18 February 2009 the fraction of the Union for Europe of the Nations in the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the May 25 Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism.
In this way we approached the realization of the objectives of the third launched over a year ago, social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki "). Great This was accomplished Ms. Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka , the author adopted a resolution, as well as assistant Mrs - Mr Wojciech Daneckiego. Let me say that without their involvement, the EU's project to establish the Heroes holidays Struggle Against Totalitarianism not have come to that stage. It is worth noting that although the UEN group, which adopted a resolution of 18.09. br is a minority in the European Parliament, the declarations of support made by Hans-Gert Pöttering, Jerzy Buzek, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Janusz Lewandowski, Filip Kaczmarek and other members provided with the majority of the European People's Party - European Democrats , highly ranked prospects of imminent enactment of holiday celebrated on the anniversary of the murder Volunteer to Auschwitz.
Those who wished to review all the materials at pomieszczonymi michaltyrpa.blogspot.com (among others. From the documents presented previously), remember that the first signs of a benevolent interest in high-ranking officials of EU action figure commemorates Captain received in February 2008

As we notify you call for action "Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki" ("Recall of Captain"), along with a link to the publication on the Internet "Report Witold" in English, went to non-Polish EU deputies and officials in June 2008 . Shortly thereafter, some of them also received supporting our campaign postcard.

Since spring of last year have made efforts to gain new ideas for the holidays countries holding the EU presidency. In the text "Leap into the dark space "with 27.IV.2008 mentioned, among others. a letter sent to the representatives of Slovenia. Currently, the EU presidency exercise our south-western neighbors.

As I informed Darja Čablová, assistant to Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek in Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, as well as Vit Fojtek from the Department of the Foreign Office of the President Vaclav Klaus, my requests for support from the highest Czech politicians were examined in the first half of February, and soon I should expect a formal reply. signals that reached informally, one can conclude , that social action "is the master Připomeňme" also arouses interest in the Czech Republic.
Given the above, it certainly can say that after a year of our intense activity, Witold Pilecki, ceased to be a European political elites and decision-making circles with someone unknown.

not only the above article in the journal "Poland The Times' published 21.II.2009, available on the Internet , indicates that the project of establishing a new public holidays, from the beginning I tried to keep the through the mainstream media.
On 13 February 2008, the Internet portal of the Polish Radio, the text appeared Fri "We must bear witness" , in which the first draft of the International Day of Struggle Against Totalitarianism Heroes was made public. The translation of this text has served as a prelude to placed 25 May 2008 the English translation on the Internet "Report Witold" .
From the very beginning (ie, from January 2008) news of our action and to transmit the most important state offices and institutions that I found as natural allies in the "recalling the Captain" (with the Institute of National Remembrance at the head).
activities associated with our initiative was carried out (and still are) in many localities.

The day after the adoption of that resolution of the Union for Europe of the Nations Foundation Paradis Judaeorum issued a statement which was circulated to participants of the "recall of Captain ", entities to which only turned the invitation, and the media. With its content can be read in many places on the Internet. By way of example mention the Australian Information Service Polish Rodakpress , and the Ciechanowiec Online , Prawica.net , Iskry.pl .
3 March this year in Brussels, will be devoted to Rotmistrzowi conference at the European Parliament, coupled with an exhibition at the Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union

Dropped at this point to express my satisfaction that the IPN said deed to the suggestion contained in a letter to President Kurtyka of 31 October 2008 (details in Part VII of the material "Recall of Captain - this is our obligation to" ).
As an initiator of social action, "recalled a Captain", the originator to establish May 25 Heroes Day Fight Against Totalitarianism and co-author of the text of its resolution of 18 February 2009 received from the Union for Europe of the Nations, Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka, and Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU invitation to participate in this event.
I believe that it will contribute to closer as Captain for many Europeans. And not only those who knew many months ago the patron saint of the certificate heroes struggle with the national-socialist and communist evil.
Even before the departure to Brussels came to me, Institute of National Remembrance response to my letter of 12 December 2008, which asked, among others about whether the kind of grassroots social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") represent a threat to the functions of the IPN, and here is a sense in which the idea of \u200b\u200bour project is close to the IPN's attention.
Although the answer I sent Mrs. Dorothy Koczwańska-Kalita, Director Secretariat of the President of the IEP does not address all the points raised in my letter, although it is not free from certain peculiarities of language (with the turning of so many times - not just by me - repeating the password of our shares), in substance agrees to give her the news.

contact: michal.tyrpa [at] gmail.com
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