Before the Lublin celebrations still do not know whether to June 7 Civic Platform has time to develop a position on the May Day European heroes struggle against totalitarianism.
You do not just share the participants' recall of Captain "and careful observers of what happens in the so-called. Pilecki issue in the European Parliament concerned about the drawing of a discrepancy between the attitude of Jerzy Buzek, Filip Kaczmarek and Margaret Handzlik and the one that took Boguslaw Sonik and recently more and more likely he sekundujący Saryusz-Wolski. The latter in one of the popular TV talk-shows has gone up recently to join the threats to take legal action against the allegedly guilty in this case PiS politicians. I must admit that as not tied to any party represented by non-political institution that has something to do with the draft European Day on 25 May, with all my heart Mr. Saryusz-Wolski, whose hand I shook 3 March in Brussels, to bring such an action would encourage. Perhaps it would be also desirable that the "politicization" of national holiness, which is the Captain Pilecki, Saryusz-Wolski also alleged before the court Foundation Paradis Judaeorum. Perhaps it was her who is responsible for the fact that Polish deputies EPP-ED, regardless of their own claims in the media gave up on the Captain, "anticipate" the UEN group. And yet this is not what they expected viewers TVN Fakty 25 May 2008 !
increasingly more urgent it becomes to find an answer in a few issues. If the media reports, manipulation and concealment of the last week comparing the documentation of the "recall of Captain" (see ), one gets the impression that:
1) outside of Jerzy Buzek, Filip Kaczmarek and Margaret Handzlik is not worthy of the Platform for people of faith.
2) Executives of the ruling party does not understand the difference between the victims of totalitarianism, and the heroes of the struggle against totalitarianism
3) Donald Tusk intends to stand on the side rather Boguslaw Sonik and Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, than behave like Jerzy Buzek
4) Politicians OP are so confident of success in the European elections, that I completely do not care about the questions they address to their potential voters.
April 21, after thirteen months of fruitless expectations for the answer to the first of the letters, once again turned the Office of the Prime Minister asking for support in achieving the objectives of our action. In recent weeks, I was able to determine that the second of my letters to the prime minister happily not been lost on April 23 and has already reached the Warsaw office at PO ul.Andersa, and then was transferred to the recipient. In three successive Fridays - the eighth, fifteenth and twenty-second of May this year about the future of another of my letters I spoke by telephone with Deryńską Carolina, Assistant to Mr Donald Tusk. 15 May this year Ms Deryńska informed me that the answer to the letter of 21 April, get in the coming weeks. In During today's conversation, I learned, however, it is not known whether the PO leadership has time to respond to my letter before the elections to the Europarliament. It should be borne in mind the question that I asked the Prime Minister: Does
as Chairman of the Civic Platform would you be so kind as to oblige the candidates participating in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament, whose names are on the electoral lists of the Civic Platform to make a public promise to make every effort to establishment on 25 May the European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism?
not being sure whether management PO guesses that the answer to a question from the April 21 election will be the proverbial mustard after dinner, the fact that - with a request to transfer to the recipient - I told you clearly Deryńskiej Carolina. We can only hope that my efforts, phone calls, emails and letters this time will come when our policies, as if - nomen omen - a wet duck ..
suspicion that this is what happens, ie the class and integrity Buzek not be found in the attitude of other politicians PO reinforce my previous attempts to make contact with the Roza Thun. As a resident of Krakow, I decided to find out, what the Captain can expect from the representatives of the various electoral lists. Some of the candidates have managed to answer my question. Unfortunately, despite several repeated attempts from April 29, Mrs. Thun has not found the time to respond to requests. And among the participants of the "recall a Captain," there are many people who wonder whether they did not cast their ballots for having such excellent connections chairwoman of the Polish subsidiary European Commission. How do you put it in the main release Thun TVP News 12.05.2009: "This is a serious treatment of the voters' . Perhaps
and related issues we can discuss in a wider circle of the 61st conference in Lublin Captain's death anniversary.

See also the Association KoLiber , , Lublin Board of Education
Among the representatives of institutions and political parties have been informed of Lublin event, the President and does not omit members of the Civic Platform.
Finally I would like to thank Michael Society, as well as all those who were invited to this year's birthday Pilecki marches that took place in Krakow and Rzeszow.
Krakowski march with torches (and a song on his lips) along the Royal aroused the interest of many tourists. I myself, at the Market Square had the opportunity to say a few words about the young Captain in the Netherlands and the British middle-aged, while encouraging them to read on the web "Witold's Report" .
evening ceremony in Krakow on May 13 ended at the Cross of Katyn.
Participants prayed for the beatification of Captain and listened to "Message of Mr. Cogito." More and more signs in the heavens and the earth shows that in 2010 Captain's Birthday we celebrate not only in Krakow and Rzeszow.
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