the beatification of the Christian knight of the twentieth century - Nazism and communism martyr. Prof. Michael Foot also pledged to help promote a certificate of Witold Pilecki in British diplomatic circles.
Finally, we refer to a difficult issue. In the opinion of many people with whom I met not only in Brussels, thanks to such a distinguished representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance was unnecessary discord. His reflexes were not entirely faithful to the truth of communication media on topics related to brukselskimi events of 3 March
In the illustrated Yet the above context it is difficult to guess the reasons why the President of the Institute of National Remembrance allows himself to enter the public aware of the error. In an interview published March 4 in the high-volume Super-Ekspressie, the question of a journalist: "Pilecki said that to be the patron of all the victims of the fight against totalitarianism and the patron of this fight?" , prof.Kurtyka said: "(...) Polish MEPs intend to bring into the deliberations of the European Parliament a proposal for appropriate resolution. (...)" (- bold mine - MT) more in the material: "Captain Pilecki : the hero of Europe " .
Freedom of relationship to the facts, as well as the manner in which the president of IPN treated Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, and the fruits of efforts of many people, more than a year engaging in action "Recall of Captain" arouses the highest astonishment and brings pride to the Institute of National Remembrance. Of course, this finding makes sense, if taken seriously we take the message of "Witold's Report" and Article 4 of the Constitution and Articles 11 and 12 Act IPN.
Bearing in mind the overall contacts with the IEP, I was not until the turn of events so surprised. "Nevertheless, I did not think that I - an ordinary citizen - will be forced to an awareness of high government officials that the good for which they gave their lives to such heroes as Witold Pilecki, not be confused with the so-called interests. "Republic of cronies." And also, that the institution whose name contains the word "memory" and "national" should have a different attitude to facts, than that which characterizes Orwellian Ministry of Truth.
Fortunately - as illustrated by numerous examples , including those presented at the beginning of a letter from the Office of the President Vaclav Klaus - people of good will is more.
I trust that moral support for the Holidays May 25 - Heroes Day Fight Against Totalitarianism does not deny the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

contact: michal.tyrpa [at] gmail.com
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