Radomska police for the deaf
In Radom, the police launched a special service that allows deaf submit notice of an offense, or call for assistance by phone.
Implementation phone under 997 is for people non-verbal nearly useless. Radom is why the police launched a special telephone number at which you can send an SMS with the application of crime.
This SMS shall contain the name of the applicant, location of the incident and a brief description of the circumstances.
Legal Newspaper gives an example:
"John Doe, estate Michaels, Street Lives And, bus 13, pickpocket"
However, you can probably imagine that the police will also respond to shorter notification.
after sending an SMS to a special number is expected to be on duty, which confirms the information and sends a patrol car. In Radom area is over 2.5 thousand deaf. Number does not serve, because the police feared it reserved the jokers. To get it go to the office of Radom Polish Association of the Deaf.
Similar arrangements exist in some Polish cities, even in Kalisz. Still, the lack of a national solution.
Source: PAP, Legal Newspaper
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