62nd anniversary of the assassination of rtm.Witolda Pilecki not become a European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Disregard the part of politicians made the last two years have been largely wasted. But the Polish civil society, of which one of the most beautiful expressions are shares' recall of Captain "is stronger than indolence of our representatives.
recall some facts from the history of our initiative. The establishment of
May 25 - the anniversary of the death, "Volunteer to Auschwitz" - the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism, the Foundation strives to Paradis Judaeorum since January 2008. I have often said, that the essential objective social action, "Recall of Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki") was presented to the general public as early as 13 February 2008 via the website of the Polish Radio, see: "We must bear witness" .
spring of 2008, I received the first sympathetic response from the President of the European Parliament, European Commission, European Ombudsman and other non-Polish EU officials. Among the institutional participants of the "recall of Captain" was then about thirty players. Polish MEPs had received an invitation to support initiatives, including, among others. information indicated above text Fri "We must bear witness." Registered letters asking for support issues received the President of the Republic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Sejm and the Senate (the margin is worth noting that none of the above top officials probably never gave moral support social action, which aims to establish a May 25 celebration of European heroes.) The development shares kept informed on journalists and opinion leaders. M. et al. via popular discussion forums (such as Salon24.pl, Prawica.net, Tekstowisko, Pardon.pl)
20 May 2008 at the Palace in Poznan Działyński scientific session was held Fri "Between two totalitarian systems", during which I undertook in-depth attempt to read the meaning of the certificate, the Captain left us, see: "Witold Pilecki - Miles christianus, patron of Heroes Struggle with Totalitarianism '.
25 May 2008 Paradis Judaeorum Foundation published the English translation on the Internet "Report Witold" of 1945 ( www.witoldsreport.blogspot.com ). On the same day about the project on May 25 celebration of the establishment of the European heroes of the fight against totalitarianism announced a major release "Facts" in the material TVN "Hero of choice" , and Lublin, KoLiber Association solemnly, "recalled the Captain" on Lithuania See Square. "May 25 celebrated the memory of Captain Pilecki " .
summer of 2008, the heads of political factions in the European Parliament, as well as the many institutions in the country have received postcards with the slogan "Let us remember about Captain" ("Let's Reminisce About Witold Pilecki")

.. and call to shares and, among others. link to a website with an English translation of "Witold's Report". At the end of August 2008 due to finally seriously interested in Polish MEPs, cf. article "Poland The Times: " Pilecki can be a hero throughout Europe .
17 September 2008, the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum sent to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI a letter asking for consideration of the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see "humble request to the Servant of the Servants of God" ). After an article in Rzeczpospolita interest in a matter of most of the media in Poland. The campaign "Let us recall a Captain," was echoed by several universities, governments of several cities kindly replied to requests for a declaration of streets or squares named Captain Witold Pilecki.
January 25, 2009, in Wawel Cathedral, celebrated Mass. in Latin, where we prayed for the beatification of the Christian knight of the twentieth century, the Polish Post issued a stamp with the captain, whose emissions strove since March 2008 (see "Recall of Captain - the Wawel Cathedral," ).
18 February 2009, a political group Union for Europe of the Nations in the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution calling for the establishment of the European Parliament on May 25 celebration of the Heroes of the Fight Against Totalitarianism in the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - the road to resolution," .) March 4, 2009 to commemorate rtm.Pileckiego supported on the European scene, Vaclav Klaus, president of the country holding the EU presidency (see "Recall of Captain - in Brussels and in Prague," ). 15 April 2009, its support for the project of establishing a European Day of Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism prof.Jerzy Buzek assured (see "Recall of Captain - not just politicians' ).
13 May 2009 in the 108th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki, the initiative of the Society of St. Michael the Archangel in Rzeszow and Krakow for the first time held Captain Marches. 25 May 2009, Lublin Division Association KoLiber and Scientific Association of History Students at Catholic University held a ceremony 61st anniversary of the assassination of Witold Pilecki. The Catholic University College Norwidianum a session devoted to Rotmistrzowi with representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin and the City Council. The undersigned gave a lecture Fri "Witold Pielcki - Polish identity in times of trial" and then the participants went to the Lithuanian Square, where he read "Envoy of Mr Cogito by Zbigniew Herbert and pray for the beatification of Witold Pilecki (see " Recall of Captain - not only in Lublin, there just before eurowyborami " .)
In July 2009 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain," responded favorably Firm Prime Minister of Sweden - then the country holding the EU presidency. Earlier, the authorities of Poznan Zakopane and positively responded to our requests for a declaration of streets named Witold Pilecki.
In September 2009, addressed to the MEPs petition signed by members of our shares seven former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Ministry of Education responded negatively to the request of the Foundation Paradis Judaeorum from February 2008 to introduce the "Report Witold" the canon of school reading, and Primate Polish supported the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" (see "Recall of Captain - Auschwitz prisoners call" ).
23 November 2009, a group of former prisoners of Auschwitz, the Christian Association of Auschwitz Families, four Polish MEPs and Paradis Judaeorum Foundation sent a letter to the editor of Italian daily "La Repubblica" that contains the application for compensation for use in its pages the term "Polish camp" about the Auschwitz concentration camp . November 30, 2009 the initiator of the "recall of Captain" again asked the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau with a proposal of cooperation, among others. anniversary of the murder in order to establish the largest of the Heroes of Auschwitz, the feast of the European Union (see "Recall of Captain - Christmas 2009" ).
the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, in January 2010 at the request of the Foundation Judaeorum Paradis, Polish National Bank issued a silver coin with an image of Captain Witold Pilecki.

the will of the management of the Auschwitz-Birkenau (which previously has attempted to thwart the issue coins with the captain) promotion of commemorative coins are not held during the anniversary ceremony at Auschwitz, and a week later in Tarnow. In the same month the Council gave the city of Katowice, one of the squares of the capital of Upper Silesia, the name of Captain Pilecki Square. In February 2010 the campaign "Let us remember about Captain" kindly referred to the President of the European Council, the Office holds the Presidency of the Kingdom of Spain and President of the European Parliament. Deputy Thomas Poreba of the European Conservatives and Reformers by the European Council's recommendation to establish May 25 International Heroes Day of the Fight Against Totalitarianism.
In the first quarter of 2010 an action "to recall Captain" supported several important institutions, among others. National Council of Notaries, Association of Polish Cities, the Association of Polish Counties, Silesian Division of Polish Journalists Association, education superintendents and local and provincial government level, cf. "Recall of Captain after the Katyn .
In March this year, Paradis Judaeorum Foundation with the support of the participants of the "recall a Captain," asked the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the appeal of the Director of the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Efforts have also been intensive attempts to establish cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Israel, designed to primarily promote the English translation of "Witold's Report". These tests, despite widespread public support, have failed. Representatives of both ministries, as previously Office of the President of Poland, won only on the odd (ignoring the facts and arguments raised bypass) list, which factor in a meaningful way shows the distance that - according to officials and politicians - between themselves and citizens. Especially from those who dare not political "concessions" and appropriately influential 'colleagues' work consistently for the Polish raison d'etat and demand recall Captain and his witness, also in the international forum. Details of the materials "Cancel the director of the Museum of Auschwitz" and "Recall of Captain in the Foreign Ministry" . Complement the above mentioned documents pomieszczonych. texts are the following letters:

In April 2010 individual and institutional members of the "recall a Captain," began to be addressed to Polish MPs and MEPs list asking to seek to establish May 25 the European Day of the Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. Committee on Foreign Affairs AFET decided to refer the draft European Day of Heroes to the decision of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. The same month, the idea promoted by Pardis Judaeorum Foundation in cooperation with the European group of Conservatives and Reformers supported the European People's Party. To establish a feast Europe's Heroes began operating as deputy Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg from the group of Socialists and Democrats.
May 13, the 109th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki in Krakow, Rzeszow, Lublin , Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw and Szczecin, "reminded of the Captain" by organizing marches Captain 2010 .
See. also gallery the March Captain 2010 in Krakow and material about the event aired in Krakow "Chronicle" TVP .
Previously, operating in western Ireland Polonia Galway Network conducted a campaign of popularizing the form of Witold Pilecki, and most important of the goals of the "recall of Captain." See. Text "Captain Pilecki - the patron saint of the citizens' and video material:
May 20, 2010 ended on the next session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Contrary to expectations, European Conservatives and Reformists abandoned referred to the Council of the Conference of Presidents of the European Project On Heroes Fight Against Totalitarianism. The issue was postponed to the next meeting Strasbourg ... See: "Captain Pilecki and playing for time" .
Bright gap between declarations and deeds of some MEPs, has once again dashed the chances of bringing to an end, with a growing circle of participants in our civic initiative, seeks more than two years. The character Captain
a model and reference point for informed, active, "normal" people. It is the icon of the spirit of civil servants, which should encourage the act, not to repeat the round of sentences. The case for which fighting, which reveals how little prolixity phrases repeated by the party and media celebrities. In the 62nd
Hero of the Auschwitz death anniversary thank for the fact that someone like Captain was one of us. Thank that fight for us, suffered and gave his life.
And let us not allow politicians to squander holiness, which is the memory of Witold Pilecki. Today, when so many of them showed us the utter cynicism with which certain words, of how to approach the unprecedented disregard for matters for which we fight, how to treat very instrumental in civil society, We feel ashamed for them.
Today, when most of the media, even a brief mention no mention of Witold Pilecki, a challenge to which we are trying to meet, the more becomes news.
thanking those who in the past 29 months engaged in our campaign, I invite you to join all others.
Recall of Captain! We must bear witness to the ..
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