Source: Gazeta Poland Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Urged us not to go to Moscow
We were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized, and most can not be identified . Stefan on this list did not appear. He was a very clear emphasis that we do not went to Moscow. Then it turned out that Stephen was not burned or disfigured. I can not accept that the investigation leads the Russians, the Polish government that so readily agreed to do so - With Andrew Melaka, Melaka brother Stephen, Chairman of the Katyn, who tragically died in the crash of the presidential plane, talks to Dorota Kania.

How did you learn of the catastrophe?
the morning on April 10 I went to Katyn ceremony to Siedlce. In the car I turned on the radio, which interrupted the program and gave information about the crash. I broke the trip - I went to his brother's house and at home, watching TV, waiting for further relationships. Each additional incoming message was tragic. I called the daughter of Stephen, who lives in the U.S.. Despite the time difference - in the United States was the night - she already knew about the tragedy. In the meantime, our family called my cousin who lives in Vienna. The information that we gave, ahead of those who cited the Polish media. She told us that Stephen was on board the aircraft - Austrian TV has published a list of passengers.
Have you then tried to learn something more from the Polish authorities? When
appeared on television about the families who lost loved ones can go to Moscow for their identification, immediately reported to the hotline, I gave two people who were with me to go. But it turned out that they have valid passports and had to resign.
When there was a flight to Moscow?
On Sunday afternoon I went to the place of collection to the Novotel. I took with me enlarged photo Stefan, suppose that it may be necessary to identify. There were about 200 people, taken from us material for DNA testing. Later, Foreign Ministry representative, the coordinator of this trip, and the doctor-paramedic told us it would be a terrible experience for us, because your body is in such condition that, in most can not identify them. Were told that they have fourteen bodies that can be recognized. Initially, they would not give their names, but our insistence they finally exchanged. Stefan on this list was not.
Do you informed how it will look to identify?
He was a very clear focus for us not to go to Moscow. Government representatives said that this trip is not for everyone and some people gave up. I was so determined, even I never thought of resignation. Went along with me cousin and cousin. In Moscow, we have been around midnight. There, after a brief passport check, accompanied by Russian soldiers entered the bus and we were taken to the hotel.
You were in a meeting with representatives of the Polish government?
hour after arriving at the hotel we met in the boardroom, among others Minister of the Arabian Thomas, where there has been verification of the list of people who arrived to Moscow. It turned out they are on the person who initially volunteered to go, and which could not come for formal reasons. There was, however, those who are with me, actually arrived. I reported it and asked to correct mistakes. It turned out that such people is much more. Minister Kopacz confirmed what was said in Poland: the bodies are in a terrible state, and to rethink the decision to identify them. As I said earlier, I was determined and wanted to see Stephen no matter what.
When you go to the center of pathology at the identification of a brother?
on Monday about the Fourteenth. Assigned us to the investigative group, which was a Polish psychologist, a Russian translator and the Russian prosecutor. For three hours I was written my data, information about the appearance of his brother, his clothes and things that could have had it with you. As I mentioned the subject of the most distinctive type of Nokia phone. He was an old, ten-camera that I gave to Stephen, and who was registered to me. After completion of the hearing signed the protocol. I am told that we will meet the next day and then be prepared to identify the next body. On Tuesday morning at the representatives of the government re-read the names of people who have to go to pathology center. I re-read it with errors. In pointing out that after this error still persists, we were told that it will be corrected. But not done so for our trip, which runs until Thursday - the next odczytywaniach letter was the same, which additionally have been introducing an atmosphere of nervousness. And yet enough to get our boarding passes, to avoid this mess. It got to the fact that the accompanying my cousin's wife called. There she heard that the person lives there - it resulted from the fact that he attributed to a completely different name.
Were you kept informed about the activities carried out by the Russians?
At the meeting we asked the Minister for Arab, why Poland does not participate actively in this investigation and whether it is true that not all bodies are in Moscow. He replied that everything is in order that he fully trusts the investigators Russians and Poles can not investigate because it provides for the Chicago Convention. He said that the coffin will be sealed in Moscow and can not be opened in Poland, because that is the Russian law. When you said that all bodies are already in place, pathology at the institute got the husband of one of the victims and said: "Mr. Minister, you are lying. I have a printout of information from the Internet, in which Mr. Attorney General, that is not yet remains remote because the plane is inverted and can not pick it up. " Arabic The Minister made no reply.
What was your next visit to the institute of pathology?
When we arrived there, the process began anew. I was already after the hearing, but not yet seen the body of his brother. After the information from the previous day that the new body will be to identify, I arrived there full of hope that, after what came, and finally takes place. We were shown objects found with the victims, among them the brother of a telephone. I was just happy that I finally came across a trail. From this picture, a translator, a psychologist sent me to the Russian prosecutor, who began the procedure. I explained to him that after my interview protocol is from the previous day and do not understand why we do it again. Then the interpreter told me that this is the Russian procedure. And once again started several hours torment. In my hearings there was no representative of the Polish embassy or consulate. Do
been produced outside the handset you have any other items belonging to her brother?
Finally, the prosecutor has brought you a phone that was found by my brother, two coins, the badge of the club Legia Warsaw and thread, probably from the bag, which he wore on his chest passport. He gave me a phone that I tried to run, but unfortunately I did not know the PIN. We called the family in Warsaw, that contacted the operator, and received information about how to activate this phone. As soon as I did - it turned out that it is efficient, loaded with all data preserved. It was a hundred percent proof that this is the phone of Stefan and that the person with whom it has been found, is my brother. Then you showed me a picture of the prosecutor's brother made after the accident. It is easily recognized - Stefan was on it all, he was not burned or disfigured. Before the interview process was completed, the Russian prosecutor asked me about family and siblings. I replied that it has nothing to do stuff that has no effect on pending proceedings. I said that I came to identify a brother, and not to talk about his family. When this was translated prosecutor, resigned from further questions and we went to the room where the body being shown to us.
Stefan was already on the section. The body has shown me the Polish pathologists. I must admit that the Polish specialists behaved very professionally. I was lucky that I came to the Polish team.
day before a meeting with representatives of the Polish government's identification of one of the participants said that he went to identify one of the Polish generals. Pay your body that there was absolutely prepared to identify: stained ground, gasoline, covered in blood. When asked why the body is not washed away, accompanied by the identification of the Russian took a water bottle and began to wash the corpse. The man who had to identify, was shocked.
When I saw his brother was already cleaned. Polish doctor will ask about details: whether he had an operation, marks, fractures. I said I did not. He asked me too, if I want to see the clothes. I replied that, yes, and showing them to me.
was destroyed?
not seen any damage, but it was steeped in aviation fuel. Navy was all, like shoes and underwear.
What happened to the clothes?
agreed that they be burned, but now regret. It could yet be important in explaining the causes of the disaster. In Moscow, I was in shock, lack of common sense. Even in Poland, a military police headquarters in Minsk Mazowiecki, we received only a jacket, his brother, his passport, identity card. These items were either burned or destroyed.
What happened next, after the identification of Mr Stefan Melaka?
I know it sounds bad, but I was happy that it is that the body is in its entirety. I gave more blood samples for DNA, signed the death certificate and asked if I can get my brother to Polish. I then accompanied me to the Russian said: "No, sir, for your brother's body to grant someone, someone he previously recognized as his father." I literally speechless - I thought I would get a heart attack. I began to intervene with the Minister Kopacz, who confirmed that someone has been diagnosed this body and gave me the name of that person.
contacted you with this man?
Then I received another blow - I heard that he went to Warsaw on Monday. Totally nailed back to the hotel with the conviction that, despite the recognition of corpses, not coming back with Stefan.
When I was in the hotel, walked to the plate, on which were placed the information in Polish for us. And there he saw that the name is a man who allegedly go to Warsaw on Monday. I ran to the representative of the Polish consulate, which was in place, and asked where this man is. I heard that I went to the institute of pathology. Agitated said, what's going on, and asked for the phone intervention to the Minister Kopacz. I gave the phone number to a Russian investigator, which fortunately you enrolled, and his name. After a few minutes, you gettin 'through to the Consul Assistant Minister Kopacz, but did not want her to call. Then you are separated the consul, deputy Najder rang and after a few minutes later was substituted by a car. The policemen escorting I was taken back to the institute.
When we arrived, the matter already been explained - I learned that the death certificate orzymam that Stephen will return to the country that get belonging to the subjects.
you tried to explain, how did this tragic mistake?
on Thursday when I went to the airport, the bus I saw a young man who my brother was to deal with his father. I asked him how he looked identification. He replied that after the presentation of corpses, at first hesitated whether this case is not the body of his father, because it was a bit similar. But later, after how carefully looked at, told the Russians that it is definitely not a body of his father.
Is on the death certificate of Mr. Stefan Melaka is given the cause and time of death?
On the death of his brother's death is listed hours - 10.51. Moscow time. Entered as the cause of injuries sustained in a plane crash. I want to emphasize the extraordinary role of military chaplains, who were with us in Moscow. At night, they were present at plombowaniu coffin, prayed, fulfilled his priestly ministry with his brother and the other victims of the disaster.
When you went to Moscow?
on Thursday. Our departure was preceded by a briefing passport - was extremely accurate, much more so than when we flew to Moscow. Before entering the aircraft, checked our special equipment, I had to throw away the shaving foam in the aerosol. The Russians told us to even take off her shoes, which was very humiliating. I did not agree to this. Upon arrival, the Polish slowly passed the shock and began to analyze what happened. I can not accept that the Russians carry out the investigation that the Polish government so easily agreed. I can not be reconciled with the unfair media messages, in which the fault for the disaster be charged to the Polish pilots, in particular major. Arkadiusz Protasiuk. How can something be done? Some families of victims of the disaster have subscribed to an open letter in his defense. Passes over a month since the disaster, and we are out of media speculation, we still know nothing. Except that the Polish government has shown a total helplessness.
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