crew of TU-154M - professionals or suicide?
Author: toy (
Whom to blame the least affected living state and military officials?
easiest on the crew. Can no longer defend themselves, and did not say what really happened. First, fast decision - to advance. Posthumously, well, good, and so distribute promotions Komorowski and Klich. Posthumous promotions may be some form of reward and perhaps trying to plug a paragraph victims' families of the crew. Passing month, it is suggested that the crew of the Tupolev Presidential suicide who crossed all the powers and violated the rules. They were not practicing on simulators ...
The only tangible evidence is in the hands of Russia and the Interstate Aviation Committee. Even the Polish "black box" back to Russia, but it must be in Poland ...
theoretically access to all relevant material is Edmund Klich. What Klich said first depends on what you give him to read, and secondly not all disclose Klich, and as we disclose it often changes his mind. Is the evidence of the catastrophe are prepared, falsified no one knows, and nobody will check. Well, unless for 70 years ... I recall that the investigation in Moscow, Putin personally supervise, and it depends on it which comes to light and what not.
wonder wise heads, professional, why the crew had ignored warnings TAWS why it flew so low, why not gone around, why Gen. Błasik was in the cockpit ...? Nay, even a journalist in the media suggest that Gen. Błasik piloted in the last moments of the flight of TU-154M.
In today's program, TVN, facts after facts interview with two pilots, died a lot of questions but I ran out of my question ...
Is the decision of the crew of TU-154M could be affected by a failure of the aircraft?
As usual, I have an opinion, different from media assessments of professional journalists.
I also can accept your hypothesis, if the aircraft was a major accident is a well- would explain why the crew broke the rules "and attempted to land at any price in Smolensk. Explained by a major failure in the presence of Gen. Błasik in the cockpit of the aircraft.
Are presidential Tupolev was 100% technically efficient?
This is 100% sure no one finds it most of us can rely on the contributions of Edmund Klich and several persons belonging to the Polish Government. Klich said that the plane was in good working order. Unfortunately, the "black dots" on a piece of wing presidential Tupolev did not explain. If someone (bombers) have developed a perfect plan to attack, it is also prepared several versions of answers to various questions. Provided that someone will ask ... but the questions is not enough, and in addition they are very selective. Certain facts are particularly emphasized, while others are ignored. Often the impression that this is just casual private citizens see the different parts with which they ask and expect explanations. Most professional journalists, ignores the inconvenient questions.
More and more stress the possible pressure on the crew Gen Błasik TU-154M.
recall Fragma. yesterday's entry: "autopilot" was attached in the chair. 8.14 simulation shown in TVN, Klich Edmund watched it, not denied arming hours "autopilot." "Autopilot" is disabled for a few seconds before the destruction of the aircraft - in the preliminary report submitted MAK.
In such a case, you can talk about any pressure on Gen. Błasik crew?
I'm afraid that the crew decided to make a "scapegoats." Because no one will neither blame nor say "the plane was damaged" if "this was an attack" ...
Klich: Pilots deliberately descended below the decision height
"... Pilots of the presidential Tupolev deliberately descended below the so-called decision height, which is 100 meters - Edmund said Klich, head of the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation. It will help in explaining the tragedy of April 10.
Klich told us that he repeatedly heard in the cabin of an automatic warning signal before the dangerous descent, calling the crew to pickup machine. A crew member on a regular basis and gave details of the amount. Every ten meters: up to 20 meters above the ground. TAWS warning system for pilots. There were more than 20 commands. For any, to the very end does not reagowali.Kiedy increased to full speed, it was already too late for this wysokości.To heavy aircraft. They were almost 15 feet below the belt at some point - added Klich.
He would not comment on the information given by TVN24 that at an altitude of 1980-1990 meters in the second pilot said: "We're leaving," which means stop landing.
Do pilots know the terrain rises? According to the journalist
RMF FM Martin Friedrich, it is still too early to say that the pilots deliberately went down so low. For now, it is certain only that they knew how low are above ground - one of the crew members regularly read up to the radio altimeter said 1920 feet. But we do not know whether this was just aware of the plan: to go as low as possible - in spite of the warning system for TAWS and hoping that the plane is on track, according to calculations in a moment appeared runway threshold.
The countdown of this will only record the voice - we can not compare him with the parameters of the flight. And this is important because it could also be so that from the height of eg 60 or 70 meters away the crew can begin on the second circle. And we must remember that the spin Tu-154 engines for maximum speed, and finally reaction of the swing plane and increase the helm - they must endure. This can take up to several seconds. At that time the aircraft reduced its height at about 4 meters per second. In addition, a moment later he also began to ascend the terrain. The question is whether the pilots knew about it ... "
source: BBC News , Klich: Pilots deliberately descended below the decision height
Russian press about the "fatal landing" in Smolensk
"mortal landing commanded Polish commander of the Air Force" - highlights the daily "Izvestia", indicating the presence of General Andrew Błasik in the cockpit during the final phase of the flight Polish Tu-154M April 10.
Błasik message about the presence in the cockpit of the presidential Tupolev in the last minutes of flight officially handed over on Monday evening, President of Polish State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation Edmund Klich.
His comments relate the other Russian newspapers, including-volume - "Moskovskiy Komsomolec" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
Izvestia believe that the statement Klich "in fact means that even for a few minutes before the crash, it was clear that the situation requires an analysis at the level of the main pilot country." "That is, the conditions were extremely hard landing, which is likely to warn pilots of high-ranking passengers" - indicates journal.
"What the General entered the cockpit? The official response so far not no. Before Błasikiem the cockpit came one other person "- they write," Izvestia ".
newspaper notes that the President of the Polish State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation acknowledged that "the emergence of commanders in the cockpit, an unusual situation." "But he refused to clarify whether General Błasik exerted some pressure on the pilots" - mark "Izvestia".
The "Moskovskiy Komsomolec" Klich interprets the statement as "indirect confirmation that the crew of the Polish aircraft, which crashed near Smolensk, was under psychological pressure, which could cause a catastrophe. " Official the titles his material: "The Poles committed to the pressures against the pilots."
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" published the opinion of the former Ministry of Defence expert on flight safety in Russia, Colonel Viktor Timoszkina, who suggested that General Błasik able to sit at the controls of the Tu-154M at the time of the disaster.
"The fact that someone from the outsiders in the aircraft could not only stay in the cabin, but even sit the controls, we talked a long time. Today unanswered several important questions remain. We do not know whether because of age, commander of the Polish Air Force was authorized to fly, or had experience in piloting the Tu-154 "- newspaper quotes Timoszkina.
"In my view, fully reliable version is that the plane crashed not because of the conduct of pilots, but the fault of high-ranking personalities. Unfortunately it is not uncommon, "- said the expert, and added:" We in the disaster killed four governors - in all cases they ordered the pilots to exercise certain maneuvers "..."
source: BBC News , Russian press about the "fatal landing" in Smolensk
level decision
"... The master knew how to fly low - consciously went down to 20 meters above the ground, although he did not see the belt. Edmund Klich reveals further details of the tragedy in Smolensk. He talks about the pressures and the disastrous mistakes pilots training - no training on simulators. And listening to him give the pilots - this land is suicide. Such training threatens another tragedy. How much do we know? (Fakty) ... "
source: TVN24 Decision Level:
master knew how to fly low - consciously went down to 20 meters above the ground, although he did not see the belt. Edmund Klich reveals further details of the tragedy in Smolensk. He talks about the pressures and the disastrous mistakes pilots training - no training on simulators. And listening to him give the pilots - this land is suicide. Such training threatens another tragedy. How much do we know? (Fakty)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Polaris Indy Trail Spark Plug
Because that is the Russian procedure
Source: Gazeta Poland Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Urged us not to go to Moscow
We were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized, and most can not be identified . Stefan on this list did not appear. He was a very clear emphasis that we do not went to Moscow. Then it turned out that Stephen was not burned or disfigured. I can not accept that the investigation leads the Russians, the Polish government that so readily agreed to do so - With Andrew Melaka, Melaka brother Stephen, Chairman of the Katyn, who tragically died in the crash of the presidential plane, talks to Dorota Kania.
How did you learn of the catastrophe?
the morning on April 10 I went to Katyn ceremony to Siedlce. In the car I turned on the radio, which interrupted the program and gave information about the crash. I broke the trip - I went to his brother's house and at home, watching TV, waiting for further relationships. Each additional incoming message was tragic. I called the daughter of Stephen, who lives in the U.S.. Despite the time difference - in the United States was the night - she already knew about the tragedy. In the meantime, our family called my cousin who lives in Vienna. The information that we gave, ahead of those who cited the Polish media. She told us that Stephen was on board the aircraft - Austrian TV has published a list of passengers.
Have you then tried to learn something more from the Polish authorities? When
appeared on television about the families who lost loved ones can go to Moscow for their identification, immediately reported to the hotline, I gave two people who were with me to go. But it turned out that they have valid passports and had to resign.
When there was a flight to Moscow?
On Sunday afternoon I went to the place of collection to the Novotel. I took with me enlarged photo Stefan, suppose that it may be necessary to identify. There were about 200 people, taken from us material for DNA testing. Later, Foreign Ministry representative, the coordinator of this trip, and the doctor-paramedic told us it would be a terrible experience for us, because your body is in such condition that, in most can not identify them. Were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized. Initially, they would not give their names, but our insistence they finally exchanged. Stefan on this list was not.
Do you informed how it will look to identify?
He was a very clear focus for us not to go to Moscow. Government representatives said that this trip is not for everyone and some people gave up. I was so determined, even I never thought of resignation. Went along with me cousin and cousin. In Moscow, we have been around midnight. There, after a brief passport check, accompanied by Russian soldiers entered the bus and we were taken to the hotel.
You were in a meeting with representatives of the Polish government?
hour after arriving at the hotel we met in the boardroom, among others Minister of the Arabian Thomas, where there has been verification of the list of people who arrived to Moscow. It turned out they are on the person who initially volunteered to go, and which could not come for formal reasons. There was, however, those who are with me, actually arrived. I reported it and asked to correct mistakes. It turned out that such people is much more. Minister Kopacz confirmed what was said in Poland: the bodies are in a terrible state, and to rethink the decision to identify them. As I said earlier, I was determined and wanted to see Stephen no matter what.
When you go to the center of pathology at the identification of a brother?
on Monday about the Fourteenth. Assigned us to the investigative group, which was a Polish psychologist, a Russian translator and the Russian prosecutor. For three hours I was written my data, information about the appearance of his brother, his clothes and things that could have had it with you. As I mentioned the subject of the most distinctive type of Nokia phone. He was an old, ten-camera that I gave to Stephen, and who was registered to me. After completion of the hearing signed the protocol. I am told that we will meet the next day and then be prepared to identify the next body. On Tuesday morning at the representatives of the government re-read the names of people who have to go to pathology center. I re-read it with errors. In pointing out that after this error still persists, we were told that it will be corrected. But not done so for our trip, which runs until Thursday - the next odczytywaniach letter was the same, which additionally have been introducing an atmosphere of nervousness. And yet enough to get our boarding passes, to avoid this mess. It got to the fact that the accompanying my cousin's wife called. There she heard that the person lives there - it resulted from the fact that he attributed to a completely different name.
Were you kept informed about the activities carried out by the Russians?
At the meeting we asked the Minister for Arab, why Poland does not participate actively in this investigation and whether it is true that not all bodies are in Moscow. He replied that everything is in order that he fully trusts the investigators Russians and Poles can not investigate because it provides for the Chicago Convention. He said that the coffin will be sealed in Moscow and can not be opened in Poland, because that is the Russian law. When you said that all bodies are already in place, pathology at the institute got the husband of one of the victims and said: "Mr. Minister, you are lying. I have a printout of information from the Internet, in which Mr. Attorney General, that is not yet remains remote because the plane is inverted and can not pick it up. " Arabic The Minister made no reply.
What was your next visit to the institute of pathology?
When we arrived there, the process began anew. I was already after the hearing, but not yet seen the body of his brother. After the information from the previous day that the new body will be to identify, I arrived there full of hope that, after what came, and finally takes place. We were shown objects found with the victims, among them the brother of a telephone. I was just happy that I finally came across a trail. From this picture, a translator, a psychologist sent me to the Russian prosecutor, who began the procedure. I explained to him that after my interview protocol is from the previous day and do not understand why we do it again. Then the interpreter told me that this is the Russian procedure. And once again started several hours torment. In my hearings there was no representative of the Polish embassy or consulate. Do
been produced outside the handset you have any other items belonging to her brother?
Finally, the prosecutor has brought you a phone that was found by my brother, two coins, the badge of the club Legia Warsaw and thread, probably from the bag, which he wore on his chest passport. He gave me a phone that I tried to run, but unfortunately I did not know the PIN. We called the family in Warsaw, that contacted the operator, and received information about how to activate this phone. As soon as I did - it turned out that it is efficient, loaded with all data preserved. It was a hundred percent proof that this is the phone of Stefan and that the person with whom it has been found, is my brother. Then you showed me a picture of the prosecutor's brother made after the accident. It is easily recognized - Stefan was on it all, he was not burned or disfigured. Before the interview process was completed, the Russian prosecutor asked me about family and siblings. I replied that it has nothing to do stuff that has no effect on pending proceedings. I said that I came to identify a brother, and not to talk about his family. When this was translated prosecutor, resigned from further questions and we went to the room where the body being shown to us.
Stefan was already on the section. The body has shown me the Polish pathologists. I must admit that the Polish specialists behaved very professionally. I was lucky that I came to the Polish team.
day before a meeting with representatives of the Polish government's identification of one of the participants said that he went to identify one of the Polish generals. Pay your body that there was absolutely prepared to identify: stained ground, gasoline, covered in blood. When asked why the body is not washed away, accompanied by the identification of the Russian took a water bottle and began to wash the corpse. The man who had to identify, was shocked.
When I saw his brother was already cleaned. Polish doctor will ask about details: whether he had an operation, marks, fractures. I said I did not. He asked me too, if I want to see the clothes. I replied that, yes, and showing them to me.
was destroyed?
not seen any damage, but it was steeped in aviation fuel. Navy was all, like shoes and underwear.
What happened to the clothes?
agreed that they be burned, but now regret. It could yet be important in explaining the causes of the disaster. In Moscow, I was in shock, lack of common sense. Even in Poland, a military police headquarters in Minsk Mazowiecki, we received only a jacket, his brother, his passport, identity card. These items were either burned or destroyed.
What happened next, after the identification of Mr Stefan Melaka?
I know it sounds bad, but I was happy that it is that the body is in its entirety. I gave more blood samples for DNA, signed the death certificate and asked if I can get my brother to Polish. I then accompanied me to the Russian said: "No, sir, for your brother's body to grant someone, someone he previously recognized as his father." I literally speechless - I thought I would get a heart attack. I began to intervene with the Minister Kopacz, who confirmed that someone has been diagnosed this body and gave me the name of that person.
contacted you with this man?
Then I received another blow - I heard that he went to Warsaw on Monday. Totally nailed back to the hotel with the conviction that, despite the recognition of corpses, not coming back with Stefan.
When I was in the hotel, walked to the plate, on which were placed the information in Polish for us. And there he saw that the name is a man who allegedly go to Warsaw on Monday. I ran to the representative of the Polish consulate, which was in place, and asked where this man is. I heard that I went to the institute of pathology. Agitated said, what's going on, and asked for the phone intervention to the Minister Kopacz. I gave the phone number to a Russian investigator, which fortunately you enrolled, and his name. After a few minutes, you gettin 'through to the Consul Assistant Minister Kopacz, but did not want her to call. Then you are separated the consul, deputy Najder rang and after a few minutes later was substituted by a car. The policemen escorting I was taken back to the institute.
When we arrived, the matter already been explained - I learned that the death certificate orzymam that Stephen will return to the country that get belonging to the subjects.
you tried to explain, how did this tragic mistake?
on Thursday when I went to the airport, the bus I saw a young man who my brother was to deal with his father. I asked him how he looked identification. He replied that after the presentation of corpses, at first hesitated whether this case is not the body of his father, because it was a bit similar. But later, after how carefully looked at, told the Russians that it is definitely not a body of his father.
Is on the death certificate of Mr. Stefan Melaka is given the cause and time of death?
On the death of his brother's death is listed hours - 10.51. Moscow time. Entered as the cause of injuries sustained in a plane crash. I want to emphasize the extraordinary role of military chaplains, who were with us in Moscow. At night, they were present at plombowaniu coffin, prayed, fulfilled his priestly ministry with his brother and the other victims of the disaster.
When you went to Moscow?
on Thursday. Our departure was preceded by a briefing passport - was extremely accurate, much more so than when we flew to Moscow. Before entering the aircraft, checked our special equipment, I had to throw away the shaving foam in the aerosol. The Russians told us to even take off her shoes, which was very humiliating. I did not agree to this. Upon arrival, the Polish slowly passed the shock and began to analyze what happened. I can not accept that the Russians carry out the investigation that the Polish government so easily agreed. I can not be reconciled with the unfair media messages, in which the fault for the disaster be charged to the Polish pilots, in particular major. Arkadiusz Protasiuk. How can something be done? Some families of victims of the disaster have subscribed to an open letter in his defense. Passes over a month since the disaster, and we are out of media speculation, we still know nothing. Except that the Polish government has shown a total helplessness.
Source: Gazeta Poland Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Urged us not to go to Moscow
We were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized, and most can not be identified . Stefan on this list did not appear. He was a very clear emphasis that we do not went to Moscow. Then it turned out that Stephen was not burned or disfigured. I can not accept that the investigation leads the Russians, the Polish government that so readily agreed to do so - With Andrew Melaka, Melaka brother Stephen, Chairman of the Katyn, who tragically died in the crash of the presidential plane, talks to Dorota Kania.

How did you learn of the catastrophe?
the morning on April 10 I went to Katyn ceremony to Siedlce. In the car I turned on the radio, which interrupted the program and gave information about the crash. I broke the trip - I went to his brother's house and at home, watching TV, waiting for further relationships. Each additional incoming message was tragic. I called the daughter of Stephen, who lives in the U.S.. Despite the time difference - in the United States was the night - she already knew about the tragedy. In the meantime, our family called my cousin who lives in Vienna. The information that we gave, ahead of those who cited the Polish media. She told us that Stephen was on board the aircraft - Austrian TV has published a list of passengers.
Have you then tried to learn something more from the Polish authorities? When
appeared on television about the families who lost loved ones can go to Moscow for their identification, immediately reported to the hotline, I gave two people who were with me to go. But it turned out that they have valid passports and had to resign.
When there was a flight to Moscow?
On Sunday afternoon I went to the place of collection to the Novotel. I took with me enlarged photo Stefan, suppose that it may be necessary to identify. There were about 200 people, taken from us material for DNA testing. Later, Foreign Ministry representative, the coordinator of this trip, and the doctor-paramedic told us it would be a terrible experience for us, because your body is in such condition that, in most can not identify them. Were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized. Initially, they would not give their names, but our insistence they finally exchanged. Stefan on this list was not.
Do you informed how it will look to identify?
He was a very clear focus for us not to go to Moscow. Government representatives said that this trip is not for everyone and some people gave up. I was so determined, even I never thought of resignation. Went along with me cousin and cousin. In Moscow, we have been around midnight. There, after a brief passport check, accompanied by Russian soldiers entered the bus and we were taken to the hotel.
You were in a meeting with representatives of the Polish government?
hour after arriving at the hotel we met in the boardroom, among others Minister of the Arabian Thomas, where there has been verification of the list of people who arrived to Moscow. It turned out they are on the person who initially volunteered to go, and which could not come for formal reasons. There was, however, those who are with me, actually arrived. I reported it and asked to correct mistakes. It turned out that such people is much more. Minister Kopacz confirmed what was said in Poland: the bodies are in a terrible state, and to rethink the decision to identify them. As I said earlier, I was determined and wanted to see Stephen no matter what.
When you go to the center of pathology at the identification of a brother?
on Monday about the Fourteenth. Assigned us to the investigative group, which was a Polish psychologist, a Russian translator and the Russian prosecutor. For three hours I was written my data, information about the appearance of his brother, his clothes and things that could have had it with you. As I mentioned the subject of the most distinctive type of Nokia phone. He was an old, ten-camera that I gave to Stephen, and who was registered to me. After completion of the hearing signed the protocol. I am told that we will meet the next day and then be prepared to identify the next body. On Tuesday morning at the representatives of the government re-read the names of people who have to go to pathology center. I re-read it with errors. In pointing out that after this error still persists, we were told that it will be corrected. But not done so for our trip, which runs until Thursday - the next odczytywaniach letter was the same, which additionally have been introducing an atmosphere of nervousness. And yet enough to get our boarding passes, to avoid this mess. It got to the fact that the accompanying my cousin's wife called. There she heard that the person lives there - it resulted from the fact that he attributed to a completely different name.
Were you kept informed about the activities carried out by the Russians?
At the meeting we asked the Minister for Arab, why Poland does not participate actively in this investigation and whether it is true that not all bodies are in Moscow. He replied that everything is in order that he fully trusts the investigators Russians and Poles can not investigate because it provides for the Chicago Convention. He said that the coffin will be sealed in Moscow and can not be opened in Poland, because that is the Russian law. When you said that all bodies are already in place, pathology at the institute got the husband of one of the victims and said: "Mr. Minister, you are lying. I have a printout of information from the Internet, in which Mr. Attorney General, that is not yet remains remote because the plane is inverted and can not pick it up. " Arabic The Minister made no reply.
What was your next visit to the institute of pathology?
When we arrived there, the process began anew. I was already after the hearing, but not yet seen the body of his brother. After the information from the previous day that the new body will be to identify, I arrived there full of hope that, after what came, and finally takes place. We were shown objects found with the victims, among them the brother of a telephone. I was just happy that I finally came across a trail. From this picture, a translator, a psychologist sent me to the Russian prosecutor, who began the procedure. I explained to him that after my interview protocol is from the previous day and do not understand why we do it again. Then the interpreter told me that this is the Russian procedure. And once again started several hours torment. In my hearings there was no representative of the Polish embassy or consulate. Do
been produced outside the handset you have any other items belonging to her brother?
Finally, the prosecutor has brought you a phone that was found by my brother, two coins, the badge of the club Legia Warsaw and thread, probably from the bag, which he wore on his chest passport. He gave me a phone that I tried to run, but unfortunately I did not know the PIN. We called the family in Warsaw, that contacted the operator, and received information about how to activate this phone. As soon as I did - it turned out that it is efficient, loaded with all data preserved. It was a hundred percent proof that this is the phone of Stefan and that the person with whom it has been found, is my brother. Then you showed me a picture of the prosecutor's brother made after the accident. It is easily recognized - Stefan was on it all, he was not burned or disfigured. Before the interview process was completed, the Russian prosecutor asked me about family and siblings. I replied that it has nothing to do stuff that has no effect on pending proceedings. I said that I came to identify a brother, and not to talk about his family. When this was translated prosecutor, resigned from further questions and we went to the room where the body being shown to us.
Stefan was already on the section. The body has shown me the Polish pathologists. I must admit that the Polish specialists behaved very professionally. I was lucky that I came to the Polish team.
day before a meeting with representatives of the Polish government's identification of one of the participants said that he went to identify one of the Polish generals. Pay your body that there was absolutely prepared to identify: stained ground, gasoline, covered in blood. When asked why the body is not washed away, accompanied by the identification of the Russian took a water bottle and began to wash the corpse. The man who had to identify, was shocked.
When I saw his brother was already cleaned. Polish doctor will ask about details: whether he had an operation, marks, fractures. I said I did not. He asked me too, if I want to see the clothes. I replied that, yes, and showing them to me.
was destroyed?
not seen any damage, but it was steeped in aviation fuel. Navy was all, like shoes and underwear.
What happened to the clothes?
agreed that they be burned, but now regret. It could yet be important in explaining the causes of the disaster. In Moscow, I was in shock, lack of common sense. Even in Poland, a military police headquarters in Minsk Mazowiecki, we received only a jacket, his brother, his passport, identity card. These items were either burned or destroyed.
What happened next, after the identification of Mr Stefan Melaka?
I know it sounds bad, but I was happy that it is that the body is in its entirety. I gave more blood samples for DNA, signed the death certificate and asked if I can get my brother to Polish. I then accompanied me to the Russian said: "No, sir, for your brother's body to grant someone, someone he previously recognized as his father." I literally speechless - I thought I would get a heart attack. I began to intervene with the Minister Kopacz, who confirmed that someone has been diagnosed this body and gave me the name of that person.
contacted you with this man?
Then I received another blow - I heard that he went to Warsaw on Monday. Totally nailed back to the hotel with the conviction that, despite the recognition of corpses, not coming back with Stefan.
When I was in the hotel, walked to the plate, on which were placed the information in Polish for us. And there he saw that the name is a man who allegedly go to Warsaw on Monday. I ran to the representative of the Polish consulate, which was in place, and asked where this man is. I heard that I went to the institute of pathology. Agitated said, what's going on, and asked for the phone intervention to the Minister Kopacz. I gave the phone number to a Russian investigator, which fortunately you enrolled, and his name. After a few minutes, you gettin 'through to the Consul Assistant Minister Kopacz, but did not want her to call. Then you are separated the consul, deputy Najder rang and after a few minutes later was substituted by a car. The policemen escorting I was taken back to the institute.
When we arrived, the matter already been explained - I learned that the death certificate orzymam that Stephen will return to the country that get belonging to the subjects.
you tried to explain, how did this tragic mistake?
on Thursday when I went to the airport, the bus I saw a young man who my brother was to deal with his father. I asked him how he looked identification. He replied that after the presentation of corpses, at first hesitated whether this case is not the body of his father, because it was a bit similar. But later, after how carefully looked at, told the Russians that it is definitely not a body of his father.
Is on the death certificate of Mr. Stefan Melaka is given the cause and time of death?
On the death of his brother's death is listed hours - 10.51. Moscow time. Entered as the cause of injuries sustained in a plane crash. I want to emphasize the extraordinary role of military chaplains, who were with us in Moscow. At night, they were present at plombowaniu coffin, prayed, fulfilled his priestly ministry with his brother and the other victims of the disaster.
When you went to Moscow?
on Thursday. Our departure was preceded by a briefing passport - was extremely accurate, much more so than when we flew to Moscow. Before entering the aircraft, checked our special equipment, I had to throw away the shaving foam in the aerosol. The Russians told us to even take off her shoes, which was very humiliating. I did not agree to this. Upon arrival, the Polish slowly passed the shock and began to analyze what happened. I can not accept that the Russians carry out the investigation that the Polish government so easily agreed. I can not be reconciled with the unfair media messages, in which the fault for the disaster be charged to the Polish pilots, in particular major. Arkadiusz Protasiuk. How can something be done? Some families of victims of the disaster have subscribed to an open letter in his defense. Passes over a month since the disaster, and we are out of media speculation, we still know nothing. Except that the Polish government has shown a total helplessness.
What Makes A Couch Cushion Comfortable
Compare Disasters of TU-154 Smolensk
Moscow, Domodiewowo
Amsterdam Schiphol.
When approaching to land at the waist 18R (called Polderbaan) Airport in Amsterdam, the plane disintegrated into three parts. not fire, which, among other things, had great significance in the relatively low number of fatal victims of the disaster . Wreck lies next to the runway, near the A9 , about 20 km southwest from the center of Amsterdam [4] . Both engines were split, rested at a distance of about 100 yards from the hull [3] .
died in the crash 9 people (including 3 crew members), and 50 are injured (in the including the 25 hard)
disaster Turkish Airlines flight 1951 took place on February 25, 2009 at approximately 9:31 UTC (10:31 CET) at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.
Boeing 737-800 (no. IRD TC-JGE), Turkish Airlines with 135 people on board broke into three parts, the forced landing in a field near the airport runway - close to the A9 highway that runs between the airport strip. Killed at least nine people, while 25 were seriously injured. About 50 people managed to leave on his own shattered wreckage of the machine.
Moscow, Domodiewowo

Amsterdam Schiphol.
When approaching to land at the waist 18R (called Polderbaan) Airport in Amsterdam, the plane disintegrated into three parts. not fire, which, among other things, had great significance in the relatively low number of fatal victims of the disaster . Wreck lies next to the runway, near the A9 , about 20 km southwest from the center of Amsterdam [4] . Both engines were split, rested at a distance of about 100 yards from the hull [3] .
died in the crash 9 people (including 3 crew members), and 50 are injured (in the including the 25 hard)
disaster Turkish Airlines flight 1951 took place on February 25, 2009 at approximately 9:31 UTC (10:31 CET) at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport.
Boeing 737-800 (no. IRD TC-JGE), Turkish Airlines with 135 people on board broke into three parts, the forced landing in a field near the airport runway - close to the A9 highway that runs between the airport strip. Killed at least nine people, while 25 were seriously injured. About 50 people managed to leave on his own shattered wreckage of the machine.
Is Their A Language Filter For Cod Mw 2
"PO only government, which recorded a decrease in the use of EU funds"
Below copy of entry on one blog (I do not give a name that does not advertise). I note that quoted by the same author (or not give, but this text copies abound on the web) 102 points for the PiS government's work were written in October 2007 (as the author does not select an entry.)
"We have a flood, and we see the faces of politicians rozczulone, but if implemented by the Government prepared J. Kaczynski flood alleviation projects on the Vistula - Plock - (the money had come from the EU budget and not from our how to combat the effects of) today, though, would be less crying, and perhaps lives were saved by wielu.I are these actions, and assistance grants are not given out of pity. We must create the conditions to the same man could earn myself and my family (the fight against unemployment), and it managed to PiS.
Article paste quite long. from what PiS made at a time when the power was only a short time. Stress: a decrease in unemployment, GDP growth, the fear of corruption, the emphasis on balanced development of all! (Not only the western and central) Polish regions, regarded by some as a drawback - the lack of divestments National pompously called PRIVATIZATION. And thanks min. Gierychowi (LPR) - restoration of mathematics at the high school, the introduction of uniforms in schools, the baby bonus.
them known by its fruits.
all those who advocate the "boycott" the elections I think it is acting to the detriment of Polish. You have to choose and do it wisely. Who does not go, then let him not complain that people are not worthy of governing.
WHAT DO THE TWO YEARS PIS? SOME FACTS FOR uninformed Here is a list of about 100 points of presenting the work of the government in the last two years. This is a response to the lies served by the leaders of the OP and some media as the TVN. The information is divided the individual sections, you do not have to read everything, everybody read what interests him most, but let's read anything to have knowledge of what is actually accomplished.
first The creation of the CBA, so far arrested 115 people, 297 were addressed allegations of a crime, is protected against future fines, approximately 13.5 million.
second The solution is not verified since 1989, WSI and the appointment of new military staff (intelligence and counterintelligence).
third A new procedure for the purchase of military equipment and competitive tendering.
4th In September presents the first this year in the history of Polish football corruption indictment involving 34 people. Since 2005 he has conducted 36 inspections in 18 sports associations in four cases, authorities have suspended the introduction of probation officer.
5th A draft changes to the vetting of property of persons holding public office, requiring not only to give his wealth, but also its sources.
6th Evaluation of the Police by the CBOS research has improved from 57% in October 2005 to 73% in May 2007. In 2006, the total number of crimes compared to 2005 decreased by approximately 90 thous. an increase of almost 7%, while the crime detection rate rose from 58.6% in 2005 to 67.4% in 2007.
7th Modernization plan has been prepared including the Police and State Fire Service, under which up to 2009 the Police will be allocated around 4.4 billion zlotys, while the PSP less than a billion zlotys. Police Wages in the 2007 increased by 219 PLN gross.
8th Since January 2008, Poland entered the Schengen Information System, so that they have been abolished border checks at crossing points on the western and southern borders, but since March 2008, also on the air passages.
9. Was prepared first in the history of Polish public administration informatization `National Computerization Plan ', which entered into force in April 2007. Key elements include: medical records, the settlement of taxes for businesses and citizens of Service Tax (e-Statements and e-Taxation), a new system of civil registration (PESEL2), computerization of land registers, Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (e-PUAP) and electronic identity cards. In 2007 began the implementation of 16 such and similar projects.
10th In June 2007, was approved `Action Plan for the development of broadband infrastructure access to information society services in Poland. " It assumes that by 2010 the number of broadband lines per 100 population will increase from 6 to 15%, while for 1013 years to rise to about 50%. This will also be wider access to the Internet in rural areas, and lowering operating costs of the network.
11th Since 2007 a new Act on crisis management, which integrates more strongly with each other and the institutions subordinated to Ministry of Interior identified cooperation with the military.
12th In December 2006, established a special program for development of the marine rescue service, which will account for approximately 81 million. Will be purchased including new units intended for rescue at sea, shore stations created in Ustka and Darlowo and the base will be built to combat pollution in Swinoujscie.
13th Through the efforts of Polish diplomacy in the adopted Council of Europe summit in March 2007 Action Plan highlighted the need to strengthen security of energy supplies to the European Union based on solidarity between Member States.
14th Talks are aimed at providing alternative sources of energy resources from countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia (for example, the first ever official visit of the Polish king of Saudi Arabia), Tunisia and Algeria.
15th In February 2007 the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) bought shares in the Norwegian natural gas fields, whose size is estimated at 36 billion m2. The company also will build a pipeline linking Poland to the deposits of the Norwegian. Implementing the policy of diversification of energy supplies is also a decision to build in Swinoujscie terminal to receive liquefied natural gas. Also adopted the `policy for the natural gas industry ', who will organize the gas industry.
16th In 2006, PKN Orlen won the international tender for the purchase of shares in Lithuanian Mazeikiu Nafta, and in December was officially take over the refinery in Mazeikiai. This transaction will create the largest refinery and petrochemical company in Central and Eastern Europe.
17th Work is continuing on the construction of the Odessa-Brody-Gdańsk, what the Polish-Ukrainian company Sarmatia `', which in July 2007 joined the new shareholders from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Lithuania. Construction of this pipeline will allow delivery of oil from the Caspian Sea to the Polish and further west.
18th In autumn 2007, Poland will join the International Energy Agency (MEA), which will increase energy security, Polish, especially in crisis situations. The mere accession to this organization is a specific quality certification for the Polish energy sector, as were required for that specific preconditions.
19th In December 2006, the Polish and Lithuanian Prime Ministers signed an agreement to build a power link between the Polish and Lithuanian systems. This will enable the incorporation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the EU energy system. This program has been coordinated with the construction of a nuclear power plant in Lithuania.
20. Finalized the implementation of the `Programme for Energy ', which envisages, among others: the use of market mechanisms, rebuilding structures, energy companies and the creation by the consolidation of strong energy groups. Is assumed to be the creation of four such groups, so that they can provide effective competition in the market as national and international levels. So far created three of the four such groups: Energy South SA, Energy SA and the Polish Energy Group. Work is being completed on the establishment of the fourth - the Group Centre.
21st In May 2007, increased from 3 thousand. to 10 thousand. fine may be imposed on: witness expert, interpreter or a specialist in the event of unjustified failure to appear on the invitation of the authority conducting the proceedings.
22nd Since August 2007, in force as amended by Law on Common Courts, which introduces a special expedited procedure for granting permits for the judge's detention on suspicion of having committed an offense, crime or misdemeanor that carries at least 8 years in prison. In this case, the disciplinary court will be obliged to entertain the application for provisional arrest within 24 hours. On judicial reform implemented include the amended rules for appointment of court presidents, assessment of candidates for the posts of judges, the appointment and removal of directors of the courts. Other changes allow for more flexible development of the judicial structures and align the activities of the courts and the local government to carry out the tasks of justice.
23rd Since March 2007, the applicable revised Code of Civil Procedure, which simplified and streamlined the process of civil proceedings in particular in economic matters.
24th Since March 2007 working 24-hour courts relating to the small but troublesome public order offenses, in which the perpetrators were caught in flagrante delicto or immediately after its commission, and which are punishable by up to five years in prison.
25th In September, parliament passed a bill prepared by the Government introducing a new way of serving a prison sentence - a system of electronic surveillance outside the prison (SDE) for individuals convicted of minor and minor public order offenses and misdemeanors, in which it was held imprisonment for 6 months or a year in special cases. Ultimately, the system is to cover about 15 thousand. and sentenced to serve: effective rehabilitation of prisoners, to prevent any adverse impact on the atmosphere of a prison convict and prevent overfilling the prisons.
26th Since June 2007, prepared by the government are valid, so revised. Corporate Law. The aim of the changes is to increase the oversight of corporations, firms, preventing their abuse and to reduce the prices of legal services. The government has also proposed new disciplinary courts for the legal profession.
27th According to the amended in June 2007 the Law on Employees of courts and prosecutors' offices, tightened up the conditions to be met by an official candidate court. Raised academic requirements and passed that can not be punished or persons against whom proceedings are pending for an offense under indictment, or treasury. Introduced as competitions for training clerical personnel. Sorted matters related to the activities of bailiffs. Since December 2007, the increase in the number of judicial officers, reduce the costs of enforcement, and the same enforcement proceedings will be faster and more efficient.
28th The program was prepared computerization `justice 'by which is to be assured full computerization of all municipal departments and criminal courtrooms computerization, implementation of the project for electronic land register. This project will be completed in 2009.
29th In September 2007, parliament passed a law about disclosure of the possession of state property, which is aimed at closing years of neglect in the registers, the state property. This will allow for an inventory of public assets and to establish the ownership of the state.
30th Preparing a new Penal Code, the most important changes have effectiveness to punish perpetrators of particularly violent and repeat offenders, strengthen the protection of victims, to extend the limit of self-defense, to facilitate the fight against terrorism, organized crime and corruption, reduce to 15 years of age from which minors can be tried as adults for the crimes committed and the most serious crimes, the introduction of stadium ban for the hooligans, the fracture will be treated as an offense and stiffer penalties for pedophiles.
31st From September 2007, under the special program of the Ministry of Justice formed in the Mazowieckie, Opolskie and Śląskie Local Support Centres for Victims of Crime. They provide assistance and shelter to victims of crime with particular cruelty, sexual harassment, crimes against children, the elderly and the disabled. Is guaranteed assistance specialists, psychologists, social workers, police, doctors and clergy. These centers are also a site of mediation. The program envisages the creation of similar centers throughout the country.
32nd The Ministry of Justice prepared a draft of the introduction of licensing law, which would increase the competitiveness of legal services, reduce their costs and facilitate access to them. The customer could Indeed decide for himself whether he wants to use the services of a lawyer belonging to the local professional or a lawyer who holds a license law. Economy
33rd In the past two years, Poland has achieved the best in the history of economic performance. According to CSO data, in the first quarter of 2007, GDP growth reached 7.4%, while in 2005 GDP growth was only 3.6%.
34th The CSO data shows that over the last year in the corporate sector wages rose by an average of 10.5% to 2,885.97 zł, the highest increase in wages since 2000. Over the last year employment in enterprises increased by 4.8% and was 5.18 million. The average monthly income per household increased in comparison with 2005 by 8.5% reaching a value of 835 zł.
35th Systematically increasing Polish exports (value in the first half of 2007 is 182.58 billion, ie 11.3% more than last year). Capital expenditures during the last year increased by 31.4% and amounted to the first half of 2007, 38.8 billion zł.
36th Unemployment rate according to CSO data, in August 2007 dropped to 12%, while in the corresponding period in 2005 it amounted to 17.7%, which is a decrease of 32.2%.
37th In 2007, foreign investors will invest in Poland for at least 10 billion euros, which will create about 10.5 thousand. jobs. Also in 2006, foreign investment have achieved remarkable results reaching a record 11 billion, an increase of 40% compared with 2005.
38th Since November 2005 the council of Ministers adopted the 9 programs for projects such as by LG Electonic Wroclaw, Sharp, Shell, Bridgestone, Indesit, Toshiba, Dell. Total investments implemented with the assistance of these programs allow the creation of more than 11.5 thousand. jobs.
39. Poland became a European leader in the production of LCD TVs. It is estimated that in 2010 we will meet almost 80% of Europe in this field.
40th According to Ernst & Young, Poland is the undisputed leader in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of attractiveness for foreign investors (high evaluation of growth and investment climate).
41st According to the ranking of the Federation of European Employers for 2007, Poland is the most attractive place for investment among the 31 European countries.
42nd Coming talks with the European Commission on how to use the Structural Funds in 2007-2013. Poland at this time will be the biggest beneficiary of EU cohesion policy. Poland was among the first ten member states have reached agreement on this with EU partners. As proposed by the government under the plan of the National Strategic Reference Framework as much as 60% of funds allocated to research and development, innovation and job creation. Negotiations programs: Technical Assistance, Development of Polish and Eastern Europe, Human Capital and Infrastructure and Environment. Negotiations are currently underway on the Innovative Economy Programme.
43rd Developed 16 Regional Operational Programmes, in order to support the use of 16 billion directly by the provincial governments. The money will be earmarked for technology research, investment environment, transport and energy, and business development.
44th The government ends, and work on the adoption of programs to use funds available under the European Territorial Cooperation, which will enable local authorities to clarify the cooperation with foreign partners, to build roads and organizing cultural events.
45th The Government developed the first in Poland, a macro-regional strategy - Development of socio-economic Polish East 2020, which main task will be the maximum use of EU funds. One element of this strategy is the Regional Operational Program Development of Polish Eastern Europe for 2007-2013, which allocated 2.3 billion euros.
46th Created Ministry of Regional Development, which improved the utilization of EU structural funds by speeding up the implementation of regional operational programs. Only the end of 2006 zł spent 10.5 billion which represents 32% of funds allocated to Poland for the years 2004-2006.
47th The government prepared amendments intended to simplify procurement procedures, ordering procedures, introducing a new mode increased the award amount, which does not oblige to competitive tendering, with 6 thousand. to EUR 14 thousand. euro, which was supported mainly small and medium-sized enterprises and the case for an appeals procedure in October 2007 will take over the independent National Board of Appeal (KIO), which brings together professional arbitrators. They also formulated new requirements for disclosure of the tenders and procurement (web portal available to the Public Procurement Office).
48th In support of the scheme is implemented, companies `capital for entrepreneurial 'enabling small and medium entrepreneurs access to external financing and are created throughout the country consultation centers providing free information on running a business.
49th In a joint report, the OECD and the European Commission found Poland to be a leader in the simplification of the law among the new Member States. Adopted by the government in August 2006 Regulatory Reform Programme `entrepreneur has the right 'has initiated work to develop a stable system of economic law aimed at reducing bureaucracy and reducing the administrative burden on entrepreneurs.
50th In June 2007, parliament adopted a law on the establishment of the National Center for Research and Development, whose task will be to enable more efficient use of scientific discoveries by the economy and the promotion and development of cutting-edge scientific fields such as biotechnology or IT (smart technology). The revised Law on the principles of financing science in order to allow entrepreneurs to apply for funds for research and development. In July 2007 the law concerning the research and development units defining transparent rules of conduct of their business. Considerable interest from traders enjoyed also the `Technology Initiative ', to facilitate the development of new products and technologies based on the Polish scientific and technical achievements.
51st In July 2007, adopted a strategy for the coal mining industry in Poland until 2015. Key elements of the security of its national energy security by meeting the domestic demand for coal, including the use of coal to produce liquid and gaseous fuels; efforts to maintain the competitiveness of this sector in the free market economy, ensuring a stable supply of coal with specific properties from domestic and foreign suppliers and the use of innovative technology solutions, security workers and the environment. It was also established rules for further restructuring of the coal industry, such as through the adoption by parliament in September 2007 law defining the rules for the liquidation of the mines, paid equivalent, in the exercise of corporate governance and finance.
52nd In November 2006, adopted the National Development Strategy for 2007-2015, assuming a thorough modernization of the country by simplifying and reducing the cost of doing business, streamlining public expenditure, streamlining public administration, improving the situation on the labor market, easier access to education and increased safety. Under this strategy, since December 2006, the Act on the principles of development policy. Finance
53rd Already the draft budget bill for 2006, the Council of Ministers added own amendment to allow use of special funds, including on feeding children and young people, longer maternity leave and an increase in cash allowances on the birth of a child (so-called baby bonus), while the budget deficit was reduced to 30.5 billion zł. The budget for 2007 increased social spending, village, health, infrastructure development, financing of science, national defense and public security, while maintaining the fiscal anchor of a 30 billion zł. Raise for teachers in 2007 spent an additional 1.5 billion zł, allowances for the poorest pensioners 1.7 billion zł. Expenditure on health increased in comparison with 2006 more than 1.2 billion zł, but about 200 mln zł increased spending on higher education. The draft budget for 2008 provides, in turn, increase the minimum wage, wage subsidies disabled workers, the annual indexation of pensions, a further reduction in pension contributions, indexation of tax thresholds, tax deductible expenses, increase the amount of tax relief for people with children and tax-free amount. The budget for 2008 will include elements of performance budgeting, which is a modern methodology for public financial management, but by 2011 the budget is already fully adopted the form of performance budgeting, which increases the efficiency mainly spent the money because they will be issued for specific purposes.
54th The first stage of the reform of public finances is achieved through inclusion in the budget of the EU funds, determine the procedures of national and regional financing of EU projects, to increase transparency in determining the financial plans of state agencies and other legal persons. The next stage of reform of public finances for 2008-2009 envisages the consolidation of public finance sector, which is expected to deliver about 10 billion, including savings zł through: elimination of budgetary establishments, auxiliary units, and all funds. The concept has been developed to prevent the accumulation of public debt.
55th In 2007, the first time in five years thawed tax thresholds and increased the amount of tax-free. For 2009, planned to change the two-tier tax brackets (18 and 32%). The tax exempted include: alimony and child support, inheritance and gifts from loved ones, donations from non-family borrowers to 5 thousand. gold from a single borrower and 25 thousand. gold for many borrowers, the cost of advertising. Parliament decided that the tax for the year 2007 can be deducted in 1145 zł for each child. Since January 2007, small businesses were able to one-time depreciation fixed to 50 thousand. euro (ie depreciation). The costs tax deductible business expenses might include the financing of health care benefits for employees.
56th Since July 2007, nearly half of the reduced pension contribution, and since January 2008, the pension contribution will be reduced to 2% of gross wages, which will cause wages to rise by about 9%.
57th Been consolidated financial supervision through the removal of three of the control: public companies, funds, insurance companies and Polish banks and replacing them by one of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC). Family
58th , A program for family policy including, among others: the introduction of tax relief of family, financial incentives for firms employing persons returning from maternity leave and childcare, longer maternity leave, the introduction of flexible working hours for women with small children (eg part time work, or also work from home), to extend working time kindergarten, and financial support to encourage employers to establish nurseries and kindergartens for children of its employees. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is also a media-beating share employment discrimination based on age and motherhood for example: `We can do more work ',` Seeking 45 +: Integrity, Commitment, Experience'. Campaign is also conducted `Met 'encouraging women to establish their own business.
59th Since December 2006, the Labour Code in force, which was extended by two weeks maternity leave to 18 weeks after the first child for 20 weeks after each of the following and up to 28 weeks at birth, more than one child. The term is expected to further extend maternity leave.
60th In October 2008 years in the life of the Act will restore the maintenance fund was liquidated in 2004, at the time of its assistance to benefit about 530 thousand. people). The Act also seeks to strengthen the collection maintenance and the replacement of administrative enforcement debt execution carried out by the tax authorities.
61st Since January 2006, allowances are paid off for childbirth so. baby bonus of 1000 zł.
62nd From next year the minimum wage in Poland will grow to 1126 zł gross, an increase of 190 zł to the present (an increase of 20.3%) and represent approximately 40% of the average salaries in national economy.
63rd Entered into force prepared by the Government amendment to the Labour Code specifies rules for the implementation of telework, ways of employing telecommuters, regulating their rights and obligations of the employer.
64th Since September 2006, increased family allowances for children, increased the allowance for the child's upbringing in a large family. The higher are the additions to commute their children to school due to residence in a dormitory and school year. Also increased the amount of certain cash benefits from social assistance (for example, since October 2006 has been verified income criteria of persons to whom such aid is granted.)
65th Parliament adopted the government's program `State Support for feeding ', whereby in 2006-2009 annually for the purpose of feeding children and adolescents will be allocated 500 mln zł. In 2006 alone, with the help of this to nearly 2.5 million people.
66th In September 2007, parliament adopted a draft bill on the annual indexation of pensions.
67th Parliament approved the government's amendments to the Act on Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and the teacher card bill.
68th In September 2007, parliament amended the law on recognition of judgments rendered void against persons repressed for activities for the existence of the Polish state. This means that the repressed persons in 1945-1989 will be able to claim compensation up to 25 thousand. respectively. So far, such a power was repressed persons only in the years 1945-1956. Moreover, compensation will be allowed to circulate of children and spouses of oppressed. Health
69th Since 2005, public expenditure on health increased by PLN 10 million or 26%. The 2007 budget is scheduled near the 4.5 billion zł, while in 2008 an additional 3.5 planned billion zł. By 2011, spending on healthcare is to reach 6% of GDP, in a measurable way to improve its situation. Also adopted multi-year project `Strengthening citizens 'health security'. Health care facilities is of strategic importance to the safety of patients will receive 750 mln zł.
70th In May 2007, parliament passed a law on civil liability, under which the treatment of victims of automobile accidents will be financed from the OC perpetrators of these incidents.
71st In 2006 he was awarded 30-percent increase for health workers
72nd Since January 2007, prepared in force Government Emergency Medical Services Act, using the experience of Western countries. It assumes przedszpitalnego rescue financing from the state budget (earmarked for this purpose zł 1.2 billion), dissemination of knowledge about first aid in educational institutions and the introduction of a qualified person rescuer, giving first aid units, and the National Volunteer Fire Brigade and the social rescue organizations.
73rd In March 2007, parliament passed an amendment prepared by the Government Pharmaceutical Law, which regulates the quality of medicines and their distribution, introducing the facilities to purchase of medicines, which sets out rules governing the acquisition of drugs over the Internet.
74th The amended Act was on health care services financed from public funds, according to which anti-corruption mechanisms have been introduced, it is primarily to eliminate abuses associated with the refund of drugs.
75th In June 2007 the Minister of Health introduced the concept of `basket 'of guaranteed health care benefits. `Basket 'will enable the introduction of voluntary health insurance and comprehensive solution to the problems in the health sector wage.
76th In March 2007 the government introduced multi-program `Polish artificial hearts', whose task is to create three modern prosthetic heart: short term (intended to assist the heart rate for the period from one week to several months), mid-term implantable (supporting the work of the heart from one month to several years) and long-term implantable (intended unlimited duration of therapy). In Poland, for heart failure affects around one million people.
77th In 2006, the `national program to combat cancer 'zł earmarked 250 million, while in 2007 for this purpose are already earmarked 272 million zł. This program, scheduled for ten years is aimed the purchase of modern equipment and facilities for cancer prevention measures. Infrastructure
78th In 2006, the record amount spent on road investment of 7.2 billion zł. Over the past two years were completed 214 km of motorways (until October 2005, Poland has 470 km of highways, which means that the last two years the length of motorways in Poland has increased by almost 50%), 72 km of expressways, 19 bypasses. At that time, the modernization of 3.7 thousand. km of national roads earmarked 3.8 billion zł. At a moment in the construction of a further 186 km of motorways.
79th In January 2007, parliament adopted a law drawn up by the government for special purpose road companies (SSP), whose appointment will accelerate the construction of motorways and national roads. They will also oversee the quality of roads included in the European transport corridors, and help you make better use of EU funds.
80th Since April 2007, driving force on the lights beam throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions, which is aimed at improving road safety. In 2006 came to 47 thousand. road accidents which killed about 5 thousand. people. In comparison with 2005 the number of accidents fell by more than 3% while the number of deaths by 3.7%.
81st In February 2007, adopted a draft law on persons driving vehicles, including introducing New rules for obtaining a driving license in order to eliminate corruption and distortion.
82nd From May 2006 to June 2007 through the implementation of the government's Road Safety Programme GAMBID managed to eliminate 92 hazardous place for local roads.
83rd In May 2007 the government adopted a special program that sets rules for the construction and location of airports. For the first time the aviation sector will receive support from the Fund Consistency in the amount of 346 million euros.
84th In April 2007 the Government adopted the `Strategy for railway transport till 2013 ', which envisages debt reduction in PKP Regional Services for 2009, with aid from the state budget loan of 1.8 billion zł, and then will be sent free of charge to provincial governments.
85th Adopted by the Parliament of amendments to the Railway Transport Act and the Environmental Protection Act, will accelerate and simplify procedures related to construction and expansion of rail lines and infrastructure.
86th By definition endorsed by the government building Social 7-percent. VAT rate on sale and construction of housing will be after 31 December 2007 maintained. Lower VAT will be deducted for the repair of buildings covered by the joint use and sharing of windows and exit door on the premises. Taxed at 7 percent. rate may be renovations in the buildings of two-and multi-irrespective of the amount of waste materials.
87th Since January 2007, the amended Act applies on tenants' rights, protecting them against unreasonable increases in rents and charges for use of the premises.
88th Thanks in force since January Act 2007 years governments and NGOs that want to build social housing, night shelters and hostels for the homeless, can receive funding from the state budget the cost of construction or adaptation of buildings for social housing. For 2007-2014 for this purpose provided more than 2.5 billion zł, which will allow for the construction of 100 thousand. social housing and sheltered housing, and organization of about 20 thousand. places in hostels and homes for the homeless. Rural
89th The state budget for 2007, spending on agriculture compared to the previous year increased by approximately 10 billion zł. The Polish proposal to the European Commission managed to reduce the penalties for Polish milk producers for exceeding specified limits.
90th In July 2007 the European Commission adopted a `Polish Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013 ', on which work started in December 2005. The budget amounts to 17.2 billion euros, which will be dedicated to improving the competitiveness of agriculture through the restructuring and modernization of agricultural holdings, improving the quality of life in rural areas, to support various economic activities in rural areas and improve the environment.
91st The implementation of an assistance program for farmers affected by drought in 2006. In a one-off benefits transferred 500 mln zł. Financial assistance is directed to fruit farmers who suffered losses as a result of frosts in 2007 and will benefit from it about 74 thousand. farms. Breeders drobi zł acquired 15.8 million of compensation for losses incurred in connection with the threat of bird flu epidemic in 2005. In 2006 he also began implementation of a system of subsidized crop insurance and farm animals.
92nd In February 2007, after many months of negotiations, Ukraine lifted ban on imports of Polish meat and meat products into its territory. The negotiation for release of Polish meat the Russian market, which are so much harder, however, that the basis of the ban placed on political grounds stand and not actually sanitary.
93rd At the request of Polish also introduced in the European Union anti-dumping duties on imports of frozen strawberries from China, so that Asia is not cheap strawberries flood the European market, which ensures its strong position in the Polish producers.
94th In March 2007, signed in Warsaw the documents governing the export of Polish agricultural products to China. First, the Chinese company will begin Polish dairy products and poultry.
95th The amended Act was producer groups, so that economic activity in rural areas has become simpler, and organizational barriers have been offset by the possible inclusion of agricultural cooperatives to agricultural producer groups. In force since January 2007 solutions enable the use of assets and human capital, contributing to the economic development of local markets and create new jobs. Agricultural producer groups granted special privileges such as tax exemption for buildings used to sell products produced on the farm. Education
96th In order to combat violence at school and pathological phenomena main program is `Zero tolerance ', the key issue is to restore the balance between rights and responsibilities of students.
97th Improve safety and order in schools to ensure implementation of government is also monitoring the `vision of schools and institutions', which in 2007 spent 40 mln zł, and which will run until 2009.
98th Since the 2007/2008 school year are valid uniform clothing worn at school called. uniforms, designed to alleviate the impact of differences in wealth between students and hinder the penetration of people outside the school into the facility (This applies primarily drug dealers.) According to a survey conducted in May 2007 by TNS OBOP much as 70% of respondents considered this project as appropriate.
99th In the 2007 budget for the purpose of teaching, learning and educational earmarked 31.2 billion zł, while in 2005 was allocated for this zł 27.9 billion, an increase of expenditures by about 12% over two years. On the educational subsidy for local government provided 28.2 billion zł while in 2005 was allocated for this zł 26.1 billion, an increase expenditures by 8% over two years.
100th The revised Charter gives the teacher teachers in the use of retirement pension while continuing to work, where the place is still free.
one hundred and first In May 2007 the Act was amended on the education system by introducing stiffer penalties for cruelty to a teacher and for his insults and personal inviolability. Teachers were protected by the principles defined in the Penal Code, which means that harmful acts against them will be prosecuted to the office and no longer a private prosecution.
102nd Government has a program to subsidize the purchase of textbooks, scientific utensils and uniforms for children in families in which per capita income does not exceed 351 zł. Program to subsidize user has about 500 thousand. students, and a clothing allowance program to cover about one million students.
summary of the work government of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz and Jaroslaw Kaczynski:
In the past two years the Council of Ministers adopted, among others: 380 draft laws, 368 regulations, 447 resolutions, 611 government documents, including program-analysis.
And at the end. PO is the only government, which suffered from declining use of EU funds.
What we have served JK as defects? 1.To
that there is no wife or children (can focus on activities for the Polish, towns fight for survival)
2.Not has housing and a bank account (not ice cream and shook it does not depend on the wealth of this world)
3 . He lives with his mother (the fact is not very modern, because they are homes for the elderly. But who of you would ever get there? "And to honor his father and mother just by sending a postcard once a year for Mother's Day?)
4.Ma cat (a dog is ok, but kotttt?)
Below copy of entry on one blog (I do not give a name that does not advertise). I note that quoted by the same author (or not give, but this text copies abound on the web) 102 points for the PiS government's work were written in October 2007 (as the author does not select an entry.)
"We have a flood, and we see the faces of politicians rozczulone, but if implemented by the Government prepared J. Kaczynski flood alleviation projects on the Vistula - Plock - (the money had come from the EU budget and not from our how to combat the effects of) today, though, would be less crying, and perhaps lives were saved by wielu.I are these actions, and assistance grants are not given out of pity. We must create the conditions to the same man could earn myself and my family (the fight against unemployment), and it managed to PiS.
Article paste quite long. from what PiS made at a time when the power was only a short time. Stress: a decrease in unemployment, GDP growth, the fear of corruption, the emphasis on balanced development of all! (Not only the western and central) Polish regions, regarded by some as a drawback - the lack of divestments National pompously called PRIVATIZATION. And thanks min. Gierychowi (LPR) - restoration of mathematics at the high school, the introduction of uniforms in schools, the baby bonus.
them known by its fruits.
all those who advocate the "boycott" the elections I think it is acting to the detriment of Polish. You have to choose and do it wisely. Who does not go, then let him not complain that people are not worthy of governing.
WHAT DO THE TWO YEARS PIS? SOME FACTS FOR uninformed Here is a list of about 100 points of presenting the work of the government in the last two years. This is a response to the lies served by the leaders of the OP and some media as the TVN. The information is divided the individual sections, you do not have to read everything, everybody read what interests him most, but let's read anything to have knowledge of what is actually accomplished.
first The creation of the CBA, so far arrested 115 people, 297 were addressed allegations of a crime, is protected against future fines, approximately 13.5 million.
second The solution is not verified since 1989, WSI and the appointment of new military staff (intelligence and counterintelligence).
third A new procedure for the purchase of military equipment and competitive tendering.
4th In September presents the first this year in the history of Polish football corruption indictment involving 34 people. Since 2005 he has conducted 36 inspections in 18 sports associations in four cases, authorities have suspended the introduction of probation officer.
5th A draft changes to the vetting of property of persons holding public office, requiring not only to give his wealth, but also its sources.
6th Evaluation of the Police by the CBOS research has improved from 57% in October 2005 to 73% in May 2007. In 2006, the total number of crimes compared to 2005 decreased by approximately 90 thous. an increase of almost 7%, while the crime detection rate rose from 58.6% in 2005 to 67.4% in 2007.
7th Modernization plan has been prepared including the Police and State Fire Service, under which up to 2009 the Police will be allocated around 4.4 billion zlotys, while the PSP less than a billion zlotys. Police Wages in the 2007 increased by 219 PLN gross.
8th Since January 2008, Poland entered the Schengen Information System, so that they have been abolished border checks at crossing points on the western and southern borders, but since March 2008, also on the air passages.
9. Was prepared first in the history of Polish public administration informatization `National Computerization Plan ', which entered into force in April 2007. Key elements include: medical records, the settlement of taxes for businesses and citizens of Service Tax (e-Statements and e-Taxation), a new system of civil registration (PESEL2), computerization of land registers, Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (e-PUAP) and electronic identity cards. In 2007 began the implementation of 16 such and similar projects.
10th In June 2007, was approved `Action Plan for the development of broadband infrastructure access to information society services in Poland. " It assumes that by 2010 the number of broadband lines per 100 population will increase from 6 to 15%, while for 1013 years to rise to about 50%. This will also be wider access to the Internet in rural areas, and lowering operating costs of the network.
11th Since 2007 a new Act on crisis management, which integrates more strongly with each other and the institutions subordinated to Ministry of Interior identified cooperation with the military.
12th In December 2006, established a special program for development of the marine rescue service, which will account for approximately 81 million. Will be purchased including new units intended for rescue at sea, shore stations created in Ustka and Darlowo and the base will be built to combat pollution in Swinoujscie.
13th Through the efforts of Polish diplomacy in the adopted Council of Europe summit in March 2007 Action Plan highlighted the need to strengthen security of energy supplies to the European Union based on solidarity between Member States.
14th Talks are aimed at providing alternative sources of energy resources from countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia (for example, the first ever official visit of the Polish king of Saudi Arabia), Tunisia and Algeria.
15th In February 2007 the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) bought shares in the Norwegian natural gas fields, whose size is estimated at 36 billion m2. The company also will build a pipeline linking Poland to the deposits of the Norwegian. Implementing the policy of diversification of energy supplies is also a decision to build in Swinoujscie terminal to receive liquefied natural gas. Also adopted the `policy for the natural gas industry ', who will organize the gas industry.
16th In 2006, PKN Orlen won the international tender for the purchase of shares in Lithuanian Mazeikiu Nafta, and in December was officially take over the refinery in Mazeikiai. This transaction will create the largest refinery and petrochemical company in Central and Eastern Europe.
17th Work is continuing on the construction of the Odessa-Brody-Gdańsk, what the Polish-Ukrainian company Sarmatia `', which in July 2007 joined the new shareholders from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Lithuania. Construction of this pipeline will allow delivery of oil from the Caspian Sea to the Polish and further west.
18th In autumn 2007, Poland will join the International Energy Agency (MEA), which will increase energy security, Polish, especially in crisis situations. The mere accession to this organization is a specific quality certification for the Polish energy sector, as were required for that specific preconditions.
19th In December 2006, the Polish and Lithuanian Prime Ministers signed an agreement to build a power link between the Polish and Lithuanian systems. This will enable the incorporation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the EU energy system. This program has been coordinated with the construction of a nuclear power plant in Lithuania.
20. Finalized the implementation of the `Programme for Energy ', which envisages, among others: the use of market mechanisms, rebuilding structures, energy companies and the creation by the consolidation of strong energy groups. Is assumed to be the creation of four such groups, so that they can provide effective competition in the market as national and international levels. So far created three of the four such groups: Energy South SA, Energy SA and the Polish Energy Group. Work is being completed on the establishment of the fourth - the Group Centre.
21st In May 2007, increased from 3 thousand. to 10 thousand. fine may be imposed on: witness expert, interpreter or a specialist in the event of unjustified failure to appear on the invitation of the authority conducting the proceedings.
22nd Since August 2007, in force as amended by Law on Common Courts, which introduces a special expedited procedure for granting permits for the judge's detention on suspicion of having committed an offense, crime or misdemeanor that carries at least 8 years in prison. In this case, the disciplinary court will be obliged to entertain the application for provisional arrest within 24 hours. On judicial reform implemented include the amended rules for appointment of court presidents, assessment of candidates for the posts of judges, the appointment and removal of directors of the courts. Other changes allow for more flexible development of the judicial structures and align the activities of the courts and the local government to carry out the tasks of justice.
23rd Since March 2007, the applicable revised Code of Civil Procedure, which simplified and streamlined the process of civil proceedings in particular in economic matters.
24th Since March 2007 working 24-hour courts relating to the small but troublesome public order offenses, in which the perpetrators were caught in flagrante delicto or immediately after its commission, and which are punishable by up to five years in prison.
25th In September, parliament passed a bill prepared by the Government introducing a new way of serving a prison sentence - a system of electronic surveillance outside the prison (SDE) for individuals convicted of minor and minor public order offenses and misdemeanors, in which it was held imprisonment for 6 months or a year in special cases. Ultimately, the system is to cover about 15 thousand. and sentenced to serve: effective rehabilitation of prisoners, to prevent any adverse impact on the atmosphere of a prison convict and prevent overfilling the prisons.
26th Since June 2007, prepared by the government are valid, so revised. Corporate Law. The aim of the changes is to increase the oversight of corporations, firms, preventing their abuse and to reduce the prices of legal services. The government has also proposed new disciplinary courts for the legal profession.
27th According to the amended in June 2007 the Law on Employees of courts and prosecutors' offices, tightened up the conditions to be met by an official candidate court. Raised academic requirements and passed that can not be punished or persons against whom proceedings are pending for an offense under indictment, or treasury. Introduced as competitions for training clerical personnel. Sorted matters related to the activities of bailiffs. Since December 2007, the increase in the number of judicial officers, reduce the costs of enforcement, and the same enforcement proceedings will be faster and more efficient.
28th The program was prepared computerization `justice 'by which is to be assured full computerization of all municipal departments and criminal courtrooms computerization, implementation of the project for electronic land register. This project will be completed in 2009.
29th In September 2007, parliament passed a law about disclosure of the possession of state property, which is aimed at closing years of neglect in the registers, the state property. This will allow for an inventory of public assets and to establish the ownership of the state.
30th Preparing a new Penal Code, the most important changes have effectiveness to punish perpetrators of particularly violent and repeat offenders, strengthen the protection of victims, to extend the limit of self-defense, to facilitate the fight against terrorism, organized crime and corruption, reduce to 15 years of age from which minors can be tried as adults for the crimes committed and the most serious crimes, the introduction of stadium ban for the hooligans, the fracture will be treated as an offense and stiffer penalties for pedophiles.
31st From September 2007, under the special program of the Ministry of Justice formed in the Mazowieckie, Opolskie and Śląskie Local Support Centres for Victims of Crime. They provide assistance and shelter to victims of crime with particular cruelty, sexual harassment, crimes against children, the elderly and the disabled. Is guaranteed assistance specialists, psychologists, social workers, police, doctors and clergy. These centers are also a site of mediation. The program envisages the creation of similar centers throughout the country.
32nd The Ministry of Justice prepared a draft of the introduction of licensing law, which would increase the competitiveness of legal services, reduce their costs and facilitate access to them. The customer could Indeed decide for himself whether he wants to use the services of a lawyer belonging to the local professional or a lawyer who holds a license law. Economy
33rd In the past two years, Poland has achieved the best in the history of economic performance. According to CSO data, in the first quarter of 2007, GDP growth reached 7.4%, while in 2005 GDP growth was only 3.6%.
34th The CSO data shows that over the last year in the corporate sector wages rose by an average of 10.5% to 2,885.97 zł, the highest increase in wages since 2000. Over the last year employment in enterprises increased by 4.8% and was 5.18 million. The average monthly income per household increased in comparison with 2005 by 8.5% reaching a value of 835 zł.
35th Systematically increasing Polish exports (value in the first half of 2007 is 182.58 billion, ie 11.3% more than last year). Capital expenditures during the last year increased by 31.4% and amounted to the first half of 2007, 38.8 billion zł.
36th Unemployment rate according to CSO data, in August 2007 dropped to 12%, while in the corresponding period in 2005 it amounted to 17.7%, which is a decrease of 32.2%.
37th In 2007, foreign investors will invest in Poland for at least 10 billion euros, which will create about 10.5 thousand. jobs. Also in 2006, foreign investment have achieved remarkable results reaching a record 11 billion, an increase of 40% compared with 2005.
38th Since November 2005 the council of Ministers adopted the 9 programs for projects such as by LG Electonic Wroclaw, Sharp, Shell, Bridgestone, Indesit, Toshiba, Dell. Total investments implemented with the assistance of these programs allow the creation of more than 11.5 thousand. jobs.
39. Poland became a European leader in the production of LCD TVs. It is estimated that in 2010 we will meet almost 80% of Europe in this field.
40th According to Ernst & Young, Poland is the undisputed leader in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of attractiveness for foreign investors (high evaluation of growth and investment climate).
41st According to the ranking of the Federation of European Employers for 2007, Poland is the most attractive place for investment among the 31 European countries.
42nd Coming talks with the European Commission on how to use the Structural Funds in 2007-2013. Poland at this time will be the biggest beneficiary of EU cohesion policy. Poland was among the first ten member states have reached agreement on this with EU partners. As proposed by the government under the plan of the National Strategic Reference Framework as much as 60% of funds allocated to research and development, innovation and job creation. Negotiations programs: Technical Assistance, Development of Polish and Eastern Europe, Human Capital and Infrastructure and Environment. Negotiations are currently underway on the Innovative Economy Programme.
43rd Developed 16 Regional Operational Programmes, in order to support the use of 16 billion directly by the provincial governments. The money will be earmarked for technology research, investment environment, transport and energy, and business development.
44th The government ends, and work on the adoption of programs to use funds available under the European Territorial Cooperation, which will enable local authorities to clarify the cooperation with foreign partners, to build roads and organizing cultural events.
45th The Government developed the first in Poland, a macro-regional strategy - Development of socio-economic Polish East 2020, which main task will be the maximum use of EU funds. One element of this strategy is the Regional Operational Program Development of Polish Eastern Europe for 2007-2013, which allocated 2.3 billion euros.
46th Created Ministry of Regional Development, which improved the utilization of EU structural funds by speeding up the implementation of regional operational programs. Only the end of 2006 zł spent 10.5 billion which represents 32% of funds allocated to Poland for the years 2004-2006.
47th The government prepared amendments intended to simplify procurement procedures, ordering procedures, introducing a new mode increased the award amount, which does not oblige to competitive tendering, with 6 thousand. to EUR 14 thousand. euro, which was supported mainly small and medium-sized enterprises and the case for an appeals procedure in October 2007 will take over the independent National Board of Appeal (KIO), which brings together professional arbitrators. They also formulated new requirements for disclosure of the tenders and procurement (web portal available to the Public Procurement Office).
48th In support of the scheme is implemented, companies `capital for entrepreneurial 'enabling small and medium entrepreneurs access to external financing and are created throughout the country consultation centers providing free information on running a business.
49th In a joint report, the OECD and the European Commission found Poland to be a leader in the simplification of the law among the new Member States. Adopted by the government in August 2006 Regulatory Reform Programme `entrepreneur has the right 'has initiated work to develop a stable system of economic law aimed at reducing bureaucracy and reducing the administrative burden on entrepreneurs.
50th In June 2007, parliament adopted a law on the establishment of the National Center for Research and Development, whose task will be to enable more efficient use of scientific discoveries by the economy and the promotion and development of cutting-edge scientific fields such as biotechnology or IT (smart technology). The revised Law on the principles of financing science in order to allow entrepreneurs to apply for funds for research and development. In July 2007 the law concerning the research and development units defining transparent rules of conduct of their business. Considerable interest from traders enjoyed also the `Technology Initiative ', to facilitate the development of new products and technologies based on the Polish scientific and technical achievements.
51st In July 2007, adopted a strategy for the coal mining industry in Poland until 2015. Key elements of the security of its national energy security by meeting the domestic demand for coal, including the use of coal to produce liquid and gaseous fuels; efforts to maintain the competitiveness of this sector in the free market economy, ensuring a stable supply of coal with specific properties from domestic and foreign suppliers and the use of innovative technology solutions, security workers and the environment. It was also established rules for further restructuring of the coal industry, such as through the adoption by parliament in September 2007 law defining the rules for the liquidation of the mines, paid equivalent, in the exercise of corporate governance and finance.
52nd In November 2006, adopted the National Development Strategy for 2007-2015, assuming a thorough modernization of the country by simplifying and reducing the cost of doing business, streamlining public expenditure, streamlining public administration, improving the situation on the labor market, easier access to education and increased safety. Under this strategy, since December 2006, the Act on the principles of development policy. Finance
53rd Already the draft budget bill for 2006, the Council of Ministers added own amendment to allow use of special funds, including on feeding children and young people, longer maternity leave and an increase in cash allowances on the birth of a child (so-called baby bonus), while the budget deficit was reduced to 30.5 billion zł. The budget for 2007 increased social spending, village, health, infrastructure development, financing of science, national defense and public security, while maintaining the fiscal anchor of a 30 billion zł. Raise for teachers in 2007 spent an additional 1.5 billion zł, allowances for the poorest pensioners 1.7 billion zł. Expenditure on health increased in comparison with 2006 more than 1.2 billion zł, but about 200 mln zł increased spending on higher education. The draft budget for 2008 provides, in turn, increase the minimum wage, wage subsidies disabled workers, the annual indexation of pensions, a further reduction in pension contributions, indexation of tax thresholds, tax deductible expenses, increase the amount of tax relief for people with children and tax-free amount. The budget for 2008 will include elements of performance budgeting, which is a modern methodology for public financial management, but by 2011 the budget is already fully adopted the form of performance budgeting, which increases the efficiency mainly spent the money because they will be issued for specific purposes.
54th The first stage of the reform of public finances is achieved through inclusion in the budget of the EU funds, determine the procedures of national and regional financing of EU projects, to increase transparency in determining the financial plans of state agencies and other legal persons. The next stage of reform of public finances for 2008-2009 envisages the consolidation of public finance sector, which is expected to deliver about 10 billion, including savings zł through: elimination of budgetary establishments, auxiliary units, and all funds. The concept has been developed to prevent the accumulation of public debt.
55th In 2007, the first time in five years thawed tax thresholds and increased the amount of tax-free. For 2009, planned to change the two-tier tax brackets (18 and 32%). The tax exempted include: alimony and child support, inheritance and gifts from loved ones, donations from non-family borrowers to 5 thousand. gold from a single borrower and 25 thousand. gold for many borrowers, the cost of advertising. Parliament decided that the tax for the year 2007 can be deducted in 1145 zł for each child. Since January 2007, small businesses were able to one-time depreciation fixed to 50 thousand. euro (ie depreciation). The costs tax deductible business expenses might include the financing of health care benefits for employees.
56th Since July 2007, nearly half of the reduced pension contribution, and since January 2008, the pension contribution will be reduced to 2% of gross wages, which will cause wages to rise by about 9%.
57th Been consolidated financial supervision through the removal of three of the control: public companies, funds, insurance companies and Polish banks and replacing them by one of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC). Family
58th , A program for family policy including, among others: the introduction of tax relief of family, financial incentives for firms employing persons returning from maternity leave and childcare, longer maternity leave, the introduction of flexible working hours for women with small children (eg part time work, or also work from home), to extend working time kindergarten, and financial support to encourage employers to establish nurseries and kindergartens for children of its employees. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is also a media-beating share employment discrimination based on age and motherhood for example: `We can do more work ',` Seeking 45 +: Integrity, Commitment, Experience'. Campaign is also conducted `Met 'encouraging women to establish their own business.
59th Since December 2006, the Labour Code in force, which was extended by two weeks maternity leave to 18 weeks after the first child for 20 weeks after each of the following and up to 28 weeks at birth, more than one child. The term is expected to further extend maternity leave.
60th In October 2008 years in the life of the Act will restore the maintenance fund was liquidated in 2004, at the time of its assistance to benefit about 530 thousand. people). The Act also seeks to strengthen the collection maintenance and the replacement of administrative enforcement debt execution carried out by the tax authorities.
61st Since January 2006, allowances are paid off for childbirth so. baby bonus of 1000 zł.
62nd From next year the minimum wage in Poland will grow to 1126 zł gross, an increase of 190 zł to the present (an increase of 20.3%) and represent approximately 40% of the average salaries in national economy.
63rd Entered into force prepared by the Government amendment to the Labour Code specifies rules for the implementation of telework, ways of employing telecommuters, regulating their rights and obligations of the employer.
64th Since September 2006, increased family allowances for children, increased the allowance for the child's upbringing in a large family. The higher are the additions to commute their children to school due to residence in a dormitory and school year. Also increased the amount of certain cash benefits from social assistance (for example, since October 2006 has been verified income criteria of persons to whom such aid is granted.)
65th Parliament adopted the government's program `State Support for feeding ', whereby in 2006-2009 annually for the purpose of feeding children and adolescents will be allocated 500 mln zł. In 2006 alone, with the help of this to nearly 2.5 million people.
66th In September 2007, parliament adopted a draft bill on the annual indexation of pensions.
67th Parliament approved the government's amendments to the Act on Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and the teacher card bill.
68th In September 2007, parliament amended the law on recognition of judgments rendered void against persons repressed for activities for the existence of the Polish state. This means that the repressed persons in 1945-1989 will be able to claim compensation up to 25 thousand. respectively. So far, such a power was repressed persons only in the years 1945-1956. Moreover, compensation will be allowed to circulate of children and spouses of oppressed. Health
69th Since 2005, public expenditure on health increased by PLN 10 million or 26%. The 2007 budget is scheduled near the 4.5 billion zł, while in 2008 an additional 3.5 planned billion zł. By 2011, spending on healthcare is to reach 6% of GDP, in a measurable way to improve its situation. Also adopted multi-year project `Strengthening citizens 'health security'. Health care facilities is of strategic importance to the safety of patients will receive 750 mln zł.
70th In May 2007, parliament passed a law on civil liability, under which the treatment of victims of automobile accidents will be financed from the OC perpetrators of these incidents.
71st In 2006 he was awarded 30-percent increase for health workers
72nd Since January 2007, prepared in force Government Emergency Medical Services Act, using the experience of Western countries. It assumes przedszpitalnego rescue financing from the state budget (earmarked for this purpose zł 1.2 billion), dissemination of knowledge about first aid in educational institutions and the introduction of a qualified person rescuer, giving first aid units, and the National Volunteer Fire Brigade and the social rescue organizations.
73rd In March 2007, parliament passed an amendment prepared by the Government Pharmaceutical Law, which regulates the quality of medicines and their distribution, introducing the facilities to purchase of medicines, which sets out rules governing the acquisition of drugs over the Internet.
74th The amended Act was on health care services financed from public funds, according to which anti-corruption mechanisms have been introduced, it is primarily to eliminate abuses associated with the refund of drugs.
75th In June 2007 the Minister of Health introduced the concept of `basket 'of guaranteed health care benefits. `Basket 'will enable the introduction of voluntary health insurance and comprehensive solution to the problems in the health sector wage.
76th In March 2007 the government introduced multi-program `Polish artificial hearts', whose task is to create three modern prosthetic heart: short term (intended to assist the heart rate for the period from one week to several months), mid-term implantable (supporting the work of the heart from one month to several years) and long-term implantable (intended unlimited duration of therapy). In Poland, for heart failure affects around one million people.
77th In 2006, the `national program to combat cancer 'zł earmarked 250 million, while in 2007 for this purpose are already earmarked 272 million zł. This program, scheduled for ten years is aimed the purchase of modern equipment and facilities for cancer prevention measures. Infrastructure
78th In 2006, the record amount spent on road investment of 7.2 billion zł. Over the past two years were completed 214 km of motorways (until October 2005, Poland has 470 km of highways, which means that the last two years the length of motorways in Poland has increased by almost 50%), 72 km of expressways, 19 bypasses. At that time, the modernization of 3.7 thousand. km of national roads earmarked 3.8 billion zł. At a moment in the construction of a further 186 km of motorways.
79th In January 2007, parliament adopted a law drawn up by the government for special purpose road companies (SSP), whose appointment will accelerate the construction of motorways and national roads. They will also oversee the quality of roads included in the European transport corridors, and help you make better use of EU funds.
80th Since April 2007, driving force on the lights beam throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions, which is aimed at improving road safety. In 2006 came to 47 thousand. road accidents which killed about 5 thousand. people. In comparison with 2005 the number of accidents fell by more than 3% while the number of deaths by 3.7%.
81st In February 2007, adopted a draft law on persons driving vehicles, including introducing New rules for obtaining a driving license in order to eliminate corruption and distortion.
82nd From May 2006 to June 2007 through the implementation of the government's Road Safety Programme GAMBID managed to eliminate 92 hazardous place for local roads.
83rd In May 2007 the government adopted a special program that sets rules for the construction and location of airports. For the first time the aviation sector will receive support from the Fund Consistency in the amount of 346 million euros.
84th In April 2007 the Government adopted the `Strategy for railway transport till 2013 ', which envisages debt reduction in PKP Regional Services for 2009, with aid from the state budget loan of 1.8 billion zł, and then will be sent free of charge to provincial governments.
85th Adopted by the Parliament of amendments to the Railway Transport Act and the Environmental Protection Act, will accelerate and simplify procedures related to construction and expansion of rail lines and infrastructure.
86th By definition endorsed by the government building Social 7-percent. VAT rate on sale and construction of housing will be after 31 December 2007 maintained. Lower VAT will be deducted for the repair of buildings covered by the joint use and sharing of windows and exit door on the premises. Taxed at 7 percent. rate may be renovations in the buildings of two-and multi-irrespective of the amount of waste materials.
87th Since January 2007, the amended Act applies on tenants' rights, protecting them against unreasonable increases in rents and charges for use of the premises.
88th Thanks in force since January Act 2007 years governments and NGOs that want to build social housing, night shelters and hostels for the homeless, can receive funding from the state budget the cost of construction or adaptation of buildings for social housing. For 2007-2014 for this purpose provided more than 2.5 billion zł, which will allow for the construction of 100 thousand. social housing and sheltered housing, and organization of about 20 thousand. places in hostels and homes for the homeless. Rural
89th The state budget for 2007, spending on agriculture compared to the previous year increased by approximately 10 billion zł. The Polish proposal to the European Commission managed to reduce the penalties for Polish milk producers for exceeding specified limits.
90th In July 2007 the European Commission adopted a `Polish Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013 ', on which work started in December 2005. The budget amounts to 17.2 billion euros, which will be dedicated to improving the competitiveness of agriculture through the restructuring and modernization of agricultural holdings, improving the quality of life in rural areas, to support various economic activities in rural areas and improve the environment.
91st The implementation of an assistance program for farmers affected by drought in 2006. In a one-off benefits transferred 500 mln zł. Financial assistance is directed to fruit farmers who suffered losses as a result of frosts in 2007 and will benefit from it about 74 thousand. farms. Breeders drobi zł acquired 15.8 million of compensation for losses incurred in connection with the threat of bird flu epidemic in 2005. In 2006 he also began implementation of a system of subsidized crop insurance and farm animals.
92nd In February 2007, after many months of negotiations, Ukraine lifted ban on imports of Polish meat and meat products into its territory. The negotiation for release of Polish meat the Russian market, which are so much harder, however, that the basis of the ban placed on political grounds stand and not actually sanitary.
93rd At the request of Polish also introduced in the European Union anti-dumping duties on imports of frozen strawberries from China, so that Asia is not cheap strawberries flood the European market, which ensures its strong position in the Polish producers.
94th In March 2007, signed in Warsaw the documents governing the export of Polish agricultural products to China. First, the Chinese company will begin Polish dairy products and poultry.
95th The amended Act was producer groups, so that economic activity in rural areas has become simpler, and organizational barriers have been offset by the possible inclusion of agricultural cooperatives to agricultural producer groups. In force since January 2007 solutions enable the use of assets and human capital, contributing to the economic development of local markets and create new jobs. Agricultural producer groups granted special privileges such as tax exemption for buildings used to sell products produced on the farm. Education
96th In order to combat violence at school and pathological phenomena main program is `Zero tolerance ', the key issue is to restore the balance between rights and responsibilities of students.
97th Improve safety and order in schools to ensure implementation of government is also monitoring the `vision of schools and institutions', which in 2007 spent 40 mln zł, and which will run until 2009.
98th Since the 2007/2008 school year are valid uniform clothing worn at school called. uniforms, designed to alleviate the impact of differences in wealth between students and hinder the penetration of people outside the school into the facility (This applies primarily drug dealers.) According to a survey conducted in May 2007 by TNS OBOP much as 70% of respondents considered this project as appropriate.
99th In the 2007 budget for the purpose of teaching, learning and educational earmarked 31.2 billion zł, while in 2005 was allocated for this zł 27.9 billion, an increase of expenditures by about 12% over two years. On the educational subsidy for local government provided 28.2 billion zł while in 2005 was allocated for this zł 26.1 billion, an increase expenditures by 8% over two years.
100th The revised Charter gives the teacher teachers in the use of retirement pension while continuing to work, where the place is still free.
one hundred and first In May 2007 the Act was amended on the education system by introducing stiffer penalties for cruelty to a teacher and for his insults and personal inviolability. Teachers were protected by the principles defined in the Penal Code, which means that harmful acts against them will be prosecuted to the office and no longer a private prosecution.
102nd Government has a program to subsidize the purchase of textbooks, scientific utensils and uniforms for children in families in which per capita income does not exceed 351 zł. Program to subsidize user has about 500 thousand. students, and a clothing allowance program to cover about one million students.
summary of the work government of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz and Jaroslaw Kaczynski:
In the past two years the Council of Ministers adopted, among others: 380 draft laws, 368 regulations, 447 resolutions, 611 government documents, including program-analysis.
And at the end. PO is the only government, which suffered from declining use of EU funds.
What we have served JK as defects? 1.To
that there is no wife or children (can focus on activities for the Polish, towns fight for survival)
2.Not has housing and a bank account (not ice cream and shook it does not depend on the wealth of this world)
3 . He lives with his mother (the fact is not very modern, because they are homes for the elderly. But who of you would ever get there? "And to honor his father and mother just by sending a postcard once a year for Mother's Day?)
4.Ma cat (a dog is ok, but kotttt?)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Clavicle Splint For Scoliosis
remember about Captain May 25, 2010 by Captain
62nd anniversary of the assassination of rtm.Witolda Pilecki not become a European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Disregard the part of politicians made the last two years have been largely wasted. But the Polish civil society, of which one of the most beautiful expressions are shares' recall of Captain "is stronger than indolence of our representatives.
recall some facts from the history of our initiative. The establishment of
May 25 - the anniversary of the death, "Volunteer to Auschwitz" - the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, the Foundation strives to Paradis Judaeorum since January 2008. I have often said, that the essential objective social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") was presented to the general public as early as 13 February 2008 via the website of the Polish Radio, see: "We must bear witness" .
spring of 2008, I received the first sympathetic response from the President of the European Parliament, European Commission, European Ombudsman and other non-Polish EU officials. Among the institutional participants of the "recall of Captain" was then about thirty players. Polish MEPs had received an invitation to support initiatives, including, among others. information indicated above text Fri "We must bear witness." Registered letters asking for support issues received the President of the Republic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Sejm and the Senate (the margin is worth noting that none of the above top officials probably never gave moral support social action, which aims to establish a May 25 celebration of European heroes.) The development shares kept informed on journalists and opinion leaders. M. et al. via popular discussion forums (such as,, Tekstowisko,
20 May 2008 at the Palace in Poznan Działyński scientific session was held Fri "Between two totalitarian systems", during which I undertook in-depth attempt to read the meaning of the certificate, the Captain left us, see: "Witold Pilecki - Miles christianus, patron of Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism '.
25 May 2008 Paradis Judaeorum Foundation published the English translation on the Internet "Report Witold" of 1945 ( ). On the same day about the project on May 25 celebration of the establishment of the European heroes of the fight against totalitarianism announced a major release "Facts" in the material TVN "Hero of choice" , and Lublin, KoLiber Association solemnly, "recalled the Captain" on Lithuania See Square. "May 25 celebrated the memory of Captain Pilecki " .
summer of 2008, the heads of political factions in the European Parliament, as well as the many institutions in the country have received postcards with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki")
.. and call to shares and, among others. link to a website with an English translation of "Witold's Report". At the end of August 2008 due to finally seriously interested in Polish MEPs, cf. article "Poland The Times: " Pilecki can be a hero throughout Europe .
17 September 2008, the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum sent to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI a letter asking for consideration of the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see "humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God" ). After an article in Rzeczpospolita interest in a matter of most of the media in Poland. The campaign "Let us recall a Captain," was echoed by several universities, governments of several cities kindly replied to requests for a declaration of streets or squares named Captain Witold Pilecki.
January 25, 2009, in Wawel Cathedral, celebrated Mass. in Latin, where we prayed for the beatification of the Christian knight of the twentieth century, the Polish Post issued a stamp with the captain, whose emissions strove since March 2008 (see "Recall of Captain - the Wawel Cathedral," ).
18 February 2009, a political group Union for Europe of the Nations in the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution calling for the establishment of the European Parliament on May 25 celebration of the Heroes of the Fight Against Totalitarianism in the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - the road to resolution," .) March 4, 2009 to commemorate rtm.Pileckiego supported on the European scene, Vaclav Klaus, president of the country holding the EU presidency (see "Recall of Captain - in Brussels and in Prague," ). 15 April 2009, its support for the project of establishing a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism prof.Jerzy Buzek assured (see "Recall of Captain - not just politicians' ).
13 May 2009 in the 108th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki, the initiative of the Society of St. Michael the Archangel in Rzeszow and Krakow for the first time held Captain Marches. 25 May 2009, Lublin Division Association KoLiber and Scientific Association of History Students at Catholic University held a ceremony 61st anniversary of the assassination of Witold Pilecki. The Catholic University College Norwidianum a session devoted to Rotmistrzowi with representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin and the City Council. The undersigned gave a lecture Fri "Witold Pielcki - Polish identity in times of trial" and then the participants went to the Lithuanian Square, where he read "Envoy of Mr Cogito by Zbigniew Herbert and pray for the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see " Recall of Captain - not only in Lublin, there just before eurowyborami " .)
In July 2009 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain," responded favorably Firm Prime Minister of Sweden - then the country holding the EU presidency. Earlier, the authorities of Poznan Zakopane and positively responded to our requests for a declaration of streets named Witold Pilecki.
In September 2009, addressed to the MEPs petition signed by members of our shares seven former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Ministry of Education responded negatively to the request of the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum from February 2008 to introduce the "Report Witold" the canon of school reading, and Primate Polish supported the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" (see "Recall of Captain - Auschwitz prisoners call" ).
23 November 2009, a group of former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families, four Polish MEPs and Paradis Judaeorum Foundation sent a letter to the editor of Italian daily "La Repubblica" that contains the application for compensation for use in its pages the term "Polish camp" about the Auschwitz concentration camp . November 30, 2009 the initiator of the "recall of Captain" again asked the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau with a proposal of cooperation, among others. anniversary of the murder in order to establish the largest of the Heroes of Auschwitz, the feast of the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - Christmas 2009" ).
the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, in January 2010 at the request of the Foundation Judaeorum Paradis, Polish National Bank issued a silver coin with an image of Captain Witold Pilecki.
the will of the management of the Auschwitz-Birkenau (which previously has attempted to thwart the issue coins with the captain) promotion of commemorative coins are not held during the anniversary ceremony at Auschwitz, and a week later in Tarnow. In the same month the Council gave the city of Katowice, one of the squares of the capital of Upper Silesia, the name of Captain Pilecki Square. In February 2010 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" kindly referred to the President of the European Council, the Office holds the Presidency of the Kingdom of Spain and President of the European Parliament. Deputy Thomas Poreba of the European Conservatives and Reformers by the European Council's recommendation to establish May 25 International Heroes Day of the Fight Against Totalitarianism.
In the first quarter of 2010 an action "to recall Captain" supported several important institutions, among others. National Council of Notaries, Association of Polish Cities, the Association of Polish Counties, Silesian Division of Polish Journalists Association, education superintendents and local and provincial government level, cf. "Recall of Captain after the Katyn .
In March this year, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation with the support of the participants of the "recall a Captain," asked the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the appeal of the Director of the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Efforts have also been intensive attempts to establish cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Israel, designed to primarily promote the English translation of "Witold's Report". These tests, despite widespread public support, have failed. Representatives of both ministries, as previously Office of the President of Poland, won only on the odd (ignoring the facts and arguments raised bypass) list, which factor in a meaningful way shows the distance that - according to officials and politicians - between themselves and citizens. Especially from those who dare not political "concessions" and appropriately influential 'colleagues' work consistently for the Polish raison d'etat and demand recall Captain and his witness, also in the international forum. Details of the materials "Cancel the director of the Museum of Auschwitz" and "Recall of Captain in the Foreign Ministry" . Complement the above mentioned documents pomieszczonych. texts are the following letters:
In April 2010 individual and institutional members of the "recall a Captain," began to be addressed to Polish MPs and MEPs list asking to seek to establish May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Committee on Foreign Affairs AFET decided to refer the draft European Day of Heroes to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. The same month, the idea promoted by Pardis Judaeorum Foundation in cooperation with the European group of Conservatives and Reformers supported the European People's Party. To establish a feast Europe's Heroes began operating as deputy Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg from the group of Socialists and Democrats.
May 13, the 109th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki in Krakow, Rzeszow, Lublin , Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw and Szczecin, "reminded of the Captain" by organizing marches Captain 2010 .
See. also gallery the March Captain 2010 in Krakow and material about the event aired in Krakow "Chronicle" TVP .
Previously, operating in western Ireland Polonia Galway Network conducted a campaign of popularizing the form of Witold Pilecki, and most important of the goals of the "recall of Captain." See. Text "Captain Pilecki - the patron saint of the citizens' and video material:
May 20, 2010 ended on the next session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Contrary to expectations, European Conservatives and Reformists abandoned referred to the Council of the Conference of Presidents of the European Project On Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. The issue was postponed to the next meeting Strasbourg ... See: "Captain Pilecki and playing for time" .
Bright gap between declarations and deeds of some MEPs, has once again dashed the chances of bringing to an end, with a growing circle of participants in our civic initiative, seeks more than two years. The character Captain
a model and reference point for informed, active, "normal" people. It is the icon of the spirit of civil servants, which should encourage the act, not to repeat the round of sentences. The case for which fighting, which reveals how little prolixity phrases repeated by the party and media celebrities. In the 62nd
Hero of the Auschwitz death anniversary thank for the fact that someone like Captain was one of us. Thank that fight for us, suffered and gave his life.
And let us not allow politicians to squander holiness, which is the memory of Witold Pilecki. Today, when so many of them showed us the utter cynicism with which certain words, of how to approach the unprecedented disregard for matters for which we fight, how to treat very instrumental in civil society, We feel ashamed for them.
Today, when most of the media, even a brief mention no mention of Witold Pilecki, a challenge to which we are trying to meet, the more becomes news.
thanking those who in the past 29 months engaged in our campaign, I invite you to join all others.
Recall of Captain! We must bear witness to the ..
Profile of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") on Facebook: About-Witold-Pilecki/300842628258
Information communicator Twitter:
News Forum
62nd anniversary of the assassination of rtm.Witolda Pilecki not become a European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Disregard the part of politicians made the last two years have been largely wasted. But the Polish civil society, of which one of the most beautiful expressions are shares' recall of Captain "is stronger than indolence of our representatives.
recall some facts from the history of our initiative. The establishment of
May 25 - the anniversary of the death, "Volunteer to Auschwitz" - the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, the Foundation strives to Paradis Judaeorum since January 2008. I have often said, that the essential objective social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") was presented to the general public as early as 13 February 2008 via the website of the Polish Radio, see: "We must bear witness" .
spring of 2008, I received the first sympathetic response from the President of the European Parliament, European Commission, European Ombudsman and other non-Polish EU officials. Among the institutional participants of the "recall of Captain" was then about thirty players. Polish MEPs had received an invitation to support initiatives, including, among others. information indicated above text Fri "We must bear witness." Registered letters asking for support issues received the President of the Republic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Sejm and the Senate (the margin is worth noting that none of the above top officials probably never gave moral support social action, which aims to establish a May 25 celebration of European heroes.) The development shares kept informed on journalists and opinion leaders. M. et al. via popular discussion forums (such as,, Tekstowisko,
20 May 2008 at the Palace in Poznan Działyński scientific session was held Fri "Between two totalitarian systems", during which I undertook in-depth attempt to read the meaning of the certificate, the Captain left us, see: "Witold Pilecki - Miles christianus, patron of Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism '.
25 May 2008 Paradis Judaeorum Foundation published the English translation on the Internet "Report Witold" of 1945 ( ). On the same day about the project on May 25 celebration of the establishment of the European heroes of the fight against totalitarianism announced a major release "Facts" in the material TVN "Hero of choice" , and Lublin, KoLiber Association solemnly, "recalled the Captain" on Lithuania See Square. "May 25 celebrated the memory of Captain Pilecki " .
summer of 2008, the heads of political factions in the European Parliament, as well as the many institutions in the country have received postcards with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki")

.. and call to shares and, among others. link to a website with an English translation of "Witold's Report". At the end of August 2008 due to finally seriously interested in Polish MEPs, cf. article "Poland The Times: " Pilecki can be a hero throughout Europe .
17 September 2008, the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum sent to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI a letter asking for consideration of the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see "humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God" ). After an article in Rzeczpospolita interest in a matter of most of the media in Poland. The campaign "Let us recall a Captain," was echoed by several universities, governments of several cities kindly replied to requests for a declaration of streets or squares named Captain Witold Pilecki.
January 25, 2009, in Wawel Cathedral, celebrated Mass. in Latin, where we prayed for the beatification of the Christian knight of the twentieth century, the Polish Post issued a stamp with the captain, whose emissions strove since March 2008 (see "Recall of Captain - the Wawel Cathedral," ).
18 February 2009, a political group Union for Europe of the Nations in the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution calling for the establishment of the European Parliament on May 25 celebration of the Heroes of the Fight Against Totalitarianism in the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - the road to resolution," .) March 4, 2009 to commemorate rtm.Pileckiego supported on the European scene, Vaclav Klaus, president of the country holding the EU presidency (see "Recall of Captain - in Brussels and in Prague," ). 15 April 2009, its support for the project of establishing a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism prof.Jerzy Buzek assured (see "Recall of Captain - not just politicians' ).
13 May 2009 in the 108th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki, the initiative of the Society of St. Michael the Archangel in Rzeszow and Krakow for the first time held Captain Marches. 25 May 2009, Lublin Division Association KoLiber and Scientific Association of History Students at Catholic University held a ceremony 61st anniversary of the assassination of Witold Pilecki. The Catholic University College Norwidianum a session devoted to Rotmistrzowi with representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin and the City Council. The undersigned gave a lecture Fri "Witold Pielcki - Polish identity in times of trial" and then the participants went to the Lithuanian Square, where he read "Envoy of Mr Cogito by Zbigniew Herbert and pray for the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see " Recall of Captain - not only in Lublin, there just before eurowyborami " .)
In July 2009 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain," responded favorably Firm Prime Minister of Sweden - then the country holding the EU presidency. Earlier, the authorities of Poznan Zakopane and positively responded to our requests for a declaration of streets named Witold Pilecki.
In September 2009, addressed to the MEPs petition signed by members of our shares seven former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Ministry of Education responded negatively to the request of the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum from February 2008 to introduce the "Report Witold" the canon of school reading, and Primate Polish supported the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" (see "Recall of Captain - Auschwitz prisoners call" ).
23 November 2009, a group of former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families, four Polish MEPs and Paradis Judaeorum Foundation sent a letter to the editor of Italian daily "La Repubblica" that contains the application for compensation for use in its pages the term "Polish camp" about the Auschwitz concentration camp . November 30, 2009 the initiator of the "recall of Captain" again asked the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau with a proposal of cooperation, among others. anniversary of the murder in order to establish the largest of the Heroes of Auschwitz, the feast of the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - Christmas 2009" ).
the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, in January 2010 at the request of the Foundation Judaeorum Paradis, Polish National Bank issued a silver coin with an image of Captain Witold Pilecki.

the will of the management of the Auschwitz-Birkenau (which previously has attempted to thwart the issue coins with the captain) promotion of commemorative coins are not held during the anniversary ceremony at Auschwitz, and a week later in Tarnow. In the same month the Council gave the city of Katowice, one of the squares of the capital of Upper Silesia, the name of Captain Pilecki Square. In February 2010 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" kindly referred to the President of the European Council, the Office holds the Presidency of the Kingdom of Spain and President of the European Parliament. Deputy Thomas Poreba of the European Conservatives and Reformers by the European Council's recommendation to establish May 25 International Heroes Day of the Fight Against Totalitarianism.
In the first quarter of 2010 an action "to recall Captain" supported several important institutions, among others. National Council of Notaries, Association of Polish Cities, the Association of Polish Counties, Silesian Division of Polish Journalists Association, education superintendents and local and provincial government level, cf. "Recall of Captain after the Katyn .
In March this year, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation with the support of the participants of the "recall a Captain," asked the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the appeal of the Director of the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Efforts have also been intensive attempts to establish cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Israel, designed to primarily promote the English translation of "Witold's Report". These tests, despite widespread public support, have failed. Representatives of both ministries, as previously Office of the President of Poland, won only on the odd (ignoring the facts and arguments raised bypass) list, which factor in a meaningful way shows the distance that - according to officials and politicians - between themselves and citizens. Especially from those who dare not political "concessions" and appropriately influential 'colleagues' work consistently for the Polish raison d'etat and demand recall Captain and his witness, also in the international forum. Details of the materials "Cancel the director of the Museum of Auschwitz" and "Recall of Captain in the Foreign Ministry" . Complement the above mentioned documents pomieszczonych. texts are the following letters:

In April 2010 individual and institutional members of the "recall a Captain," began to be addressed to Polish MPs and MEPs list asking to seek to establish May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Committee on Foreign Affairs AFET decided to refer the draft European Day of Heroes to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. The same month, the idea promoted by Pardis Judaeorum Foundation in cooperation with the European group of Conservatives and Reformers supported the European People's Party. To establish a feast Europe's Heroes began operating as deputy Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg from the group of Socialists and Democrats.
May 13, the 109th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki in Krakow, Rzeszow, Lublin , Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw and Szczecin, "reminded of the Captain" by organizing marches Captain 2010 .
See. also gallery the March Captain 2010 in Krakow and material about the event aired in Krakow "Chronicle" TVP .
Previously, operating in western Ireland Polonia Galway Network conducted a campaign of popularizing the form of Witold Pilecki, and most important of the goals of the "recall of Captain." See. Text "Captain Pilecki - the patron saint of the citizens' and video material:
May 20, 2010 ended on the next session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Contrary to expectations, European Conservatives and Reformists abandoned referred to the Council of the Conference of Presidents of the European Project On Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. The issue was postponed to the next meeting Strasbourg ... See: "Captain Pilecki and playing for time" .
Bright gap between declarations and deeds of some MEPs, has once again dashed the chances of bringing to an end, with a growing circle of participants in our civic initiative, seeks more than two years. The character Captain
a model and reference point for informed, active, "normal" people. It is the icon of the spirit of civil servants, which should encourage the act, not to repeat the round of sentences. The case for which fighting, which reveals how little prolixity phrases repeated by the party and media celebrities. In the 62nd
Hero of the Auschwitz death anniversary thank for the fact that someone like Captain was one of us. Thank that fight for us, suffered and gave his life.
And let us not allow politicians to squander holiness, which is the memory of Witold Pilecki. Today, when so many of them showed us the utter cynicism with which certain words, of how to approach the unprecedented disregard for matters for which we fight, how to treat very instrumental in civil society, We feel ashamed for them.
Today, when most of the media, even a brief mention no mention of Witold Pilecki, a challenge to which we are trying to meet, the more becomes news.
thanking those who in the past 29 months engaged in our campaign, I invite you to join all others.
Recall of Captain! We must bear witness to the ..
Profile of the "recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") on Facebook: About-Witold-Pilecki/300842628258
Information communicator Twitter:
News Forum
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