Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Joico Spray Glaze Reviews

Conversation with Viktor Suvorov about the disaster in Smolensk

Angielski transcription attached below.

with Viktor Suvorov, Russian dissident, writer and publicist, a former Soviet GRU resident in Geneva, talks ANTONI Zambrowski.

AZ: It turned out that shortly after the crash near Smolensk stolen bank cards Andrew Carrier. Withdrawals from his account was made in Russia.

WAS: And what's to be expected? Russia All property is stolen. Authorities receive billions for the oil and gas and this money goes to private pockets. I guess no one in Russia does not do anything to find the thieves who robbed the victims of the plane crash at the airport Siewiernyj.

AZ: A President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who recently has repeatedly emphasized that they depend on good cooperation with the Polish?

WAS: They are currently involved in a crime scuff marks near Smolensk. According to my information at the direction of the highest authorities in Russia are treated the presidential plane crash site to the extent that they are uprooted trees that cut down the sloping samolot.Wszystko so that was not possible to determine the precise course of events. That will be the same in case of theft of bank cards, we will never know the truth never.

AZ: Russian Federation Interior Ministry official denied that their officers have stolen, Russian authorities also deny that such a fact at all took place.

WAS: (Laughs) And is not it always been so? This is an old Russian tradition, and can serve as an example a scene in "Rewizorze" Nikolai Gogol: The Mayor accused the widow told wybatożyć podoficerze, he replied that he was not wybatożył her, but she did it yourself. And it happened in Russia proverbial equivocation: it's not us, but they themselves did. I suppose that soon we will hear that a stolen card Poles, and now accuse innocent Russians.

(author's postscript Blog: The Russians reported that Russian soldiers had stolen the card. Reportedly found in these four ATM cards, which the Russian owners of the service do not want to disclose. The soldiers had not been arrested, received only a special supervision unit in its military and were informed about threatening them with consequences in the form of forced labor, correctional work, or imprisonment up to 5 years)

AZ: But that contradicts the facts.

WAS: In Russia, there is still a criminal regime, which is on the conscience of tens of millions of murdered people. How will the Soviet kopeck, we'll see on the globe, and above it the hammer and sickle. It was their intention - the Soviets wanted to dominate the world. Russia ruled out the successor of that regime and to speak plainly, they are criminals from the lowest to the highest level of government, including Putin and Medvedev. They are not afraid of anything and are not ashamed, as is the opportunity to steal something - a steal. They are never voluntarily admitted to any crime and will not do so either now or in the future. They will do it only if it will be backs to the wall and have no other choice or if this will have tangible benefits.

With Viktor Suvorov, Russian dissident, writer and publicist, a former Soviet GRU resident in Geneva, talks ANTONI Zambia. 

AZ: It turned out that shortly after the crash near Smolensk someone stole bank cards that belonged to Andrzej Przewoźnik. All withdrawals from the account were made in Russia. 

WS: And what did you expecte? Russia's property is still being stolen. Authorities receive billions for the oil and gas and the money goes to private pockets. I guess no one in Russia will do anything to find the real thieves who robbed the victims of the plane crash at the Severnyj airport. 

AZ: And President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who recently has repeatedly emphasized that they do care about good cooperation with Poland? 

WS: They are currently engaged in erasing traces of a crime of Smolensk. According to my information at the direction of the highest authorities of Russia the crash site of fall presidential plane is being cleaned to such an extent that they grubbed trees cut by the sloping plane. Everything in order not to determine the exact course of events. That will be the same in case of theft of bank cards, the truth will never be known. 

AZ: Russian Federation Interior Ministry official denied that their officers made a steal, the Russian authorities deny that such a fact occurred at all.

WS: (Laugh) Wasn't it like this forever? This is an old Russian tradition, and let me give you such an example, a scene from “THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR” (i.e. REVIZOR) by NIKOLAI GOGOL: The Mayor being accused that he had ordered to whip officer's widow, replied that he had not ordered to whip her, but she did it herself. And it happened in Russia proverbial evasion: it is not us, but they did it themselves. I suppose that soon we will hear that cards were stolen by Poles, and now they are accusing the innocent ones. 

(Postscript of author: The Russian media report that Russian soldiers had stolen the card.Russian military police allegedly found four ATM cards by the soldiers, although Russian services do not want to disclose cardholders' names. The soldiers were not arrested, they only receive a special supervision in its military unit and were informed about the threat of their consequences in the form of forced labor, correctional work, or imprisonment up to 5 years) 

AZ: But that contradicts the facts.

WS: In Russia, there is still a criminal regime, which is on the conscience of tens of millions of murdered people. Let's take a look at the Soviet kopeck coin, we'll see the globe and above it the hammer and sickle. It was their intention - the Soviets wanted to dominate the world. Currently, Russia is being ruled by the successor of that regime, and frankly, they are criminals from the lowest to the highest level of government, including Putin and Medvedev. They are not afraid of anything and are not ashamed, and if there is any opportunity to steal something - they will surely steal. They will never voluntarily confess to any crime and will not for so Either now or in the future. Will so only if They have Their back against the wall and have no other option or if They have tangible benefits from this.

See also:

Soviet Story

Victor Suvorov


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