Thursday, May 27, 2010

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crew of TU-154M - professionals or suicide?

Author: toy (

Whom to blame the least affected living state and military officials?

easiest on the crew. Can no longer defend themselves, and did not say what really happened. First, fast decision - to advance. Posthumously, well, good, and so distribute promotions Komorowski and Klich. Posthumous promotions may be some form of reward and perhaps trying to plug a paragraph victims' families of the crew. Passing month, it is suggested that the crew of the Tupolev Presidential suicide who crossed all the powers and violated the rules. They were not practicing on simulators ...

The only tangible evidence is in the hands of Russia and the Interstate Aviation Committee. Even the Polish "black box" back to Russia, but it must be in Poland ...

theoretically access to all relevant material is Edmund Klich. What Klich said first depends on what you give him to read, and secondly not all disclose Klich, and as we disclose it often changes his mind. Is the evidence of the catastrophe are prepared, falsified no one knows, and nobody will check. Well, unless for 70 years ... I recall that the investigation in Moscow, Putin personally supervise, and it depends on it which comes to light and what not.

wonder wise heads, professional, why the crew had ignored warnings TAWS why it flew so low, why not gone around, why Gen. Błasik was in the cockpit ...? Nay, even a journalist in the media suggest that Gen. Błasik piloted in the last moments of the flight of TU-154M.

In today's program, TVN, facts after facts interview with two pilots, died a lot of questions but I ran out of my question ...

Is the decision of the crew of TU-154M could be affected by a failure of the aircraft?

As usual, I have an opinion, different from media assessments of professional journalists.

I also can accept your hypothesis, if the aircraft was a major accident is a well- would explain why the crew broke the rules "and attempted to land at any price in Smolensk. Explained by a major failure in the presence of Gen. Błasik in the cockpit of the aircraft.

Are presidential Tupolev was 100% technically efficient?

This is 100% sure no one finds it most of us can rely on the contributions of Edmund Klich and several persons belonging to the Polish Government. Klich said that the plane was in good working order. Unfortunately, the "black dots" on a piece of wing presidential Tupolev did not explain. If someone (bombers) have developed a perfect plan to attack, it is also prepared several versions of answers to various questions. Provided that someone will ask ... but the questions is not enough, and in addition they are very selective. Certain facts are particularly emphasized, while others are ignored. Often the impression that this is just casual private citizens see the different parts with which they ask and expect explanations. Most professional journalists, ignores the inconvenient questions.

More and more stress the possible pressure on the crew Gen Błasik TU-154M.

recall Fragma. yesterday's entry: "autopilot" was attached in the chair. 8.14 simulation shown in TVN, Klich Edmund watched it, not denied arming hours "autopilot." "Autopilot" is disabled for a few seconds before the destruction of the aircraft - in the preliminary report submitted MAK.

In such a case, you can talk about any pressure on Gen. Błasik crew?

I'm afraid that the crew decided to make a "scapegoats." Because no one will neither blame nor say "the plane was damaged" if "this was an attack" ...

Klich: Pilots deliberately descended below the decision height

"... Pilots of the presidential Tupolev deliberately descended below the so-called decision height, which is 100 meters - Edmund said Klich, head of the State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation. It will help in explaining the tragedy of April 10.

Klich told us that he repeatedly heard in the cabin of an automatic warning signal before the dangerous descent, calling the crew to pickup machine. A crew member on a regular basis and gave details of the amount. Every ten meters: up to 20 meters above the ground. TAWS warning system for pilots. There were more than 20 commands. For any, to the very end does not reagowali.Kiedy increased to full speed, it was already too late for this wysokości.To heavy aircraft. They were almost 15 feet below the belt at some point - added Klich.

He would not comment on the information given by TVN24 that at an altitude of 1980-1990 meters in the second pilot said: "We're leaving," which means stop landing.

Do pilots know the terrain rises? According to the journalist

RMF FM Martin Friedrich, it is still too early to say that the pilots deliberately went down so low. For now, it is certain only that they knew how low are above ground - one of the crew members regularly read up to the radio altimeter said 1920 feet. But we do not know whether this was just aware of the plan: to go as low as possible - in spite of the warning system for TAWS and hoping that the plane is on track, according to calculations in a moment appeared runway threshold.

The countdown of this will only record the voice - we can not compare him with the parameters of the flight. And this is important because it could also be so that from the height of eg 60 or 70 meters away the crew can begin on the second circle. And we must remember that the spin Tu-154 engines for maximum speed, and finally reaction of the swing plane and increase the helm - they must endure. This can take up to several seconds. At that time the aircraft reduced its height at about 4 meters per second. In addition, a moment later he also began to ascend the terrain. The question is whether the pilots knew about it ... "

source: BBC News , Klich: Pilots deliberately descended below the decision height

Russian press about the "fatal landing" in Smolensk

"mortal landing commanded Polish commander of the Air Force" - highlights the daily "Izvestia", indicating the presence of General Andrew Błasik in the cockpit during the final phase of the flight Polish Tu-154M April 10.

Błasik message about the presence in the cockpit of the presidential Tupolev in the last minutes of flight officially handed over on Monday evening, President of Polish State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation Edmund Klich.

His comments relate the other Russian newspapers, including-volume - "Moskovskiy Komsomolec" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Izvestia believe that the statement Klich "in fact means that even for a few minutes before the crash, it was clear that the situation requires an analysis at the level of the main pilot country." "That is, the conditions were extremely hard landing, which is likely to warn pilots of high-ranking passengers" - indicates journal.

"What the General entered the cockpit? The official response so far not no. Before Błasikiem the cockpit came one other person "- they write," Izvestia ".

newspaper notes that the President of the Polish State Commission for Aircraft Accident Investigation acknowledged that "the emergence of commanders in the cockpit, an unusual situation." "But he refused to clarify whether General Błasik exerted some pressure on the pilots" - mark "Izvestia".

The "Moskovskiy Komsomolec" Klich interprets the statement as "indirect confirmation that the crew of the Polish aircraft, which crashed near Smolensk, was under psychological pressure, which could cause a catastrophe. " Official the titles his material: "The Poles committed to the pressures against the pilots."

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" published the opinion of the former Ministry of Defence expert on flight safety in Russia, Colonel Viktor Timoszkina, who suggested that General Błasik able to sit at the controls of the Tu-154M at the time of the disaster.

"The fact that someone from the outsiders in the aircraft could not only stay in the cabin, but even sit the controls, we talked a long time. Today unanswered several important questions remain. We do not know whether because of age, commander of the Polish Air Force was authorized to fly, or had experience in piloting the Tu-154 "- newspaper quotes Timoszkina.

"In my view, fully reliable version is that the plane crashed not because of the conduct of pilots, but the fault of high-ranking personalities. Unfortunately it is not uncommon, "- said the expert, and added:" We in the disaster killed four governors - in all cases they ordered the pilots to exercise certain maneuvers "..."

source: BBC News , Russian press about the "fatal landing" in Smolensk

level decision

"... The master knew how to fly low - consciously went down to 20 meters above the ground, although he did not see the belt. Edmund Klich reveals further details of the tragedy in Smolensk. He talks about the pressures and the disastrous mistakes pilots training - no training on simulators. And listening to him give the pilots - this land is suicide. Such training threatens another tragedy. How much do we know? (Fakty) ... "

source: TVN24 Decision Level:
master knew how to fly low - consciously went down to 20 meters above the ground, although he did not see the belt. Edmund Klich reveals further details of the tragedy in Smolensk. He talks about the pressures and the disastrous mistakes pilots training - no training on simulators. And listening to him give the pilots - this land is suicide. Such training threatens another tragedy. How much do we know? (Fakty)


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